Friday, October 24, 2014

Stress Relief - Preparation in Solitude

"Satisfy us in the morning with Your faithful love so that we may shout with joy and be glad all our days." Psalm 90:14 (HCSB).

I try to start every morning with some time alone with God. I spend time in reading His Word, and then talking with Him. As I have so often taught - two things to do every day - Read Your Bible and Pray.

You can take time anytime during the day for getting alone with God, but saints down through the ages have found that rising first thing in the morning and spending time with the Father prepares them for whatever comes their way during the day. We start our day God-centered, and then our minds and hearts continue through out the day focusing on Him. He takes this time to help us be prepared for whatever comes our way during the day. He can equip us for the day.

Starting now, plan on setting aside some time first thing in the morning to connect with God. To let Him establish and develop your hearts and minds for what is coming that day. It will reduce the anxiety and frustrations that you will face during the day - because you are prepared.

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