Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Where Will Revival Start?

In a few days, the church I am Transitional Pastor at will begin a series of five meetings on Revival. We are privileged to have a student from Southwestern Theological Seminary come and lead our services. We began praying for God to move in our hearts back in January and will continue to pray for Him to ignite the fire in each of us. we have been praying for Eric Dyer as he is preparing his heart and messages to come be with us. Over the next few days of devotions, I will be sharing some thoughts about revival.

Consider a verse often used for a call to revival. While the context is focused upon Israel, the truths can apply to us today.

2 Chron. 7:14 - "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."

Consider some things that we can learn that is necessary for Revival to happen. We can start with we must conquer our individual bent toward PRIDE. We must “Humble ourselves.” The word humble means to bend the knee or submit to authority. The authority meant in this passage is of course, God. This is one of the essential ingredients to experiencing a revival in a church, city, county or country! Right now my concern is that we haven’t gotten low enough to experience revival! Psalm 34:18 says, “The Lord is near those who have a broken heart.” 

The #1 reason America is turning it's back on God and will not submit ourselves “Under God” is not because we are a powerful society, not because we are a productive society, not because we are a pluralistic society, but because we are a prideful society! 

You see pride says to God, “I don’t need you”, “I don’t want you” and “I don’t care about you!” President Abraham Lincoln cautioned America over the curse of slavery when he urgently addressed his 19th century nation saying, “We have grown in numbers, wealth, and power as no other nation has ever grown…Intoxicated by unbroken success, we have become too self-sufficient to feel the necessity of redeeming and preserving grace, too proud to pray to the God that made us.” 

If we conquer pride – we will have revival!

Prayer: Father, break the yoke of pride that hangs upon our nation's neck. But, Father to do this, You must first break the yoke of pride that hangs around my neck. Father, free me from the sin of pride, humble me to be Your servnt. I praise You for all that You are and can do in my life, may I be freed up from pride to serve You fully. Amen.

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