Saturday, October 13, 2012

Day 13: Surrender Through Prayer

John 17:4 “I have glorified You on the earth. I have finished the 

   Most of us do not like to die to our desires, agendas and personal
preferences. It is often a very difficult thing because selfless living
is not something that comes naturally to us as humans. It’s like the
little girl who kept reaching for the ornament on the tree. Her dad
kept warning her and finally asked her why she kept reaching for
the ornament. She responded, “Daddy, it is so hard!”
   In John 17:4 Jesus prays toward His finished work on the earth
even though He has yet to experience the cross, grave, resurrection
or ascension. How can He pray in past tense in John 17:4 concerning
the things He has yet to experience? The answer is because He
has already been to the garden and surrendered to these things in
prayer. This is clearly seen in John 12:28 where Jesus prays, “Father
glorify your name.” He is thus surrendering to the Father’s Kingdom
desires, purposes and plans. He is saying to the Father – “Let’s do
it, I will die to myself for Your Kingdom to come and Your will to
be done in and through my life.” The result of that kind of praying
was redemption for a lost humanity. What could happen if we
surrendered or died to self in prayer?

Prayer Points
   • Ask the Father to show you things you need to die to so that His
Kingdom may come through your life
   • Pray for the Father to be glorified as you surrender to His will in
your daily life

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