Monday, August 31, 2020

Proverbs for Living - 31

Proverbs 31:10 (CSB) - "Who can find a wife of noble character? She is far more precious than jewels."

The writer (believed to be Solomon under a "pet name" from his mother) ends this book with a description of a virtuous or noble woman. Too many try to say that the Bible is anti-woman. The Scriptures hold women up in very high standing. Consider Eve, she is called the mother of all living. Consider that Christ enters the world through a woman. One of His last acts before dying was to make sure His earthly mother was taken care of.

So, read this passage again and again. See the picture of a godly woman. Ladies, this is something to strive for. Men, this is something to look and praise ladies for.
  • Verses 1-9 explains that a Godly Woman is a Teacher.
  • Verse 10 speaks to the fact that a Godly Woman is Virtuous.
  • Verse 11 pictures a Godly Woman as Trustworthy.
  • Verse 13-15 emphasizes that a Godly Woman is Diligent.
  • Verses 16-18 state that a Godly Woman is Frugal.
  • Verses 19-20 picture her as Compassionate.
  • Verses 21-23 show us that a Godly Woman has Dignity.
  • Verse 25 reminds us that a Godly Woman is Strong.
  • Verse 26 teaches us that a Godly Woman is a Counselor.
  • And, verses 28-31 calls to us to Revere a Godly Woman.
I believe that I have found one of the noble women in my wife, Linda. And, I believe that she worked at being an example for my three daughters of what a Virtuous Woman should be in all areas of their lives.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for this book of Proverbs. Thank You that You have provided many lessons of living in its pages. May we take the lessons we have gleaned from these pages and apply them to our lives. May we walk in wisdom for the remainder of our days. Amen.

Sunday, August 30, 2020

Proverbs for Living - 30

Proverbs 30:2-3 (CSB) - "I am more stupid than any other person, and I lack a human’s ability to understand. I have not gained wisdom, and I have no knowledge of the Holy One."

The Scriptures are full of what I call sometimes the upside down lesson. You know, if you want to live you must die to self, to have abundance you must give away, and many other such concepts. One of the many upside down type of lessons in the Scriptures is in this chapter. It is that brokenness leads us to obedience, which leads to fulfillment.

True brokenness can only come from knowing God (verse4). We must have a personal encounter with God to experience true brokenness. Many of the arrogant skeptics in our world are there because they have never had a personal life-changing encounter with Jesus Christ. Verses 5 and 6 go on to show us that true brokenness comes from knowing God's Word. How many times have you read the entire Bible? All 66 books and 1189 chapters? How much do you read each day? KNowing God's Word will teach you true humility.

True humility comes from truly knowing ourselves (verses 7-14). We can not experience true brokenness until we come to the full knowledge of ourselves. We boast about how good we are, and yet the Scripture warns that pride comes before destruction. Don't ever say I would never do this or that. The chances are that that is the very thing that God will allow to happen so that you will know true brokenness. I can speak from experience.

The final verses (15-33) show us that as we study and know God's wondrous creation we can be truly broken. When we see vast, marvelous, and complex all of Creation is, we see our frailty and weaknesses. We can be truly broken.

Prayer: Thank You for Your Word, Precious Father. Help us to better understand true humility and brokenness. Teach us to humble ourselves before You and mankind. Amen.

Saturday, August 29, 2020

Proverbs for Living - 29

Proverbs 29:18 (CSB) - "Without revelation people run wild, but one who follows divine instruction will be happy."

Many older translations give this verse as "Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he." The Hebrew word used here for revelation, châzôn, means literally vision, and is speaking of a prophetic vision. 

We need God’s word and this proverb is a great reminder of that fact. The Bible, the inspired scriptures of the only true God, is crucial for us. Without a revelation of God’s will, mankind is desperately ignorant and will self-destruct. Individual examples of dysfunction are all around us. Man will soon destroy the world with their insane rebellion, except for God holding it all together. Neglect the Bible to our own peril. Fulfillment and happiness are by keeping God’s commandments, which can only be known by attention to the Bible. Your success and prosperity depend on you having a message from God. 

As often in the Proverbs, we see that the parallelism tells us that “vision” is the hearing and reading of God’s word. A happy man is contrasted with people perishing, and the law of God is contrasted with “no vision.”  The lesson is simple but powerful. God’s word is a great blessing, and obeying it is the basis for true happiness. But where the word of God is not preached, the people will die in ignorance and folly from starvation for knowledge.  The Holy Scriptures and the faithful preaching of them provide more value to us than any other blessing. For obeying God’s word saves us from horrible ignorance and trouble, leads us to the highest peace, prosperity, and pleasure possible in this world, and contains all the spiritual instruction to prepare us for the next world. It teaches us how to walk with God in confidence of eternal life and personal fellowship with Him.

As I remind the churches I have pastored - "Two things you need to do every day - Read Your Bible and Pray!"

Prayer: Make us good listeners, good learners of Your Word. You Word, Father, gives life, sustains life, and prospers us in life. I will seek to read Your Word and heed Your Word. Amen.

Friday, August 28, 2020

Proverbs for Living - 28

Proverbs 28: 22 (CSB) - "A greedy one is in a hurry for wealth; he doesn’t know that poverty will come to him."

One thing we can learn in the Scriptures is that everyone of us are stewards. A steward is one who actively directs affairs of someone else. since everything in Creation belongs to God, then what we have is given to us to manage or be stewards of. We are responsible for our Time, Talent, Treasure, Temple, and Testimony. In this chapter we can see some principles of good stewardship.

Verses 1-2 tell us that a good steward is spiritually stable. One person has given the following as a checklist for victorious Christian living: (1) Bible Study, (2) Prayer, (3) Church Attendance, (4) Baptism, (5) Witnessing, and (6) Tithing. How do you check out with this list?

Verse 3 and 27 show that a good steward should be spiritually compassionate. Every cup of water given in God's name will reap rewards.

Verse 8 provide us with the image of a good steward being spiritually fair in all of his dealings with all people, regardless of social, ethnic, or economic status. Verse 13 goes on to picture a good steward as having spiritual integrity.

Verse 19 encourages us that a good steward has spiritual diligence. Hard work is the name of the game. Diligence is a requirement. And finally, verse 24 stresses that a good steward is committed to their family. We must make our wife or husband, our children our top and uttermost priority in life. To paraphrase a scripture - "What does it profit a person to win the whole world, and lose their family."

Prayer: Father, I want to be a good steward of all the blessings that You have given to me. May I follow the teachings in this chapter. May I have the right priorities in all areas of my life. Amen.

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Proverbs for Living - 27

Proverbs 27:17 (CSB) - "Iron sharpens iron, and one person sharpens another."

One of the joys of life is finding friends. Everyone deep down wants to have friends. In this chapter, Solomon tells us how to win friends and influence people by avoiding certain personality and character traits that are negative.
  1. Don't be a braggart - verses 1-2. Don't brag. Don't be constantly telling people how great you are. Don't boast about the future - it is totaling in God's Hands.
  2. Don't be envious - verses 3-4. Another way of saying this is don't be jealous. Promote others. Don't feel that you have to be the best, the strongest, the smartest, or the wealthiest. Let others do most of the talking - you do most of the listening.
  3. Don't be ashamed of your roots - verses 5-10. Don't be ashamed of your parents, grandparents, your upbringing. 
  4. Don't be a nagger - verses 15-16. Some have said that Solomon was probably an expert of this - since he had 300 wives and 700 concubines. Joyous and fulfilling homes have no place for nagging wives or husbands.
  5. Don't run with the wrong crowd - verse19. We become like those who we associate with. I worked with a very negative person over a period of time. My wife noticed that I had become very cynical and negative in my actions and comments. Changing co-workers to one who was very positive changed my demeanor. We become mirrors of those we spend time with.
  6. Don't be overly ambitious - verse 20-21. Don't allow your ambitions to override your principles. You never have to do wrong to do right. The end does not justify the means. Don't take shortcuts. Don't violate your principles.
  7. Don't be careless and negligent - verses 23-27. We have an obligation to provide and care for our families. That means, if work according to my training and education is not available, I will take something below my training and education. I am not to proud for any level of work, but I do have pride that will not allow me to take handouts.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, you have shown us in your Word how to live successfully. I want to please and honor You. I want to be a blessing to those around me. May I leave tracks behind me that will lead others to You. Amen.

Proverbs for Living - 26

Proverbs 26:12 (CSB) - "Do you see a person who is wise in his own eyes? There is more hope for a fool than for him."

In today's chapter of Proverbs, we find four bad fellows. In verses 1-11 we see the fool, we might call them rebels. Solomon spends a great deal of time talking about those who rebel against God and His wisdom. When we refuse to live according to God's Word, to see things from His perspective (wisdom), or just ignore His Word, then we are in rebellion against God. Fools are undisciplined. They are unreliable. They cause many heartaches and problems. God just can't use those who are fools - rebels against Him.

The second bad fellow is found in verse 12. This is the egotist. a conceited person. Someone who knows everything. Somebody who has all the answers. Someone who cares only about himself. Someone who is promoting themselves. In God's Kingdom, there are not big-shots. We are family. God deliver us from thinking too highly of ourselves.

Bad fellow number three is the bum. We find him in verses 13-16. The bum is full of excuses. He loves his bed - lazy. He is the who loves work - he can watch someone else do it all day long.

And finally, bad fellow number 4 is the busybody. Read verses 17-28. This person is constantly meddling in other people's affairs. They are full of hate and deceit. They are constantly talking about others - in a gossipping way. Gossip is a sin that is condemned in both the Old Testament and New Testament. In today's society we have made gossip so much easier to do. We call it Social Media. We get on it and share about other people - often in hurtful ways. We can spread the venom of our words without facing anyone. We can spew forth hateful and usually exaggerated statements about someone that goes throughout the internet to untold thousands of people.

As you consider the four bad fellows, realize that in this chapter we are going from the bad to the worst. And God can forgive and restore anyone who is in these situations - if they repent and come to Him.

Prayer: Father, we thank You for the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ. The message of His death, burial, resurrection and return for all mankind. We know that His death is totally sufficient for anyone - if they will accept the free offer of salvation. Amen.

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Proverbs for Living - 25

Proverbs 25:26 (CSB) - "A righteous person who yields to the wicked is like a muddied spring or a polluted well."

Every relationship is important and has to do with people. I remember a despondent missionary once saying, "I love doing mission work, it's the people I struggle loving." As believers, we have a vertical relationship with the Father, but we also have a horizontal relationship with those we come in contact with. In this chapter, we find four areas of advice on dealing with people.

In verses 4 and 5 we see advice to leaders. It calls those of us who are leaders to seek out godly counsel, righteous and just in our position of leadership. We need biblically sound advisors. The history of man displays many of a leader who surrounded himself with the wrong type of advisors, and they all achieved the same result - failure.

Verse 8-10 talk to us about getting along with our neighbors. As you read these verse today, consider how you respond to your neighbors. (As a sideline, when asked by an expert in the Law who was his neighbor, Jesus gave the parable of the Good Samaritan - in other words, anyone we came in contact with).

In verses 16 and 28, the writer speaks about dealing with ourselves. In verse 16 we can consider that when people pour too much praise upon us, we need to be careful, don't fall for it. It can be nauseating. And in verse 28 we are reminded to be spiritually controlled. Lack of self-control is a spiritual weakness. (Read Gal. 5:22-23 for further thoughts on this).

And finally, verses 21-22 deals with our relationship with our enemies. Dr. B. R. Lakin used to say about dealing with an enemy - "Love them, pray for them. and outlive them."

Prayer: Father, thank You for this chapter which tells us how to deal with people. Help us, becasue we are heeding Your Word to become channels of blessing to others. Amen.

Monday, August 24, 2020

Proverbs for Living - 24

Proverbs 24:16 (CSB) - "Though a righteous person falls seven times, he will get up, but the wicked will stumble into ruin."

I like the way that Peterson translated verse 10 in the Message, "If you fall to pieces in a crisis, there wasn’t much to you in the first place." Dr. Jerry Falwell said over and over, "You don't determine a man's greatness by his talent or by his wealth, as the world does, but rather by what it takes to discourage him." D. L. Moody is quoted as saying, "I've never known God to use a discouraged person."

Everybody has trouble. This is not a reason for quitting. Harry Truman had a biblical basis for what he said so often, "If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen." As Children of God we need to learn to "stand the heat." There are two words that should not be in the Christian's vocabulary - "quit" and "cannot."

This ties with the opening verse today. If we are in God's Will, we can often find ourselves with two strikes, but we cannot strike out. God often takes us to edge before taking us through. The old adage, "It's darkest before the dawn" is the way that He will train us. He uses these trials to strengthen us. To grow us. To make us trust Him more. So.........just hang in there. Hold on a little longer. And He will always give the victory.

Prayer: Father, I look to You to instruct me in Your Ways. They are so far higher than my ways. Often I fail to understand them, but I am learning to trust You. Amen.

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Proverbs for Living - 23

Proverbs 23:4-5 (CSB) - "Don’t wear yourself out to get rich; because you know better, stop! As soon as your eyes fly to it, it disappears, for it makes wings for itself and flies like an eagle to the sky."

How many Christians have wasted their lives by being exploited by a CHrist-hating world. According to 1 John 2:15-16 warns us, "Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For everything in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride in one’s possessions—is not from the Father, but is from the world." That is how Satan fell from heaven. That is how Adam fell into sin. That is how all men fall from God. If Satan can get to us through these avenues, we have been exploited by the Devil, the flesh, and the world.

We need to be careful of our associations, particularly if they influence us to do things that are displeasing to God. Associations with those who rebel against God (both believer and unbeliever) then we can waste and ruin our lives. We must watch for unprincipled business practices (verse 10-11). Don't take advantage of those who we do business with. Be sure to use just standards and practices.

Beware of wasting our lives by living immorally (verses 26-28). God calls us to be pure morally. But, suppose I have already been immoral? Have I wasted my life? No! We can be thankful that we have a God who when we come to Him and confess and repent then according to 1 John 1:7 by the blood of Jesus Christ we have a new beginning. We can start over and are called to not sin like this any more.

In verses 29-35 the writer warns us not to waste our lives through chemical addictions. While these verses address alcohol addiction ("Who has woe? Who has sorrow? Who has conflicts? Who has complaints? Who has wounds for no reason? Who has red eyes?), I believe it holds true to all forms of chemical addiction - alcohol and drugs. Many a person has wasted their lives under the control of these substances. God calls us to be filled the the Holy Spirit and not under the control of these substances (Ephesians 5:18).

Prayer: Fill me Spirit! Move me to walk in the way that is productive. Don't let me waste my life. I have only one life to live, and I want to live it for the honor and glory of my Precious Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.


Saturday, August 22, 2020

Proverbs for Living - 22

Proverbs 22:1 (CSB) - "A good name is to be chosen over great wealth; favor is better than silver and gold."

In this chapter of the Proverbs, we can muse over the concept of having credibility with God and man. It is important to build our personal character. If people do not believe in you, it really doesn't matter how well you speak or perform. If people cannot believe in you, your word is worthless and your character is flawed. Thus, it ultimately doesn't matter what you accomplish or accumulate in life. We are considering this from the first three words of the chapter - "A good name." Consider 8 points in this chapter ---
  1. We must get our priorities in order - verse 1. (How is our relationship with God and man?)
  2. We must develop a Christian worldview - verse 2. (What is our basic philosophy for life?)
  3. We must have a Biblical plan for success - verse 3. (How do we order our time, plan our actions and spiritual habits?)
  4. We must develop a good attitude toward others - verse 4. (How is our fellowship with fellow saints - and with non-believers?)
  5. We must learn good parenting - verses 6, 15. (How can I truly be successful in the world if I am not successful as a parent at home?)
  6. We must observe prudent business practices - verse 7. (What is my view of money - does it override honest and true business practice?)
  7. We must learn to be diligent - verse 13, 16, 26-27. (Am I using excuses for my laziness? Why do I not seek to do what I know I should do?)
  8. We must practice Biblical morality - verse 14. (Do I take a stand for what is right and moral?
Prayer: Teacher of all Truth, Most Holy Spirit, come into my life, shape my mind with the truth that You bring into my soul. Help me to conform and be credible with both God and man. May my life be one that shines forth truth. May I walk in the way that You have set before me. Amen.  

Friday, August 21, 2020

Proverbs for Living - 21

Proverbs 21:1-2 (CSB) - "A king’s heart is like channeled water in the Lord’s hand: He directs it wherever he chooses. All a person’s ways seem right to him, but the Lord weighs hearts."

This chapter of Proverbs deals in many ways with the Sovereignty of God in many areas. We can see about God's sovereignty in the affairs of the government, the affairs of the poor, the affairs of the wicked, and the affairs of conflict. Pause and muse over each of these areas.

On this day, I am musing over the first verse,   and encourage you to do the same. In America, we might substitute the word president for the word king. It would include the senators, congressmen, governors, state legislators, and all the judicial system at all levels. If we truly want to influence our leaders in a God ordained fashion, then we need to get on our knees and talk to Him about the leader. God is still in control. Our leaders (yes, even those at our work) are in His Hand. We are not to go out and riot or take matters into our own hands. In the New Testament, Paul tells Timothy in the first letter to Timothy that if we pray for those in authority everywhere, that God will move upon their hearts to do right, and in return we can live in peace.

When was the last time you prayed for your leaders?

Prayer: God of the Universe, Sovereign Lord and Master, May I remember that all things are in Your hand and control. Help me to seek You at all times. May I remember to pray for those in authority over me, may I not take the matters into my own hands, may I patiently wait and watch how You will move to Your Honor and Glory. Amen.

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Proverbs for Living - 20

Proverbs 20:27 (CSB) - "The Lord’s lamp sheds light on a person’s life, searching the innermost parts."

What is a taboo? One definition I read said that it is a rule against doing or saying something in a particular culture or religion. Today, as we ponder the truths that are in this chapter of the book, see eight taboos that we are warned about.

  • Taboo #1 is Chemical and Alcohol Addiction in verse 1.
  • Taboo #2 is Disobedience to Civil Law in verse 2.
  • Taboo #3 is Violation of the Work Ethic in verse 4.
  • Taboo #4 is Lack of Business Integrity in verse 10.
  • Taboo #5 is Lack of Prudence in Business in verse 16.
  • Taboo #6 is Participation in Gossip in verse 19.
  • Taboo #7 is Disrespect for PArents in verse 20.
  • And, Taboo #8 is Vengeance Against Your Enemies in verse 22.

So, as we read these verses today, meditate upon the importance of God selecting these 8 things. How many do we see in the culture around us? How often do we run up against these each day? And, most importantly, how many of these am I guilty of?

DId you notice #6? God often includes this sin with many of the more hideous sins. Some of my old-timers that I talk with say about a gossip - "A talebearer who will bring a bone, will also carry one." Gossip is addictive. God hates it. Jesus can deliver. 'Nuff said.

Prayer: Holy and Righteous God, give me a heart and mind that seeks to live in a way that pleases You. Help me to leave these taboos behind me, and take up the lifestyle that radiates You to those I come in contact with. May I shine Your light into this world. Amen.

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Proverbs for Living - 19

Proverbs 19:1 (CSB) - "Better a poor person who lives with integrity than someone who has deceitful lips and is a fool."

This chapter of Proverbs could be titled "Getting Rid of Bad Habits." It shows the proper attitudes we should have in the areas of business (vss. 1-5), government (vss. 6-10), family (vss. 11-16), the poor (vs. 17), and our personal habits (vss. 18-29).

As we read this chapter today, muse over the habits that you display in each of these areas. I have been convicted in a number of areas. We are all guilty of doing something wrong everyday (and if you feel this doesn't apply to you, well, you just were mistaken). 1 John 1:9 (CSB) reminds us, "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." 

In the realm of business, the writer talks about our attitudes toward integrity, adversity, knowledge, and recklessness. In the area of the proper attitude toward our personal habits, he addresses discipline, self-control, seeking counsel, the sovereignty of God, diligence, and honoring our parents.

God doesn't want us to be negative, cynical, defeated, bitter, or malicious. He desires that we are positive, loving, kind, gracious. He desires us to be instruments of blessing to others around us.

Prayer: Our Father, teach us from Your Word today. Help us to look at ourselves, and see how we can live more like You want us to live. Make me a blessing to others. May You have free course in my heart and life. Amen.

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Proverbs For Living - 18

Proverbs 18:24 (NKJV) - "A man who has friends must himself be friendly, But there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother."

In one commentary I read the following:

The acquisition of friends is dependent upon the ability to demonstrate friendliness toward others. He who is a friend himself will always meet others eager to reciprocate his kindness and interest. Friends, however, will often desert or fail you in the time of need. This reality should not lead to pessimism for there are true friends whose commitments will never waver. The true friend is rare and his devotion even surpasses that of a brother by birth." (Liberty Bible Commentary)

As Christians we understand that the second part of this verse is a reference to Jesus Christ, for Jesus truly is a friend who will never desert us, betray us, or cause deep hurt.

Today, muse over the fact that friendliness is contagious and this is one germ that we should be seeking to spread. Actively look today for someone who you can infect with the "friend germ."

Prayer: Most Glorious Spirit of Devotion and Love, infect me to be a friend that others can see You in me. Help me have open eyes to infect others with this germ of love and friendship. May I be used by You today to introduce someone to You. Amen. 


Monday, August 17, 2020

Proverbs for Living - 17

Proverbs 17:22 (CSB) - "A joyful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit dries up the bones."

we are aware that we can affect our health by diet, nutrition, exercise, exposure, and sleep. But are we aware that we can affect it by more than this? We can affect it by our attitude and spirit. A happy and cheerful spirit will improve your health, but a wounded and negative spirit can ruin it. So, as we muse over this verse, consider how is your attitude today? Do yourself a favor! Consider the wisdom here and choose to be cheerful in the Lord! Do it now!

The proverb’s simile, “like a medicine,” and synecdoche, “drieth the bones,” should not be perverted to ridicule antibiotics or explain the cause of leukemia. They are not to be taken to mean that we do not need the medicine and medical profession. They are figures of speech teaching the general health and value of a happy outlook and attitude toward life. There is a great lesson here, but understand that the proverb is not teaching a panacea for all sickness.

A merry heart or broken spirit is a choice we can make! They are not results of Fate, temperament, genetics, or health. And they are NOT the result of circumstances, for a cheerful person can choose to be happy in horrible difficulties, and a sad person can ruin a wonderful event. You can have a continual feast through life, if you have a joyful heart; but a person with a negative attitude can find something wrong with every day (Pr 15:15). Stop and ponder this truth.

Sin destroys a merry heart, for a child of God cannot be happy out of fellowship with His Father. So the simple first step to a merry heart and good health is to live a holy, blameless life happy in the Lord. Discontentment will ruin health, for all you can think about is what you do not have, even when you have much. If you allow envy, bitterness, lust, resentment, or anger in your life, you are begging for the judgment of God and serious health problems. These wicked thoughts will pursue you day and night; they will not let you even sleep in peace. If you do not forgive others, God will not forgive you, and you will dry up your health by such an evil, wicked disposition.

However, if we are joyful, loving, thankful, peaceful, forgiving, and full of praise, we will find the blessing of God and a therapeutic balm for our body. If we make the Lord the joy of our life, we will have a constant reason to be merry, regardless of circumstances. Our nights will be peaceful and pleasant, because our heart, soul, and mind are relaxed.

There is nothing more refreshing and healthful for us than to examine ourselves, confess our sins in private prayer, and then offer Him the sacrifices of praise and singing, either alone or in the assembly. So, step up and take our medicine today.

Prayer: Great Physician, I come to You to seek Your medicine, Your prescription, Your Divine Guidance to have a body controlled by Your great Power, Love, and Grace. May I walk in Spiritual Health today and every day henceforth. Amen.

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Proverbs for Living - 16

Proverbs 16:25 (CSB) - "There is a way that seems right to a person, but its end is the way to death."

A man recently told me that I am a dying breed. I smiled and replied that I wasn't sure to what he was referring. He said, "You are a dying breed of preachers who truly believe that the Bible is the Word of God. That it means what it says. You are willing to preach and teach it as it is."

As I mused over his comments, I realized that there are many still standing strong on God's Word, but the media and the world try to get us to believe that there are many ways to be a part of God's Kingdom - outside of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We have cults today that carry the name Christian but deny the deity of Christ. We have many theologians today who deny the inspiration and inerrancy of Scripture. And we are familiar with the many false religions in the world who promote other ways and means to achieve eternal life.

We are told in the Gospel of John that any man who tries to get in any other way than Jesus Christ is a thief and robber. So, it is our obligation to proclaim the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus to all. Salvation is by grace through faith in the good news of Jesus Christ. He is the way, and there is no other way. Our society today has been taken captive by the hedonists, the secular humanists, the liberals, the modernists, and the cultists. What we need to do is come back to the simple basic principles of the Word of God, and to allow it to remove the vain and scheming thoughts projected by the world around us.

Prayer: Precious Deliverer, My Savior Jesus Christ, I see You as THE WAY, and that the other plans, schemes, and teachings of many will not bring me closer to You, but lead me to the realm of death, Hell, and destruction. Amen.

Saturday, August 15, 2020

Proverbs for Living - 15

Proverbs 15:13 (CSB) - "A joyful heart makes a face cheerful, but a sad heart produces a broken spirit."

I like the way that Peterson translated this verse in The Message. He writes it as, "A cheerful heart brings a smile to your face; a sad heart makes it hard to get through the day." In other words, a happy heart is reflected in a happy face. The children's song reminds us that if we are happy then our face will surely show it. What does your face show?

Now, this is not a promise that everything is going to be the way you like it to go. But, you will have a peace that passes understanding when the Holy Spirit indwells you, Jesus is the Lord of your life, and this, in turn, will radiate from your face. The face is the mirror of what is in the soul.

Think about it for a moment. When you tell someone that Jesus is the answer, that He lives in you, that He can meet the greatest need in their lives - does your face radiate this glorious news, or does it send another message?

As my wife will remind me when I get so caught up in my thoughts about a situation - "Smile, God loves you, and so do I." Can you let your face speak those words to everyone who sees you?

Prayer: Spirit of Peace and Comfort, shine through my face for all to see that You live in my life. I have given you my soul, my spirit, my life - may they reflect the glory of Your presence in all that I do, and in my face. May I radiate Jesus! Amen.

Friday, August 14, 2020

Proverbs for Living - 14

Proverbs 14:4 (NKJV) - "Where no oxen are, the trough is clean; But much increase comes by the strength of an ox."

When my children were small, my wife claimed this verse in regard to her housekeeping. My wife is meticulous in maintaining a clean and organized house. She was that way from the time we were married, and she is that way today. However......

There came a point in time with three small children in the house she found it almost impossible to keep the high standards of order in the house. Toys seemed to sprout everywhere. She would pick up one room only to find the next in disarray. Cleaning it only led to finding the first room "well lived in again." After many stressful months, she came across this verse in the Bible. And it didn't take her long to realize that this fit her situation.

In wisdom (seeing things from God's perspective) she realized that there were many more important things she needed to be doing with her young inheritances from the Lord. She could stress over everything being perfectly in place, or she could spend those precious moments with her charges. She wisely chose to keep things clean, but to focus on the "oxen" she was raising. And, in hindsight, we both agree that she made the correct choice.

Today, all her children call her for advice, they seek to talk with the one who was so special to them. We are blessed with three daughters who made wise choices for husbands, made wise choices on what's important in life and made wise choices in what they are doing. Our one daughter has 4 young children and understands that they are more important than every piece being in perfect place. And, she is raising four of the greatest grandkids around. (By the way, that statement is made with no bias on my part.)

Prayer: Spirit of Life, thank You for being available to disperse to us wisdom in even the smallest matter as well as the greatest decisions. Thank You that Your Word holds true and if I continue to choose to wisely choose Your Way, I will see such blessed results. Amen.

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Proverbs for Living - 13

Proverbs 13:12 (HCSB) - "Hope delayed makes the heart sick, but desire fulfilled is a tree of life."

One of the hardest lessons in my life has been learning the principle behind this verse. Basically, we can see that God makes us wait to truly bless us. And by this, He develops HOPE in our lives.

Hope is a precious and wonderful thing. Here is a helpful and important proverb, if you will consider it carefully. Without hope, men get desperate and will do most anything to escape their hopelessness. With hope, men can endure most anything, no matter how desperate their conditions become. Wise men will appreciate the great value of hope.

Hope is the confident expectation of something desired. If the thing you desire is not obtained in the time expected, your heart and soul are grieved and pained by the delay. But when the desired thing finally arrives, it is a tree of life: your heart and soul are encouraged and revived. These two aspects of hope are true in all matters, both spiritual and natural.

Hope can be pleasant if fulfilled on time. But it can also be painful if there are delays or difficulties in obtaining your desires. Let us consider hunger for an example. Food delightful, when you eat on time. But it can be quite torturous if you are kept from eating on time. Hopelessness is one of the most destructive and painful feelings in the human experience. A wise man sets his hope on sure things. He avoids any desires or expectations for the vain things of this world that lead to despair or frustration. 

If we place our hope and expectations in wisdom - seeing things from God's perspective - we will never be disappointed. Our wise desires will be a fruitful tree, ever bringing us joy and contentment.

Prayer: God of all Wisdom, give me the wisdom to see the things that You desire and make them my desires also. I am assured that all that You desire will come to pass, and I will find great joy and contentment in my life. Amen.

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Proverbs for Living - 12

Proverbs 12: 24-25 (CSV) - "The diligent hand will rule, but laziness will lead to forced labor. Anxiety in a person’s heart weighs it down, but a good word cheers it up."

Again, chapter 12 deals with many areas. Today, let us consider these two verses.

God blesses diligence. The greatest cure for discouragement and depression is productivity. Do something worthwhile. Help Somebody. Build something. Go out and find your place of ministry.

The New Testament deals with depression. Consider the words of Paul in 2 Cor. 1:34, and the words of our Lord in John 16:33 (CSV) - "You will have suffering in this world. Be courageous! I have conquered the world.” Most of us have the wrong view of trouble. Trouble is a basic need for our spiritual growth. God does not give us overcoming life - He gives us life as we overcome.

So, ponder these principles on troubles in our lives:

  1. We will never completely get out of trouble. Churchill is quoted as saying - "Success in life is often nothing more than going from one failure to the next with undiminished enthusiasm.
  2. We are not the only one to suffer. 2 Cor. 10:13.
  3. Trouble is not always judgment from God. Heb. 12:6.
  4. Trouble does come from God - either directly or indirectly. Spurgeon reminds us that God is too good to be unkind, too wise to be mistaken, and when we cannot trace His hand, we can trust His heart.
  5. Wishful thinking and false optimism are detrimental. 
  6. Bottom line - don't quit.
Most people don't work themselves to death - they worry themselves to death. So, today, learn to meet these trouble head-on. You can be victorious by having a powerful prayer life. Develop a life-long vision for what God can do with you. Discipline your life to walk in wisdom. Continually learn. Seek to revive your spirit each and every day.

Prayer: God of All Comfort, take my life and train me to walk in the midst of my troubles. Help me to see Your heart in all that I face each day. Fill me with Your Vision and Plan for my life, and let me grasp it and run with it. May I seek You in Your fullness today.

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Proverbs for Living - 11

Proverbs 11: 3 (CSV) - "The integrity of the upright guides them, but the perversity of the treacherous destroys them."

This chapter of the Proverbs is laden with topics to guide and direct us. There are several key verses in this chapter:
  • Verse 14 -"Without guidance, a people will fall, but with many counselors there is deliverance."
  • Verse 19 - "Genuine righteousness leads to life, but pursuing evil leads to death."
  • Verses 24-25 - "One person gives freely, yet gains more; another withholds what is right, only to become poor. A generous person will be enriched, and the one who gives a drink of water will receive water."
  • Verse 30 - "The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, and a wise person captivates people."
Also, as you muse over this chapter today, consider these vital topics:
  • Verses 1-8 - If we are going to be successful in serving God, we must know the spiritual attribute of honesty.
  • Verses 9-13 - We all have influence, either good or bad. We are to use our influence for the glory of God.
  • Verse 14 - We have a responsibility to be leaders in our sphere of influence.
  • Verses 15-21 - We are to show mercy in our relationships with others.
  • Verses 22-23 - If we want to be successful, we must live by God's moral principles.
  • Verses 24-28 - We are responsible to use wisely all that God has placed in our hands.
  • Verses 29-31 - We are responsible for sharing the message of the Gospel with those we come in contact with. 
Today. as we read this chapter, there is much to take away from it and use. Seek God for what He wants you to apply today to your life.

Prayer: Father, there is so much in this precious chapter that I need to apply in my life. I can't do it myself. Come, take control and lead me into the wisdom of living my life the way that You designed me to live. I want to be in Your Will all the time. Guide me and direct me. Amen.

Monday, August 10, 2020

Proverbs for Living - 10

Proverbs 10: 3-5 (CSV) - "The Lord will not let the righteous go hungry, but he denies the wicked what they crave. Idle hands make one poor, but diligent hands bring riches. The son who gathers during summer is prudent; the son who sleeps during harvest is disgraceful."

I believe that God will not allow a person who is living in godly wisdom to starve to death. we could lose a little weight, we might suffer, but God will see us through and provide, unless it is His time to take us home. However, this is not a promise that if we are lazy and not working because of our choices that He will just spoon it out free and clear.

In this passage, it is a reminder that a hard-working diligent believer can make it in this world. Someone who gets up early, stays up late, works 5 or 6 days a week, will be able to provide for himself and his family. God is basically saying here - "Make hay while the sun shines." We are to work (if physically able) while it is the day, because at night it is time to rest.

And, from the Scriptures, it is evident that when God does bless us with things, we should also share with others who truly has needs. Not under force or duress, but under the love and grace that He has provided to us. Following the plans and the Scriptures given us, we will live under the Will of God. And living in the Wisdom of God brings blessings. Are you wanting to be blessed? Then put yourself into the hands of God, live in the Wisdom (Jesus) that He has provided. Walk in the ways that He places before us.

Prayer: Father, may I walk the walk that I so easily talk about. May I submit to Your Will and Way in my life. Amen. 

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Proverbs for Living - 9

Proverbs 9:1 (CSV) - "Wisdom has built her house; she has carved out her seven pillars."

The keyword wisdom means to see things from God's perspective. Yesterday we saw that Paul tells us in 1 Cor. 1:30 that Jesus is wisdom personified. Jesus was made by the Father into our "our righteousness, sanctification, and redemption." One of my mentors would refer to this verse as "Wisdom has built a palace upon seven pillars." The number seven in Scripture means perfection or complete. This house of God is a perfect place, a place where you and I will spend eternity, it is perfect because it is built upon the pillar of Jesus Christ. This perfect place is where perfect people (through Jesus Christ) will spend a perfect eternity together.

The number seven could conjure up many different ideas. Some have tried to make it mean such things as truth, holiness, justice, judgment, etc. But, that is purely conjecture and guesses on our part. Placing it in the context from the Bible as a whole, the picture of wisdom being Christ personified, I believe we are safest in seeing this number representing the perfection that comes in, by, and through Him.

I couldn't help but think also of the words of Christ in John 14: 3 (CSV) - "If I go away and prepare a place for you, I will come again and take you to myself, so that where I am you may be also." He left over 2000 years ago to prepare the eternal dwelling for all those made perfect through His salvation. If God has prepared a dwelling place for us, be assured it is built on the seven pillars of His Son. If God is building a Christian family, it is built upon the seven pillars of HIs Son. If God is building a nation, it will be built upon the seven pillars of His Son.

Over the years, we have slowly been kicking God out of areas in our country. We have been taking down the pillars, and the roof teeters on collapse. We kicked Him out of our schools. We kicked Him out of our homes. We kicked Him out of our government. We kicked Him out of our entertainment. We even kicked Him out of many of our churches. And we can see the consequences that are beginning to happen.

God is preparing a dwelling, and also a banquet (verse 2-6) for those who make wisdom the basis of their lives. Will you make Wisdom (Jesus) the basis of your life?

Prayer: Jesus, today as I ponder over my life, I seek to make you the center of all that I think and do. I seek to have my "house" built upon those seven pillars. May I truly seek to live a life of Godly wisdom in all I do. Amen.   

Saturday, August 8, 2020

Proverbs for Living - 8

Proverbs 8:32-36 (CSV) - "And now, sons, listen to me; those who keep my ways are happy. Listen to instruction and be wise; don’t ignore it. Anyone who listens to me is happy, watching at my doors every day, waiting by the posts of my doorway. For the one who finds me finds life and obtains favor from the Lord, but the one who misses me harms himself; all who hate me love death.”

We are going through the book of Proverbs and seeing how God teaches us about successful living. We saw that this entails living in the will of God. Wisdom is seeing things from God's perspective, God's point of view. 

In 1 Cor. 1:30 (CSV)  we learn that Jesus is wisdom personified. Paul states there "It is from him that you are in Christ Jesus, who became wisdom from God for us—our righteousness, sanctification, and redemption." Therefore, He is all I need and just what I need. We understand that Jesus is truth personified (John 14:6) and thus all truth that is in the Universe is Jesus Christ. Also, in verses 22-31 of this chapter tells us that wisdom (Christ) is eternal. He was, is, and ever will be. The child was born in Bethlehem, but the Son has always been with the Father since before time (John 1:1-14).

We can enjoy the continual blessings of God on us as we "keep His ways" (vs. 32), as we listen to instruction (vs. 33), and the bottom line is in verse 35 - "For the one who finds me finds life and obtains favor from the Lord, but the one who misses me harms himself; all who hate me love death.”

Prayer: Jesus, the Wisdom of God personified, teach me Your Word, Your Truth, Your Way. May I continually grow in the knowledge and understanding of You. Amen.


Friday, August 7, 2020

Proverbs for Living - 7

Proverbs 7: 1-3 - "My son, obey my words, and treasure my commands. Keep my commands and live, and guard my instructions as you would the pupil of your eye. Tie them to your fingers; write them on the tablet of your heart."

In our previous studying of this great book of the Bible, we have seen how these first seven chapters contain advice of godly parents to their children. Wisdom is seeing things from God's perspective, instructions for moral discipline in one's life, and understanding the difference between right and wrong. These three terms are used frequently in this book.

We must be obedient to God's law. Through this, we will develop and strengthen our spiritual maturity and wisdom. We need to learn and memorize God's Word. Why? Because it will keep us from stumbling and falling into sin. The majority of this chapter is a story about a young man who did not keep God's law, who did not have divine wisdom, and lacked an understanding of God's Word.

If you are reading these devotions see as we go through these chapters, everyone needs to have a mentor - a person whose influence profoundly impacts the views and actions of others. And, as believers, we must understand that every person is a mentor. Actually, every person (beleiver or not) is a person of influence to others. We influence others either positively or negatively. Which way do you influence others?

Consider this about mentors - Moses was a model for Joshua, and Elijah served as the role model for Elisha. Paul mentored many people in the New Testament. So, some traits of a mentor include being a good student, spiritually strong, tough and well-conditioned, and most of all focused on God's perfect will. We must live by God's rules.

So, today as you consider these verses, also pause and look intently into your heart and soul. What kind of mentor are you? Do you influence those who come into contact with you to grow them? Do you display godly qualities? Do you show others how to live successfully in God's eyes? Remember, many we are not aware of are looking at us to see if Christianity is real, if God is really able to live in a person.

Prayer: Father, may I be the kind of influence in my sphere of the world that is pleasing and acceptable to You. May those I come in contact with leave in a better relationship than when we crossed paths. Amen.

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Proverbs for Living - 6

Proverbs 6:16-19 (CSV) - "The Lord hates six things; in fact, seven are detestable to him: arrogant eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that plots wicked schemes, feet eager to run to evil, a lying witness who gives false testimony, and one who stirs up trouble among brothers."

In our study of this book, we come to an interesting passage. Seven things that God hates. For some people, they can't accept that God hates. After all, isn't He a God of love? How can a loving God hate something? It is things that cause the problems that we face, the basis of sins that we commit that separate us from Him. Solomon states that these seven hateful items are: (1) A Proud look. God hates pride. In fact, pride is at the root of all sin that man commits. (2) A Lying tongue. God is truth and thus cannot abide with any dishonesty. (3) Hands that Shed innocent blood. God hates violence, and we know our nation is becoming more violent and lawless. (4) A Heart that Plot wicked schemes. So many games and "entertainment" of today train us to devise ways to do what is wrong. (5) Feet eager to run to evil. God wants us to be eager to do what is right, not what is wrong. (6) A Lying witness who gives false testimony. People can be bought to bring a false testimony. Gossips and slanderers can figuratively kill a person or their testimony. (7) One who stirs up trouble among brothers. We are called to love one another. Consider before speaking - Is it true? Is it kind? Does it need to be said?

These verses set the foundation for all the rest of the chapter speaks about. Verse 1-5 speaks about making bad financial decisions. Verse 6-11 talk about having a bad work ethic. Next, verses 12-15 deal with having a bad character. and verses 20 -35 cover having bad morals.

Spend some time reading and re-reading these verse and see what God is saying to you today.

Prayer: Speak to my heart, Lord Jesus. Show me from what I am reading, studying, and learning where I need to make corrections. Where I need to get right with You. Amen. 


Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Proverbs for Living - 5

Proverbs 5:9-14 (CSV) - "Otherwise, you will give up your vitality to others and your years to someone cruel; strangers will drain your resources, and your hard-earned pay will end up in a foreigner’s house. At the end of your life, you will lament when your physical body has been consumed, and you will say, “How I hated discipline, and how my heart despised correction. I didn’t obey my teachers or listen closely to my instructors. I am on the verge of complete ruin before the entire community.”

We are seeing that God wants everyone to be successful. However, this is not what the media preachers often distort. The success in the eyes of God may entail obscurity. Consider that our Lord was laid in a borrowed cradle (manger) and ended up in a borrowed tomb. Paul died a martyr in a Roman prison. Proverbs reveals to us God's plan for a successful life, successful family, home, church, and society.

The family is under attack. The idea of the traditional biblical family is being ridiculed and destroyed in our society. When I refer to the traditional family, I am speaking of a man and woman (with or without children) legally married living together. It could include a widow or widower, it is a family established and set apart in God's way.

In our verses above, we see the high cost of low living. When we live contrary to God's direction, we will pay a price. We can lose our health. Our lives can be shortened. Our honor, self-respect, and possibly even our testimony as a Christian. Verse 10 speaks about losing our money. In verses 12-13, we see that rebellion leads to pain. In other words, why didn't I listen. By listening to God, the chastisement and disaster could have been avoided. 

Maybe you are thinking, it's too late. I have already failed. My life is wrecked.  Well, the best message is that we have a God of forgiveness. You are thinking, I have already ---- we have a God who forgives. When God forgives, He forgets. If you have fallen, come to Him. He awaits with open arms to forgive, clean you up, and set you on the right path. If you haven't fallen, take heed to this message. God is watching every act, deed, word, and thought that we have.

Only one life, twill soon be passed. Only what's done for Christ will last. Take heed to our study in Proverbs, it will guide us to live successfully.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, today I am pausing to make sure that everything between You and me is right. I look closely at my heart, my mind, and my actions. I come confessing where I have failed. I come to receive Your forgiveness and cleansing. I come renouncing all that I have done contrary to Your Word. In repentance, I seek restoration. Amen. 


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