Thursday, February 9, 2017

Colossians 1:21

The central purpose of Christ’s peacemaking work, Paul says is apparent in the Colossian believers themselves. The ones who had heard the message of being alienated from God and had willingly submitted to Him. Paul in his letter to the Romans speaks to the need for our peace with God and that it is available to any who will accept it. In Romans 8, Paul develops the doctrinal understanding that while we have not submitted to God’s provision, we are enemies with God. In this verse to the Colossian believers, Paul is taking them through this doctrine.

The alienation in which the Colossian believers were when the reconciliation of Christ found them, was three-fold. First, Paul says they were alienated religiously (alienated), The Greek word used here, appallotrioo, the condition of a non-believer. They had been alienated both from God and the life that He desires them to have. Then, Paul says that they were alienated by the enmity in their minds, the Greek word echthros translated as enemy in this verse is an adjective meaning hate or hateful, and can be understood to mean hostile. So, they were aliens to God, they were hostile in their minds and thoughts of God, and finally, he states that they did evil works. 

The word translated works is from the Greek word ergon and could be translated as employment or task. It is the business, employment, or that which any one is occupied by, and in this case, they were all poneros, or work that causes pain or sorrow, any work that is malignant evil.[1] All of these parts of the alienation display that they were willful opposition and personal animosity toward God.

Prayer: Father, I realize that in and of myself, I am at war with You. I come to Jesus to intercede and be my Peacemaker. I know that He has reconciled us by His blood. I thank You for Your great provision through Your Son, Jesus. Amen.

[1] W. E. Vine, Merrill F. Unger and William White, Vine's Complete Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words (Nashville, Tennessee: Thomas Nelson, Inc., 1996). Page 211. 

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