Saturday, February 18, 2017

Colossians 1:29

It is for the seeing everyone that he can challenge and instruct in becoming a true disciple of Jesus Christ that Paul calls “this purpose.” It is the reason that he understood his call to encompass. His work that God called him to did not rest with seeing a person receive Christ. He understood that leading someone to the Savior was only the beginning. The conclusion of his work would not be achieved until the day of Christ. It would be at this time that the quality and maturation of his work would be presented to Jesus.

He said that he labored (Greek kopio), which is a strong word. The word carries the connotation of toiling to the point of weariness.[1] He emphasized this by adding the word agonizomai translated here as striving to strengthen the importance of what he is saying. We get our English word “agonize” from this Greek word. It denotes the contending to the point of exhaustion. If the believers that Paul presented to Jesus were genuine and worthy, it would be a great joy to Paul. But, Paul knew the great shame he would have if they were not mature and complete. This is why he spent himself in the ministry of the gospel as he did.

He worked to the point of exhaustion, but, he confessed that God Himself provided the power and strength to continue. He worked in the supernatural power of Jesus’ power and might.[2]

Prayer: May I be so consumed with the call You have placed before me that I will be like the Apostle Paul and labor and agonize over every person that You place in my path and in Your plan seek their best in You. Father, I often have felt that once I brought a person to the Savior that my work was over. Help me to learn from Paul, it is not over until they stand before You complete and perfect. I will seek to obey You as You work through me. Give me that supernatural energy and power that comes only through Your Son. Amen.

[1] [1] W. E. Vine, Merrill F. Unger and William White, Vine's Complete Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words (Nashville, Tennessee: Thomas Nelson, Inc., 1996). Page 349. And see further the footnote in Bruce, F. F. The Epistles to the Colossians, to Philemon, and to the Ephesians. Grand Rapids: Eerdman's Publishing Co, 1984. Page 88. 
[2] This brings to mind the verse in Isaiah that says that if we wait upon God, He will exchange our strength for His and provide the needed ability to soar, run, and walk. (Isaiah 40:31).

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