Thursday, November 27, 2008


I hope this is a very Happy Thanksgiving to you all. I read the following and thought I would share it with you this Thanksgiving Day.

"The date was November 11, 1620, and the place was the Mayflower, anchored off the coast of Cape Cod. One hundred and two passengers, including 34 children had spent seven weeks crossing the ocean from England. Among them were 27 adults and 14 children who were Pilgrims, separatists who had fled England for Holland, yet wished to retain their English heritage. They made arrangements with the Virginia Company to settle just south of the Hudson River within the northernmost boundary of the Virginia Charter. However, fierce winds blew them off course to the north—to the shores of Cape Cod.

They realized they would be on their own since they had no agreement with the New England Company. On board the ship some of the non-Pilgrim bonded servants and those hired by contract greeted the decision to settle in Cape Cod as an opportunity for rebellion. The Pilgrim leadership saw that they must act quickly to prevent a mutiny.

The result came to be known as the Mayflower Compact, the first time in recorded history in which free men covenanted together to form a civil government with the authority to enact laws that the people promised to obey.

Before leaving the Netherlands, the Pilgrims had knelt on the dock to ask God's blessing on their voyage. After the first winter on Cape Cod, 47 people died, leaving only three families intact. These humble Christian men and women were to be the seeds of what would become the United States of America."

Today, be sure to stop and thank God for all His blessings and for those who came before us to give us this great country.

For Kingdom Education,

From God's Daily Promises as adapted from The One Year® Book of Christian History by E. Michael and Sharon Rusten (Tyndale) pp 632-33

Friday, November 21, 2008

Plan - Point - Path


John 2:15 CEV - "So he took some rope and made a whip. Then he chased everyone out of the temple, together with their sheep and cattle. He turned over the tables of the moneychangers and scattered their coins."

Jesus could have gathered His disciples around and spoke to them about how bad this was. But, He moved. He ran around the Temple demonstrating His passion. No one was bored in this lesson!

When you teach do not be anchored to one spot. Move. It is not about how far or fast - it is that you move. Movement brings change in your lesson and change produces attention. Movement creates anticipation, and anticipation creates attention. It can accentuate your points. It provides classroom management. It holds attention. Students paying attention tend to learn and retain more than those who are bored (or worst - asleep).

Movement will convince your students that you are alive - and they will be too.

Today - put that podium in the closet if you must - but get rid of your anchor and move around. Walk around your students. Get moving and see them learning.

For Kingdom Education,

from WTB "Teaching With Style" (c) 1994

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Adorn the Message


1 Peter 3:3-4 NLT - "Don’t be concerned about the outward beauty of fancy hairstyles, expensive jewelry, or beautiful clothes. You should clothe yourselves instead with the beauty that comes from within, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to God."

Peter is not teaching that we shouldn't be concerned with our appearance. He is saying if the outward appearance detracts from the message, then it should be altered. However, too often we don't even stop to consider what we look like.

Often when I am not coordinated in my shirts, tie, and jacket - I will say - my wife didn't pick out my clothes today. I had to dress myself. Sometimes I can choose the worst combination of clothing, and I have found it distracts from what I am saying. Have you seen the commercial where the guy is interviewing for a job and the coffee stain on his shirt is speaking louder than he is?

How we look conveys a lot to our students. Our appearance provides a frame. When we select a frame for a prized picture, we want one that compliments but doesn't draw attention away from the picture. Imagine going into an Art Gallery and everyone is commenting on the frames and not the artwork. Someone messed up.

Start being conscious of how you "frame" your lesson. Does your appearance hinder or help you as a teacher? Make some changes if necessary.

For Kingdom Education,

from WTB "Teaching with Style" (c) 1994

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

What is your body saying?


Rev. 1: 12, 17a NIV - "Having received the commander's permission, Paul stood on the steps and motioned to the crowd... When I saw him, I fell at his feet as though dead."

The Apostle John exiled on the isle of Patmos saw the risen Lord. His entire being reacted to it. His posture pictured his heart's response. His posture declared that Jesus is the Lord, he was His servant, and that John was ready to do what was bidden.

When you teach, what does your posture say? Do you use the correct posture for what you are attempting to say? In the lessons on "Teaching With Style," they list 5 suggestions to consider. They are:
  • Standing straight at the lectern communicates serious business.
  • Leaning on desk or wall means let's relax.
  • Sitting down - especially in a student desk or chair - shows a desire to get to their level.
  • Pacing reveals energy or excitement. And finally,
  • Staring out a window could say that your are considering their actions when they are disruptive.
Today, seek to incorporate your posture in all of your interactions with students, fellow-workers, parents, etc. Be conscious of how you communicate.

For Kingdom Education,

from WTB "Teaching With Style" (c) 1994

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Conducting the Orchestra


Acts 21:40 - "Having received the commander's permission, Paul stood on the steps and motioned to the crowd."

Ever go to watch a symphony? Isn't it amazing that all those musicians can play together so effortlessly by themselves. NOT. They play together because they have a Conductor. And this Conductor does it by the gestures that he uses.

As teachers, we should give our students a hand in understanding what we are saying through the use of our gestures. Do you stand with your hands at your sides as a stiff figure? Do you flail randomly? Do you look like you are doing jumping jacks? Does your movements make you look like a court jester?

Watch yourself in a mirror and see how you use your hands. Have a friend watch you teach and fill you in on how you look. Many times our gestures speak louder than our words. Practice gestures that you don't usually use until they become a habit. Control excessive gestures. Move from being a jester to controlling gestures.

For Kingdom Education,

From WTB "Teaching with Style" (c) 1994

Monday, November 17, 2008

Face Up to it


Exciting teaching is more of a choice than a talent. We are considering how our external behaviors impact our teaching. We have spoken about our voice and our eyes. Today consider that one of the most important is our faces. They transmit a message for all to see.

As a teacher we should use our faces to demonstrate a full range of emotions that support the lesson that you are presenting to your students. If you are trying to share a celebratory thought and you are frowning and your face is sad - which message will the students receive? Have you ever noticed parents or teachers who can control a situation with only a look? Milo Frank has said - "If you say something amusing with a smile, nine times out of ten your listeners will smile right along with you."

In the Scriptures, face is often a figure of speech for the entire person. The face was a metaphor for conveying what is in the heart. It is an outward expression of what is going on inside. Consider Numbers 6:24 - 26 - "The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace."
When the Lord's face is on us, we have His blessing. What does your face convey to your students.

For Kingdom Education,

From WTB "Teaching with Style" (c) 1994

Friday, November 14, 2008

Window of the Soul


"The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are good, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eyes are bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness!" Matthew 6: 22 - 23 NIV.

Napoleon said - "To make oneself understood to people one must first speak to their eyes." Use your eyes to welcome your students and invite them to make eye contact. Using your eyes will attract and keep their attention.

By making eye contact with each of your students you include them in your lesson. You make them feel a part of what you are doing. They are drawn into paying attention. They also will see you as someone to be trusted. Think about it - someone who does not make eye contact with you when they are speaking - do you question their motives? Their integrity? The truthfulness of what is being said? How do you think they feel as you don't look them in the eye?

Today - make eye contact with every student in your class - in fact, make eye contact with everyone you come into contact with. See if it doesn't make a difference.

For Kingdom Education,

from WTB, "Teaching with Style" (c) 1994

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Dr. Dryasdust


Read John 7: 10 - 36. This covers Jesus at the festival of Tabernacles and the identification of the Messiah. However, I want to look at something else.

In this particularly intense time for Jesus, notice the registration of different uses of His voice. V.16 -:Jesus answered them....," v.21 - "Jesus answered and said....," v.28 - "Then Jesus cried out....," v.33 - "Then Jesus said to them....," and v.37 - "Jesus stood and cried out...."

Five different pitches, volumes, and volumes. Now, look at your class. What do you do with your voice? Is it consistently the same? Is it --------- boring? Do you know that even a quick paced, high intensity of sound can become boring if it is constantly bombarding the students.

Jesus conveyed mood, expressed passion, and gained and held His listeners attention through the use of His voice. With a conscious effort, you too can make a difference in your classroom lessons by the use of your voice. Try it. Try it today. Try it this week. As one writer expressed - "Don't let your voice be marketed as a cure for insomnia."

For Kingdom Education,

from WTB "Teaching with Style" (c) 1994

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Praise the Lord!


"Praise the Lord! Praise the name of the Lord!" Psalm 135:1 NLT

Psalm 135 begins with "Praise the Lord" and it ends with "Praise the Lord." I have read about a man named Billy Bray, and that was the way that he started and ended things, too. Let me share some of his story with you today.

In the early 1800's Billy Gray was known as a no-good drunken miner in the village of Twelveheads in Cornwall, England. Then, through the reading of a book by John Bunyan, Billy was converted to Christ, and he was never the same again.

"I can't help praising God," he once said. "As I go along the street, I lift up one foot, and it seems to say, 'Glory,' and I lift up the other, and it seems to say, 'Amen.' If they would put me into a barrel to keep me quiet, I would shout, 'Glory' out of the bunghole. Praise the Lord."

Billy would often say about the Lord, "He has made me glad and no one can make me sad; he makes me shout and no one can make me doubt; he makes me leap, and no one can hold down my feet."

Shortly before his death, Billy was asked if he was afraid, and he answered, "My Savior conquered death. If I was to go down to hell, I would shout, 'Glory, glory' to my blessed Jesus until I made the bottomless pit ring again, and then old Satan would say, 'Billy, Billy, this is no place for you; get out of here.' Then up to heaven I should go, shouting, 'Glory, glory, praise the Lord.'"

Today - seek to "Praise the Lord" with every step and action you do.

For Kingdom Education,

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Metro's Christmas Controversy

My wife just shared about a news article she heard on WTOP radio. It appears that the American Humanist Association (AHA) will begin running an ad campaign on about 200 Metro buses starting on November 18. On the sides and taillight section of buses will show a clearly fake Santa Claus with the message - "Why believe in God? Just be good for goodness sake." Starting December 1 there will be posters displayed inside the buses also.
They claim they are just trying to reach atheists who thought they were alone, and this would help them find a collective grouping. But, the choice of Santa clearly will attract the attention of young children. This will implant within their minds a statement that will resurface at other times. What we place in the minds of our children will stay and surface as they grow older.
How often have we heard or read of someone who, as an adult, was going through a crisis - only to remember a scripture verse or Sunday School song just when they needed it most.
This world is not a friend of God's - and we need to be aware of the enemies attacks that will keep getting more and more vicious as the church becomes more and more comfortable. It is important as Christians that we hold to our truths - and that we share these truths with those around us. When we shop - say "Merry Christmas" - not "Happy Holidays." When we have the opportunity to express why we are joyous during this season - remember the reason for the season.
Why believe in God? Because a person future is not based upon goodness - it is based upon the redemptive mercy of a loving and caring God. Why believe in God? Because He loved us so much that He sent His Son. Why believe in God? Because He is the Answer.
For Kingdom Education,



Paul in Romans 12: 10b (HCSB) says "Outdo one another in showing honor." We need to give respect to everyone we come in contact with.

I read of a man watching a well-dressed businessman berating a Porter at an airport. The businessman kept getting louder and and more irate. The Porter kept his cool and was very professional. The businessman left in a huff, and the man watching told the Porter how impressed he was with his actions.

The Porter responded, "Oh it was nothing. You see, that man's going to Miami and his baggage - well they're going to San Francisco."

When we show disrespect to others, we often only hurt ourselves. God calls for us to show respect to others - they are created in His image - although it may be tarnished.

If we want to earn respect ourselves, go out and show someone else what it is like.

For Kingdom Education,

Monday, November 10, 2008

The Big Picture


Over the last weekend, my wife and I got away for our annual short sabbatical to re-connect. We seek to re-connect with each other (almost 38 years of marriage - and still counting) and with our Heavenly Father.

We take time to talk, pray, and seek to see what God may have in store for us for the upcoming year. We seek to meld our hearts together in God's plan. It is our desire to see His way. And, once again He has encouraged us and He began to show us His hand.

We look forward to our time each year - and even though we had a lot of rainy weather, we came back refreshed and encouraged. This coming year will still hold many surprises, but we look to His heart and hand.

For Kingdom Education,

Doing the Impossible


Philippians 4:13 (NKJV) says: "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. "

I have taught many young people a shortened form of this - "I Can Through Christ." It is a reminder that we are capable of doing a lot. We are capable of doing more that we do. It reminds us that this is through the power that Jesus Christ living inside of us allows us to do. His power is far greater than mine, and when He is doing it through me, I am more powerful than I think I am.

Saint Francis of Assisi tells us a way to accomplish more than we might otherwise. He challenges us to "Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible."

So today - do what is necessary. Then challenge that which is possible. In no time you will be doing the impossible.

Hey, let's become the possible people doing the impossible. Are you up to the challenge?

For Kingdom Education,

Saturday, November 8, 2008

God's Paintbrush


Yesterday was a cloudy and rainy day here at Chincoteague. Late in the day, the clouds moved out to sea, and as we drove around to the beach, the sun was setting. With the decayed beach area, you can now stand and look both east (onto the ocean) and west (across the bay from Assateague) at the same time. We watched the beauty of the red and golden clouds as the sunset. Moments later, the partial moon was illuminating the waves on the ocean.

In a very short time we were engulfed in reds, yellows, golds, pinks, blues, greys, silvers, and many shades in-between. When God gets out His palette - He uses as many colors as He can. My wife and I were mesmerized by the glory of our Father. With broad strokes, and fine details He makes this world beautiful.

As David so perfectly declared - "The heavens proclaim the glory of God. The skies display his craftsmanship. Day after day they continue to speak; night after night they make him known.
They speak without a sound or word; their voice is never heard. Yet their message has gone throughout the earth, and their words to all the world." (Psalm 19: 1-4a NLT)

We really got the full effect yesterday. Maybe we were looking for it - in fact, that is probably why we miss it so often. Take a moment and look for His handiwork around you now.

For Kingdom Education,

Friday, November 7, 2008

Today's Prayer


I read the following prayer for the day - and thought it might help.

"Dear Lord,

So far today, I am doing alright. I have not gossiped, lost my temper, been greedy, grumpy, nasty, selfish, or self-indulgent. I have not whined, cursed, or even eaten chocolate.

However, I am going to get out of bed in a few minutes, and I will need a lot of help after that.


Hope that helps for today. Enjoy the weekend.

For Kingdom Education,

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Good Doxology


John 4:22 - "You Samaritans worship what you do not know; we worship what we do know...."

I recently read a book (comes as no surprise does it) in which the following statement is made.
"You cannot have good doxology without good theology." *

I believe one of the fallacies of today's Christian Schools (and churches) is that we have substituted man's idea of worship for real knowledge of God. Some Christians really do not know much about God. And because of this, they are quick to adapt any teaching that is out there. They worship - but who or what are they worshiping? Do they have any idea of the grandeur of God? Do they have any concept of the infinite nature of the One they are worshiping?

Our God is personal, He is transcendent yet immanent, He is creative, He is holy, He is -- well He is!

Begin today to study God. Go past the basic relationship phase and seek to have an intimate knowledge of who He is, what He likes, what He hates, and you will be moving into true worship.

For Kingdom Education,

*From Why Churches Die by Mac Brunson & Ergun Caner. © 2005 B&H p.182.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Lifelong Learners


"Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls." Matthew 11:29.

My children always joke whenever I complete a degree - "OK, now what are you going to get next." I dropped out of college in the early '70's, went back in the '80's - and have taken some sort of courses almost continually since them. (Right now I am taking a course on Marriage Enrichment).

We must always seek to learn more. That is one major reason that I read over 50 books a year - to keep learning. John C. Dana said, "Who dares to teach must never cease to learn." I believe this is true of our knowledge of God. I have been a Christian for over 46 years - and I daily learn more about God.

I believe that if you are not learning, you are deteriorating. If you are not improving, you are stagnating - and stagnant water just plain stinks.

Today - start seeking to learn at least one new thing. Tomorrow another. And keep up seeking to add to your vast storehouse of knowledge.

For Kingdom Education,

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Results


As a Christian, it is our duty to vote and be good citizens of our nation. I hope that everyone did exercise their right.
As a Christian, following this election, it is our duty to pray for those who are elected to office. God through the Apostle Paul admonishes us -
"I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all men—the testimony given in its proper time."
1 Timothy 2: 1-6
Let us take this to heart - no matter who wins - we MUST pray for them on a daily basis. Join me now in praying that God will guide and direct whomever wins this election.
For Kingdom Education,



As Christian School teachers, we are called to live our lives out before our students as Christians.

I have found over the last 12 years that I run into students in the Mall, at the grocery store, even while on vacation. I must constantly be on guard as to how I act, talk, and interact with others. I have learned that I must live what I teach. "Be careful little eyes what you see."

However, am I doing this just to keep up a front for my students and parents? No, because someone more important is watching. Paul makes the statement in Galatians 1:10, "Am I now trying to win the approval of men, or of God? Or am I trying to please men? If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a servant of Christ."

Live a life of integrity - not because a student might see you, but because Jesus DOES see you.

Today, begin practicing the awareness of Christ's presence with you atall times.

For Kingdom Education,


Monday, November 3, 2008

Conviction and Power


1 Peter 4:11 states, "If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God. If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen."

Everything that is true is God's Truth. I'm not just speaking of the Bible. In the world around us, if it is true, it is of God.

Do you remember the last argument that you had? Did you speak forcefully? With conviction? Sure. Why? Because you believed that you were right. You had the truth.

Do you teach your lessons with conviction? One author has said that most people are, "Chili peppers when they argue and vanilla beans when they teach." If you are not passionate about what you are teaching, why are you doing it? When you teach - let people know that you believe what you are teaching - and see if they don't get interested in it also.

For Kingdom Education,

From WTB Teaching With Style (c) 1994

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Engagement "From Above"

A young man named Joel Guelzo first met Joy Marshall while filming his work - "From Above." It was while they were filming that he realized he was in love with her.

Today - after weeks of planning and setting things up - he asked her to marry him at the location where they filmed the movie. She said yes - and now I have a future son-in-law. Linda, Grace and I were able to go down for the surprise party after he asked her. Deborah, Kevin and the grandkids were there. It was fun to see both families there together. It is a blessing to have families that love each other.

I give them my prayers and best wishes for the days to come. (Joy's mom says -"Now the real work begins.")

For Kingdom Education,

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