Thursday, December 24, 2009
I just want to take a moment and wish everyone a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. This school year has been very busy, and I have not written like I did in the past. I am praying that I will be able to get back to the ramblings that I wrote in the past. God has been good to us, the challenges have been there, but so has He.
Just as around 2000 years ago a young baby interjected into time and space to provide salvation for all mankind, may that same Christ provide your redemption and adoption into His family. (Read Gal. 4: 4, 5).
For Kingdom Education,
Dr. Thomas Marshall
Friday, August 7, 2009
Resting in God
Only 17 days until Christ the Cornerstone Academy welcomes our students for the first year of ministry. Many things still to be done.
The Psalmist reminds us in Psalm 37: 3-6 to put our trust and confidence in the Lord. And to work at what He directs. We are reminded that our trust, delight, and commitment to the Lord will bring about what He purposes and plans.
Do I find myself worrying at times? Yes. Should I? No. I am learning each and every day of my life to rely upon God. It is not easy, but it is the best way.
Today, take the problem that is most pressing on your mind and heart and come to the Father with it. Let Him direct and soothe the concerns. Let Him develop the plan to accomplish His will.
For Kingdom Education,
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
The Two Commissions
I am starting to get settled in Laurinburg, NC. The house I am presently living in is out in the country. Last night as I was fixing dinner, I looked over and discovered a snake coming in under the storm door. I am seeing more wildlife now, guess they are getting used to me being here.
Christian Education is so vital for today. Many can't understand why they can't just trust the public schools to educate the minds of their children while having their church educate the hearts. It doesn't work that way. When God established the family, He gave the parents the mandate to raise and educate their children. He allows for others to come alongside and help them. However, we must be aware of who we allow alongside our families.
In Genesis 1:28, God established the Cultural Commission - where man is to learn about God's creation and be in control of it. We find God setting up for education, science and technology. He has called us to a Cultural Commission as well as the Great Commission. We must seek to establish our youth in a proper worldview. [A worldview is like a set of glasses - it is how we look at the world and everything in it.]
Colson and Pearcey in their work - How Now Shall We Live make the following statement.
The culture war is not about abortion, homosexual rights or the decline of public education. These are only skirmishes. The real war is a cosmic struggle between worldviews - between the Christian worldview and the various secular and spiritual worldviews arrayed against it. This is what we must understand if we are going to be effective both in evangelizing our world today and in transforming it to reflect the wisdom of the Creator.Why do I seek to be a part of the Kingdom Education of students? Because if we as the church do not seek to train our youth in the Christian Worldview, the secular world will train them in their view. And have been for a while now. It is time for Christians to take back the ground we have surrendered to the enemy.
Continue to pray as we are working to establish Christ the Cornerstone Academy here at Stewartsville Baptist Church. May we follow the Master in all we do.
For Kingdom Education,
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Joy's Wedding
Today our youngest daughter Joy got married. She married a fine Christian young man named Joel Guelzo. The days leading up to this event have been long and hectic. Today was long - but joyous. To see two young people with such bright futures come together before God and covenant their lives together was celebratory to say the least.
God has established helpmates for each of us. And when we find that one that God has prepared, it is a beautiful sight. Joel's uncle Rick and I were privileged to conduct the ceremony. We watched as two young people pledged their love to each other and covenanted before God to form a permanent union.
The reception was fun and uplifting. Stories were shared, hearts were bared, and souls were cared for. It is a pleasure to celebrate with those who know and follow the Lord.
Joel and Joy -- may God bless each day of your lives together.
For Kingdom Education,
Friday, June 5, 2009
I thank my God in all my remembrance of you... pt. 5
The students are gone. The classrooms lie silent. Final grading to do. Packing, putting away, and performing the final duties. Another year is over. Another group of students are moving on. Time of reflection - have I done my best? Have I sent them on prepared for the challenges of next year? Have I touched their hearts and souls for God? Have I ....?
As you reflect upon this year study the bad parts so that you can make things better, rejoice in the good parts - sometimes it seems they come far apart. Hold on to the memories of those who you have helped. Seek to prayerfully forgive those who hindered you, and pray for those you have hindered. Look back at the year and see how you have grown.
For all the Administration and staff at Montrose - thanks for being a great team this year.
In the Lower School at Montrose - Linda, Ashley, Stephanie, Judy, Dana, Donalda, Elisabeth, Janice, Arvina, Carol, Cheri, Emily, Teresa, Amber, David, Juan, Lauren, Laura, and Ruth..."I thank my God in all my remembrance of you...." (Phil. 1:3a)
For Kingdom Education,
(This concludes the daily postings for this year. I will psot on a periodic basis over the summer.)
Thursday, June 4, 2009
I thank my God in all my remembrance of you... pt. 4
Today is the last day of school at Montrose. Tomorrow will be the last of my regular daily Musings. The year has gone by so fast - maybe because I am getting older, maybe because we took the ride together.
Phil 1:3a - "I thank my God in all my remembrance of you...."
Verse 7a of this passage speaks of why Paul could say what he did. It also speaks of why I can say what I am saying.
Each of you are in my heart. You are my partners. I will pray for you, and I covet your prayers for me. None of us know exactly what the future holds. I have often said that I really don't want to know because it would probably scare me to death.
Each of us knows Who holds the future and that should be enough. As the old saying goes, if you can't see His hand -- trust His heart. You and I are in His heart, and you are in my heart.
For Kingdom Education,
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
I thank my God in all my remembrance of you... pt. 3
Phil. 1:3a - "I thank my God in all my remembrance of you...."
The 6th verse in this Philippians passage was the life verse of one of my mentors. And has been special to me because of that.
Today, as I think of those that I have worked so closely with, I reflect upon this verse. I believe that it holds so true for each of you. If you are not familiar with this verse - stop, read it, and thank God for it.
It is true, He will complete that which He has begun in each of you. Both in the spiritual realm and in the physical. He will carry you through to be with Him in Heaven one day, and He will see that the task He has called you to is completed.
So wonder why we are leaving. It is because God has called us to a different work in a different place. And it is my firm belief that He will see us through in this work He has established.
Hold true, hold strong, hold on - God will not fail you. You have His Word on it.
For Kingdom Education,
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
"I thank my God in all my remembrance of you,..." pt. 2
Phil. 1:3a - "I thank my God in all my remembrance of you...."
Paul in this letter to the Philippians starts by giving thanks when he stops to think about them. I mentioned yesterday that I am thankful for so many who have impacted my life. I want to echo Paul's sentiments and say that I thank God in prayer for each one that I work with who have brought so much joy into my life.
Verse 5 in this Philippians passage speaks of joy in their partnership together in the Gospel. Each one of you have worked with me to provide an education for these young people entrusted to us, but much more importantly, you have joined with me in praying, guiding, and teaching these young people about Jesus and the good news of His salvation.
Let us never lose sight of the primary responsibility that we have in reaching the youth with the Gospel. We must not lose this generation to the post-modern (post-Christian) mode of thought. From the time we began to work together until we meet in Heaven, let us make our priority that of educating the heart first and then the mind.
For Kingdom Education,
Monday, June 1, 2009
"I thank my God in all my remembrance of you..." Pt. 1
We are in the last week of school at Montrose. So many things to do, and so many to say good-by to. Some will not be coming back, and I am one of them. God has blessed me with 12 years of friendships and service at Montrose. I have rode the heights and survived the lows. In all, I must say that God has truly been faithful. He has allowed me to meet many people and I am sad at seeing so many go over the years. Friends like Ken Coley, Greg Scheck, Dave Arrell were with me in "Joshua's Men." Sandy Sauerwien who held the position of LS Principal before me. Mike Mangonon - the Music Man. Larry Landin - my Calvinist friend. So many others that would be so hard to list. Then there are the ones who I am saying good-by to at this time --- and that list is huge!!
Each person has had a major part in shaping and molding my life (some were moldier than others) into what I am today. Each success has lifted me up and each failure has taught me a way not to do something. And all together, they have given me a frame of reference from which to go.
I believe Paul has spoke the thought I want to say so well in Phil. 1:3a - "I thank my God in all my remembrance of you...."
For Kingdom Education,
Friday, May 29, 2009
Get up and Praise Him
1 Chron 29:13b (KJV): "...and praise thy glorious name."
The word for praise in this part of the verse means to boast about. It is in the piel form that usually expresses an "intensive" or "intentional" action. It can also mean a repeated action.
David finishes this section with an encouraging directive for us to repeatedly intentionally boast about God. We should be proud to tell others that we are His. We should not hesitate to share what He has done for us. As a Dad and Granddad, I boast on my children all the time. After all, they are the best in the world. There are numerous jokes about "My Dad is better than your Dad." So why not boast about our Heavenly Father!
We should not be hesitant to boast about God. Today, find someone and boast to them about your Heavenly Father.
For Kingdom Education,
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Thank You
1 Chron 29:13a (KJV): "Now therefore, our God, we thank thee..."
One of my mentors used to say, "When you see a therefore in the Scriptures, you should see what the therefore is therefore." The therefore is a hinge. It ties what has been to what is coming.
David in this passage is praising God for the generosity that He made possible for the building of the Temple. He is thanking God. All that we have considered up to this point is David expressing his delight and enjoyment in God. Now, he says what he is making this all about -- thanks.
Today, seek to find ways to thank God for all that He has provided and done for you.
For Kingdom Education,
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
1 Chron 29:12e (KJV): "...and to give strength unto all."
I can remember as a young fellow playing softball for the Cub Scouts my parents giving me encouraging comments. They helped to boost my spirits when I didn't do as well as I should, and helped to challenge me to reach for more when I did.
The word "strength" in the original language means strength, but also to encourage and to make firm. To basically to establish one in what they are doing.
As God seeks to give you strength today, seek to share that with someone else. Seek to encourage and make others firm in their walk with the Lord.
For Kingdom Education,
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
1 Chron 29:12d (KJV): "...and in thine hand it is to make great..."
To make great. The word means to magnify, to cause to grow. This is a wonderful thing that God does for His children. He lifts us up.
The Bible makes it clear that all promotion and demotion ultimately comes from God. It is His hand that will lift a person up. It is His heart that will lift up our spirits. He is the provider who establishes wealth and fame, He holds dominion over our lives, He directs our paths, and He lifts our hearts and spirits.
Today, thank Him for all that He has given you. Let Him lift your spirit to soar with the eagles.
For Kingdom Education,
Monday, May 25, 2009
A Memorial
Jousha 4:7c (KJV): "these stones shall be for a memorial unto the children of Israel for ever."
Today we celebrate Memoria Day. Consider a little history of this day. The following is from Wikipedia.
"Memorial Day is a United States Federal holiday observed on the last Monday of May (on May 25 in 2009). Formerly known as Decoration Day, it commemorates U.S. men and women who died while in military service to their country. First enacted to honor Union soldiers of the American Civil War (it is celebrated near the day of reunification after the civil war), it was expanded after World War I to include
American casualties of any war or military action.
According to Professor David Blight of the Yale University History Department, the first memorial day was observed in 1865 by liberated slaves at the historic race track in Charleston. The site was a former Confederate prison camp as well as a mass grave for Union soldiers who died in captivity. The freed slaves reinterred the dead Union soldiers from the mass grave to individual graves, fenced in the graveyard and built an entry arch declaring it a Union graveyard. This was a daring action for them to take in the South shortly after the North's victory. On May 30, 1868, the freed slaves returned to the graveyard with flowers they had picked from the countryside and decorated the individual gravesites, thereby creating the first Decoration Day.
A parade by thousands of freed blacks and Union soldiers from the area was
followed by patriotic singing and a picnic.
The official birthplace of Memorial Day is Waterloo, New York. The village was credited with being the place of origin because it observed the day on May 5, 1866, and each year thereafter.
[There has been a lot of contention over the origin of this holiday.]
On May 26, 1966, President Lyndon B. Johnson signed a Presidential Proclamation recognizing Waterloo as the Birthplace of Memorial Day."
No matter where it baegan, today spend some time remembering those who gave their lives so that we might be free.
For Kingdom Education,
Friday, May 22, 2009
The Hand of God
1 Chron 29:12c (KJV): "...and in thine hand is power and might..."
Today is the Graduation ceremonies for the class of 2009 at Montrose Christain School. The Commencement Service for the Senior Class. Many think this is the ending ceremony - but in actuality it is the beginning - the beginning of their lives as adults in the world. They are moving from the world of academia to the world out there.
This verse is a good reminder that it is God who holds everything in the palm of His hand. Our lives, our occupations, our income, our intelligence, our.....
And if we will trust Him, in His hand is the mastery, strength and bravado that we need to face this world.
Today, remind yourself first, then tell someone else that it is OK - it is all in God's Hand. Trust Him.
For Kingdom Education,
Thursday, May 21, 2009
He Reigns!
1 Chron 29:12b (KJV): "...and thou reignest over all..."
Once again we see that little word with such a grand magnitude -all. David, the King of Israel, recognized who it is that is the ultimate Ruler of all. God. He is the One who has dominion over all of Creation.
Right now, pause from what you are doing and seek to praise the One who rules. Take a few minutes and give Him praise for who He is. And, most importantly, let Him have dominion over your life.
For Kingdom Education,
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
1 Chron 29:12a (KJV): "Both riches and honour come of thee...."
Just what most Americans are chasing after. Wealth and prestige. We want to have money and fame. We want...
David in this prayer knows who controls this commodity. God. The reason that they had so much for the building of the Temple was not because of the people, it was from God. He is the One who controls all aspects of this. He knows exactly what we can handle. And He gives us exactly what we can handle.
George Mueller of England knew that God was the provider and trusted Him daily for the provision of his many orphans. Tales are many of them setting to the table for a meal with no food in the house, praying and thanking God for His provision and having someone knock and offer them a days worth of food.
Who do you trust for your provision? Do you trust the One who holds it all, or do you seek to handle it yourself?
Today, pause and give thanks for what you have from the Hand of the Almighty.
For Kingdom Education,
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
1 Chron 29:11h (KJV): "...O LORD, and thou art exalted as head above all."
When I first read this section, I thought that I would be the one who exalted God. However, upon researching this part I found that the word translated "exalted" is in what is called the Hithpael form (impressed?). What that means is that it is a reflexive action - in this case God exalts Himself. He is the One who makes Himself the summit, the peak, the head of all.
Now, if you or I were to exalt ourselves, people would think we were boastful and proud. They would consider us conceited. However, when God does it, He can because He IS above all things. Earlier we talked about the inclusiveness of the word all. There is absolutely nothing that is above God. So, He can exalt Himself.
And most importantly - we need to recognize this truth. And when we do, we can truly offer a stirring paean ofpraise to Him as David has done in verse 11. The crescendo has met its full intensity - GOD IS ABOVE ALL. GOD IS EXALTED!
Today, find some time to acknowledge the headship and exaltation of God. Tell Him so.
For Kingdom Education,
Monday, May 18, 2009
Kingdom Dwellers
1 Chron 29:11g (KJV): "...thine is the kingdom, O LORD..."
David was king. He understood being a leader of a kingdom. However, in his thanksgiving praise he recognizes the factor that there is One who is the King of the Kingdom.
We live our lives today as dwellers in the Kingdom of God. We are ambassadors as the New Testament says to a strange and different world. The old song says, "This world is not my home, I'm only passing through...."
We need to lift up our heads and begin to live as those who are citizens of THE Kingdom. Our King is none other than Jesus. Our task is to bring as many people into citizenship ofthis Kingdom. As we start off this week, consider ways to live as a Kingdom Dweller.
For Kingdom Education,
Friday, May 15, 2009
Complete Ownership
1 Chron 29:11f (KJV): "...for all that is in the heaven and in the earth is thine..."
You know what I like about that little three-letter word "all." That is totally, completely, entirely, perfectlly, fully, absolutely, utterly, in all respcts everything included. Nothing is left out. If one little thing is left out - then it is not all.
David here makes us appreciate the enormatiy of God's ownership. He owns it ALL. Everything we have - it belongs to Him. We are just allowed to use it for His glory. The question comes up, are we using it for His glory, or our own?
Today, every time that you see or touch something, think to yourself - this belongs to God.
For Kingdom Education,
Thursday, May 14, 2009
1 Chron 29: 11e (KJV): "...and the majesty..."
A couple of days ago I pondered the glory of God. David is so carried away in his sacrifice of praise to God that he once again refers to God's majesty. This is a differnt word in the original and therefore would carry a different shade of meaning. The earlier one spoke of the glory that comes from the position of the One described. This one speaks of the majesty that comes from the beauty and grandeur of the One being addressed.
Again, I could recite a liturgy of beauty from the cosmos around us to describe the intensity of the feeling expressed. David is reaching a crescendo of praise. As he seeks to give thanks and honor to God, you can almost feel the intensity of his words growing. It is like a musical peice that builds and builds and builds.
As I pondered this passage, I noticed that David uses 5 nouns to descibe God. In scriptural numerology, the number 5 stands for grace. I find myself musing over the majesty of God's great grace that he has provided for me. Without His grace, I am nothing. With it, I am his adopted son. Now, if that doesn't conjure up visions of majesty....
Today, praise God for the grandeur of His great grace.
For Kingdom Education,
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Everlasting Goal
1 Chron 29: 11d (KJV): "...and the victory..."
We live in a day and age that challenges us to set goals and achieve them. The Leadership Institutes out there discuss SMART Goals. You know - Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timely. Well, David here is refering to a goal when he is praising God.
The word used here I am told refers to a goal. However, it carries the image of a perpetual, everlasting goal. Most of our lives, we set goals and either reach them or strive to. But, at some point we then seek out other goals. David says that God is the perpetual, everlasting goal. Whne we have a relationship with Him, we have reached the summit. This goal will last forever.
Today, offer a sacrifice of prasie to God that He is your goal. And that this goal lasts forever.
For Kingdom Education,
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Beauty and Honor
1 Chron. 29: 11c (KJV): "...and the glory..."
Beauty, honor, majesty, rank. These are some of the words that could be used to descibe this idea that was in David's heart as he praised God for His goodness.
I have always loved listening and singing the praise song "Majesty." I love reading Isaiah 6: 1-3. I am awed by Revelation 4:11 and 5:9-10. I love looking at the canvas of thesky under the painting of a sunset. And I love looking at the moon, stars, and night sky. Mountains thrill me. Ocean waves cause unutterable sensations. The valleys of the Great Smoky Mountains cause me to hold my breath. The.... well you get the idea.
Today, stop where you are and soak in the glory of God. Look around you. And then for at least one minute proclaim your admiration for the glory.
For Kingdom Education,
Monday, May 11, 2009
Force and Valor
1 Chron. 29:11b (KJV): "...and the power..."
We have been considering David's great prayer of Thanksgiving in the very last chapter of 1 Chronicles. He is giving a sacrifice of praise to God for His provision for the Temple. In the prayer, David ascribes praise to a number of God's attributes and descriptions.
Here David reminds us of the "power" of God. This word in the Hebrew carries the idea of force, mastery, valor, strength, and bravery. God is the epitome of all these characteristics. Oftne when we are facing challenges in our lives, we feel that we are facing them alone. But, as children of God, He is there with us. And He is "power." I think about my lifeverse in Isaiah 40:31 where it speaks about exchanging my strength for God's. I can face the struggles knowing that it can be in His "power." I can have valor, I can have mastery, I can have strength, and I can have bravery.
Today, ponder the "power" of God. And better yet, let Him exchange your weakness for His strength.
For Kingdom Education,
Friday, May 8, 2009
Mighty Acts
1 Chron 29: 11a (KJV): "Thine, O LORD is the greatness,..."
After showing us to give public, personal, and perpetual praise to God - David begins to do it. He starts this great prayer of acknowledgement and thanksgiving with the recognition of the greatness of God. The original word carries the idea of dignity, greatness, and mighty acts.
Here David is thanking God for the great way that He had provided for the construction of the Temple. God had provided all the materials through His leaders of Israel. David saw how this would be such a mighty testimony before the people. It would encourage them to follow suit.
David begins his recitation of praise by ascribing to God the responsiblity for the great acts that they had witnessed. Today, can you give glory to God by praising Him for the great things He has done in your life.
For Kingdom Education,
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Eternal Praise
1 Chron. 29: 10c (KJV): "... for ever and ever."
We are considering praying to God's glory from the thanksgiving prayer of David in 1 Chronicles. David gave praise in his prayer publically, personnally, and now consider he was fully aware of the perpetuity of this praise.
The phrase here seeks of praising until perpetuity. As some have said from everlasting to everlasting. From eternity past to eternity future. The praise that is offered God is a continous praise that never ceases.
I though of the fact that all creation resounds with the sound of praise to the Creator (consoder the many statements in Psalms), and the concept is that all men should do the same.
David understood this clearly. He knew that giving a praise salutation to God was something that should be done without any break.
Today is the National Day of Prayer. Slip aside for a brief period and practice giving unbroken praise to God. Don't ask for anything, just praise Him. Then take some time to pray for our nation.
For Kingdom Education,
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Blessing God
1 Chron. 29: 10b (KJV): "...and David said, Blessed be thou, LORD God of Israel our father,"
Can we bless God? Don't we usually seek for Him to bless us?
David got it right here. Yes, God does bless us, however we were created to praise God, and one of the ways of doing this is offering our blessings to Him. David was very specific in who he was talking too, and he was certian of the grandeur of the one he was addressing.
Still, he offered his blessings to God. When was the last time that you blessed God? The word used here simply means to kneel before, to bless, to praise, to salute. When you pray to God, is it always to receive something, or do you ever just talk to Him and salute Him for who He is.
David is about to thank God for His abundant blessing, and he begins by offering a verbal sacrifice of praise to God.
Today, take some time just to offer praise to the One who is our Creator, Sustainer, Redeemer, our Maker (as the song says).
For Kingdom Education,
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Public Praise
1 Chron. 29:10a (KJV): "Wherefore David blessed the LORD before all the congregation:"
The first truth that I have gleaned from this passage is that when God does great and marvelous things - we should give Him praise. We should not take the honor to ourselves, but place it where it really belongs - on Him.
Notice also, David didn't go off into some remote corner and whisper his thanks to God. He made sure everyone around him knew it was God's doing. Even today we talk about how great it was that David gathered all the materials for the building of the Temple -- David makes it plain that it was not him, it was Him.
When things happen in our lives, we need to give God the praise before others. This is a very important way to witness to the reality and sovereignty of God.
Today, seek to give praise to God before others for the things that are in your life.
For Kingdom Education,
Monday, May 4, 2009
David's Prayer of Thanksgiving
I am musing over David's grand prayer of Thanksgiving located in 1 Chronicles 29: 10-13. He has commissioned Solomon to build the Temple and told how much he had gathered for the task. The leaders were so challenged that they gave a tremedous amount of supplies for the construction of the Temple also. David then proceeds to give God the glory before all the people by praying this prayer. Join me this month in considering what he is saying in these three verses.
1 Chron. 29_10-13 (KJV): "Wherefore David blessed the LORD before all the congregation: and David said, Blessed be thou, LORD God of Israel our father, for ever and ever. Thine, O LORD is the greatness, and the power, and the glory, and the victory, and the majesty: for all that is in the heaven and in the earth is thine; thine is the kingdom, O LORD, and thou art exalted as head above all. Both riches and honour come of thee, and thou reignest over all; and in thine hand is power and might; and in thine hand it is to make great, and to give strength unto all. Now therefore, our God, we thank thee, and praise thy glorious name."
Let's see where God leads us in this prayer.
For Kingdom Education,
Friday, May 1, 2009
God Loves Nobodies
To start this new month, I am borrowing from Dr. David Jeremiah a thought that we all should keep in mind.
"And behold, an angel of the Lord stood before [the shepherds], and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were greatly afraid." Luke 2:9
A gospel group called The Williams Brothers had a hit with their song, "I'm Just a Nobody." It was about a down-and-out man who lived on the streets and spent his days telling people about Jesus. He was laughed at and harassed by passersby, but that didn't stop him. The chorus of the song was his life message: "I'm just a nobody trying to tell everybody about Somebody who can save anybody."
The shepherds in the fields outside Bethlehem might have felt the same way when the angels from heaven appeared to them: "Why did God choose us, a bunch of nobodies, to be the first to hear of the birth of the Messiah in Bethlehem?" They were just a bunch of nobodies who probably later told everybody about the Somebody in Bethlehem who could save anybody.
Why did God reveal himself to shepherds instead of to important royal officials? Perhaps to signal the kind of king who was coming into the world: gentle and humble, a servant-Shepherd who came to tend to God's flock.
If you sometimes feel like a nobody, rejoice! God seems to gravitate to the nobodies of this world when He wants them to meet Somebody who can save everybody.
"God uses men who are weak and feeble enough to lean on Him." Hudson Taylor
For Kingdom Education,
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Learn by doing....
The Marshall paraphrase of Ecclesiastes 11:4 goes - "If you sit and wait for perfect conditions, you will never get anything done."
I know this verse only too well. I have been guilty of it many times. God expects us to do what we can with what we have. Having the best of intentions but never doing is worse than doing something less-than-perfect. We should strive for excellence - however, we will never try, we will never achieve. Doing things less than perfect is how we learn.
Truth is, almost everything we do, we do less than perfect the first time (and maybe the second, etc.). But that is how we learn and achieve. Don't make excellence an idol. Seek to do the best you can - and then work on improving it. Go out today and do what you have been holding back from doing because you were waiting for the perfect timing.
For Kingdom Education,
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Solomon and the Existentialist Style of Learning
Proverbs 22: 6 (NIV) - "Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it."
We have looked at the nine major categories of Learning Styles over several weeks. Today, we will conclude this look.
Do you know anyone who thinks in the "Big Picture" mode? They love deep thought, deep questions. They are strong in metaphysical reasoning. You might even consider them a "philosopher." If you do, this person is probably an Existentialist style of learner.
Solomon in the Old Testament portrays someone who may have been this type of learner. Consider what he says in Ecclesiastes 1: 16 - 18 (NIV) -"I thought to myself, 'Look, I have grown and increased in wisdom more than anyone who has ruled over Jerusalem before me; I have experienced much of wisdom and knowledge.' Then I applied myself to the understanding of wisdom, and also of madness and folly, but I learned that this, too, is a chasing after the wind. For with much wisdom comes much sorrow; the more knowledge, the more grief." Deep thoughts? Deep ways of looking at the world.
Jesus would apply this method often with His questions. Consider the question that he placed before His deiciples in Matthew 16 - "Who do men say that I am?" This is much deeper than just a "fact-finding" mission. He was delving into the metaphysical concerns of who He really was.
These are the most challenging students to teach for most of us. They are often much deeper thinkers than we are. Yet, to be successful, consider ways to challenge and teach these students.
For Kingdom Education,
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Get Healthy
We are fast approaching the end of another school year. If you are like many, you are feeling tired. When we are tired our relationships suffer. Our work suffers. Rick Warren lists three habits from the Bible that we should follow to have strength.
1. Get regular rest. Psalm 127:2 (NLT) - "It is useless for you to work so hard from early morning until late at night, anxiously working for food to eat; for God gives rest to his loved ones." Sometimes the most spiritual thing we can do is take a nap (not now, finish reading, please). When we rob our bodies of the rest God designed us to have, we weaken and destroy the great gift He has given us.
2. Eat a balanced diet. Psalm 119:23 (NLT) - "You made me; you created me. Now give me the sense to follow your commands" Modern science tells us that we are what we eat. If we put the right fuel in our bodies, they will work at maximum efficiency. If you put diesel fuel in a normal car -- it will run, but only for a short time and with a lot of black smoke. We need to put the right fuel in our bodies so they can run at their peak.
3. Exercise regularly. 1 Corinthians 6:20 - (NLT) - "So you must honor God with your body." We are made to be active. So ---- get active. Plan to exercise daily. Find something you like to do and do it. It is glorifying to God when we exercise and keep our bodies fit.
Well, what are you waiting for? Go get healthy!
For Kingdom Education,
Monday, April 27, 2009
Who Knows?
In 1962 a recording company executive said, "We don't think the Beatles will do anything in their market. Guitar groups are on their way out."
OK. If the Exec had only been able to look into the future, I am sure he would have signed them immediately. The fear of the unknown kept him back from taking part in one of the world's most popular and lucrative music groups.
We also can't look down the road and see the future. But, as Christians we know Who can. And we can trust the unknown because we trust the Knower. All He wants is for us to live according to His Word and trust Him for the outcome. I love Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV) which states, "'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the LORD, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.'"
Who Knows? He knows. Trust Him.
For Kingdom Education,
Friday, April 24, 2009
Test Week - Commitment
Since we have been Testing the students at our school this week, we have considered the tests that God gives us. The tests of obedience, trust, reliance, and belief. Today, we will end with the test of commitment.
Mark 2: 14 (NIV) - "As he walked along, he saw Levi son of Alphaeus sitting at the tax collector's booth. 'Follow me,' Jesus told him...."
Matthew was in a very lucrative profession. He was a very rich man. When Jesus calls to him, He is asking Matthew to leave it all. Will he do it?
That verse ends - "14As he walked along, he saw Levi son of Alphaeus sitting at the tax collector's booth. "...and Levi got up and followed him." He committed to Jesus - and never turned back. God calls us to commit to Him. Will we do it? Can it be said of us - "...and (put your name here) got up and followed Him."
The choice is yours. Will you pass the test? Will you pass the five tests we considered this week?
For Kingdom Education,
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Test Week - Belief
Matthew 16:15 (NIV) - "Who do you say I am?"
This great question that Jesus poses to His disciples that evening is the same one that He poses to each and every person. What do we believe about Him. Is He a good man, a great teacher, a prophet, or the Son of God?
I have always loved C.S. Lewis statement that Jesus never left us with a choice. If we say He is anything other than God, we must totally dismiss Him completely. If He told us He is God, and is lying - we can't trust anything He says. If He thought He was God and He isn't - He is deluded or a lunatic. He only leaves us with the truth that He is Lord.
Lord, Liar, or Lunatic. Who do you say that He is?
For Kingdom Education,
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Test Week - Reliance
Jesus has been teaching and performing miracles. A great crowd of people are following Him (most for the wrong reasons). "When Jesus looked up and saw a great crowd coming toward him, he said to Philip, 'Where shall we buy bread for these people to eat?' He asked this only to test him, for he already had in mind what he was going to do. " (John 6:5,6 NIV).
Notice the phrase, "...He asked this only to test him...." Jesus often asks us questions to test us. He knows the answer before we give it ("...he already had in mind what he was going to do. ") He wants to see if we know what the correct answer is. As a teacher, I ask my students questions, not because I don't know the answer, but to ascertain if they know the answer.
In this case, Jesus was seeing if the disciples (particularly Philip) would rely on Him. We have seen that God tests our obedience and our trust, He also tests our reliance upon Him. Philip's first response is in the material world. Jesus would show Him the full effect of relying upon God.
Today, step up your reliance upon God. Walk with obedience and trust - because you can rely on Him.
For Kingdom Education,
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Test Week - Trust
Naaman was a leper. He was a commander of the Aramean army. He was a very important person. when he heard that there was a prophet who could heal him, he went to see him. Elisha gave him God's message. Go and dip seven times in the Jordan reiver.
He was totally upset. Bathe in the filthy Jordan? No way. His officers chided him,“Sir,if the prophet had told you to do something very difficult, wouldn’t you have done it? So you should certainly obey him when he says simply, ‘Go and wash and be cured!’” (2 Kings 5:13, NLT). He did and he was.
But, it took trust in a God he was not familiar with. It meant that to recieve the blessing, he would have to pass the test of trusting God. He did.
How about you? Is God testing you to trust Him in some area? Are you? Will you?
For Kingdom Education,
Monday, April 20, 2009
Test Week - Obedience
We are in the Stanford Achievement Tests at our school. This reminds me that God has dealt with us by giving tests. We will consider five different tests that God gives us by looking at some Biblical Characters who also faced these tests.
Genesis 22:1 (NIV) - "Some time later, God tested Abraham’s faith. 'Abraham!' God called. 'Yes,' he replied. 'Here I am.'”
Today, Read all of Genesis 22. In this account we find Abraham facing his greatest test -- sacrificing his only son. This is a test to ascertain Abraham's obedience level. He passes with flying colors.
God often calls on us to do something hard, maybe even distasteful. He is testing us to show forth our degree of obedience. The sooner we obey, the sooner the test will be over.
Today, is God calling out to test you? Will you pass the test of Obedience?
For Kingdom Education,
Friday, April 17, 2009
John and the Spatial Style of Learning
Proverbs 22:6 (NIV) - "Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it."
Some students think in images and pictures. They are strong in visual and spatial organization when it comes to learning techniques. They love to visualize, draw, and design. They will become the artists and architects that we need. They are the Spatial learners.
Scripturally we see these learners in the Prophets and particularly John the Apostle. The book of Revelation is vivid with visual images. One cannot read this Apocraphal writing and not be visually affected. The points that John makes come from the images that he vividly paints.
Jesus often taught in visual images. He used parables to paint word pictures for His followers to see. His took Spiritual truths and painted upon the canvas of life images that would help us to come away seeing much more clearly the truths that He taught.
Consider your Spatial learners, and seek ways to include them in your instructional plans in the coming days.
For Kingdom Education,
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Elijah and the Intrapersonal Style of Learning
Proverbs 22:6 (NIV) - "Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it."
Some students find their strength in learning vested in their feelings, values, and ideas. They are the Intrapersonal style of learner. They tend to think in relation to their own needs and goals. They love setting goals, dreaming, planning. They will be the religious leaders and psychologists.
A Scriptural example of someone like this would be Elijah - following the Mount Carmel victory. In 1 Kings 19, we find him running for his life. He is depressed, and everything is focused on "me." When God seeks to reach him, he uses ways that pertain to Elijah's own felt needs. He meets the needs and discusses the values that Elijah is struggling with to be able to teach and instruct him.
Jesus dealt with a person like this in the Woman at the Well. She needed to be approached in the area of her felt needs and her understanding of values before she could learn or apply anything that God wanted to teach her. Jesus did just this.
Today - watch for those students who need instruction based on thier feeling, values, and ideas. Make some room in your lessons to help them learn.
For Kingdom Education,
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Jonah and the Naturalist Style of Learning
Proverbs 22:6 (NIV) - "Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it."
The learning style that we want to ponder today is called the Naturalist. These students strengths are in the area of learning from field trips, animals, and the subtle differences in nature. They tend to think through nature and natural forms. These are the students who love pets, gardens, and caring for planet Earth. They tend to grow up and become the biologists, animal activists and nuturalists in our world.
Jonah is an example in the Bible. Jonah needed to be taught by God, and it took weather and marine life to get through to him. God first sent a terrible storm, and when Jonah still didn't fully learn, God had to give Jonah a field trip - in the belly of a great fish. After all of this, Jonah learned the lesson that God wanted him to - complete obedience.
Jesus would reach out to these kind of learners by making references to the "lilies of the field," "the birds of the air," and other natural commodities.
This week, seek ways to incorporate nature into your lessons to help these kind of learners succeed.
For Kingdom Education,
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
David and the Musical Style of Learning
Proverbs 22:6 (NIV) - "Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it."
We have talked about four of the different modalities of Learning previously, this week we will consider four more. Today, let us consider the Musical style of Multiple Intelligences.
Briefly defined, the Musical style of learner shows strengths in music, rhythms, and patterns. They think via rhythms and melodies. They have a love for singing, humming, and other forms of rhytmic patterns. They are the type of students who learn best by singing their alphabet or remembering rhymes like "In 1492 Columbus sailed the Ocean blue." These type of students become the performers and composers of the world.
Our Scriptural example of such a learner is none other than the sweet singer of Israel - King David. He expressed things through the Psalms. His poetry in the Old Testament brings us into the very Throne Room of God, and into the depths of despair. The Psalms allowed many to learn and remember information about God through the use of poetry and song. The 23rd Psalm is a beautiful example of learning the many facets of God through song.
Jesus also utilized this method of teaching through repeated patterns. Take for example the Beatitudes in Matthew chapter 5. His constant repetition of the phrase - "Blessed are the..." Even His teaching on prayer - the Model Prayer in Matthew 6 and Luke 11 - contain a rythmic pattern to help us remember.
Today, seek out ways to incorporate rhythms and patterns into your lesson plans for those who are of the Musical bent.
For Kingdom Education,
Friday, April 3, 2009
How about me?
Luke 19:37 and 38 - "When he came near the place where the road goes down the Mount of Olives, the whole crowd of disciples began joyfully to praise God in loud voices for all the miracles they had seen: 'Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord! Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!'"
Luke 23: 21 - "But they kept shouting, 'Crucify him! Crucify him!'"
What a difference a week makes. The same crowd on Sunday shouting praises on Friday is crying Kill Him. Boy, are they fickle. I can tell you I wouldn't have done that.
Right. We are no better than the crowds at that time. We do the same today. On Sunday we sing praises - and on Monday we live like the devil. Can others truly see Jesus in us? Do we really stand against the crowd? Do we have a voice that speaks on God's behalf.
This Sunday - when you are in church celebrating Palm Sunday --- think about the following week. Will you be strong and stand for Him? Will I be strong and stand for Him?
This is something to think about.
For Kingdom Education,
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Mark 10:17 - "As Jesus started on his way, a man ran up to him and fell on his knees before him. 'Good teacher,' he asked, 'what must I do to inherit eternal life?'"
You may know this account from the confrontation of the Rich Young Ruler and Christ. In this account we find the problem with most of man's attempts to be right with God. It is found in the young ruler's question.
He asks - "What must I do to inherit eternal life?" (Emphasis mine). The whole issue is "I." For most of us, we want to control the circumstances. We want to be in charge. So - it is "I."
The rich, young ruler wanted to do something. The majority of people today want to do something to be right with God. The whole point at Easter is that it is not what I do - but what He has done. Someone once said salvation was based upon "ne". Not what I do, but what He has done.
Today, share with someone what has been done, and invite them to accept the finished work.
For Kingdom Education,
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
The Resurrection
John 11:25 - "Jesus said to her, 'I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies;'"
It is that time of year when we focus upon the Crucifixion and Resurrection of our Lord. Jesus taught his disciples over and over again about the importance of His death - and He taught that He was the One who would Resurrect us in the end times.
The account in John 11 is about the death of Lazarus. The whole event allowed by God to show the power that Jesus has over death. He has conquered man's most feared enemy. He has the keys that controls the live and death of man. During this season, meditate upon the truth of the resurrection of our Lord in your life - have you accepted His free gift of Salvation? Are you a part of the family of God?
Help others to find this relationship also.
For Kingdom Education,
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Christmas Tree Christianity?
This is from a devotion prepared by Dr. David Jeremiah.
Galatians 5:22-23: "The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control."
In your mind's eye, put two trees side by side-a Christmas and an apple tree. On the one, ornaments are hung awhile, then and then removed. On the other, the ornaments are not ornaments at all, but real fruit growing naturally from within.
Some people are Christmas trees. They try to wear love like an ornament. They try to be joyful by their own efforts. They grudgingly try to be patient, kind, or gentle. They take a class in self-control. But without the indwelling of the Spirit, it's like hanging artificial ornaments on a dead tree. For the Christian, however, the character-qualities of Jesus Christ are produced within us by the indwelling Holy Spirit. The Spirit exhibits the love, joy, and peace of our Lord Jesus from within us as we walk in the Spirit.
Billy Graham is quoted as saying, "I cannot have joy, and peace, and long-suffering, gentleness, goodness and faith and meekness and temperance by myself. I have no power. But this Holy the one that gives me the power to love. He gives me the joy. He gives me the peace. He gives me the patience. He bears fruit in my life."
The Bible often compares believers to trees (Psalm 1:1-3; Jeremiah 17:7-8). Let's bear much fruit for His glory!
For Kingdom Education,
Monday, March 30, 2009
For a change of pace - hope you enjoy this story that Clif Jeter sent to me.
"On the first day, God created the dog and said: 'Sit all day by the door of your house and bark at anyone who comes in or walks past. For this, I will give you a life span of twenty years.'
The dog said: 'That's a long time to be barking. How about only ten years and I'll give you back the other ten?'
So God agreed.
On the second day, God created the monkey and said: 'Entertain people, do tricks, and make them laugh. For this, I'll give you a twenty-year life span.'
The monkey said: 'Monkey tricks for twenty years? That's a pretty long time to perform. How about I give you back ten like the Dog did?'
And God agreed.
On the third day, God created the cow and said: 'You must go into the field with the farmer all day long and suffer under the sun, have calves and give milk to support the farmer's family. For this, I will give you a life span of sixty years.'
The cow said: 'That's kind of a tough life you want me to live for sixty years. How about twenty and I'll give back the other forty?'
And God agreed again.
On the fourth day, God created man and said: 'Eat, sleep, play, marry and enjoy your life. For this, I'll give you twenty years.'
But man said: 'Only twenty years? Could you possibly give me my twenty, the forty the cow gave back, the ten the monkey gave back, and the ten the dog gave back; that makes eighty, okay?'
'Okay,' said God, 'You asked for it.'
So that is why for our first twenty years we eat, sleep, play and enjoy ourselves. For the next forty years we slave in the sun to support our family. For the next ten years we do monkey tricks to entertain the grandchildren. And for the last ten years we sit on the front porch and bark at everyone.
Life has now been explained to you.
Hope this brought a smile to your face and a chuckle in your heart.
For Kingdom Education,
(I must put the disclaimer that the management does not endorse this theological concept. :0 )
Friday, March 27, 2009
Thomas and the Kinesthetic Style of Learning
Proverbs 22:6 (NIV) - "Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it."
The last Multiple Intelligence or Learning Style we will review at this time is the area of Kinesthetic. You can recognize them because they learn through physical activity. They think through physical sensations. They love running, dancing, touching, and gesturing (ever knew someone who couldn't talk if you tied their hands?). They go on to become athletes, actors, dancers, and artists.
Our Scriptural example comes from the life of Thomas. Consider John 20: 24 - 25 - "Now Thomas (called Didymus), one of the Twelve, was not with the disciples when Jesus came. So the other disciples told him, "We have seen the Lord!" But he said to them, "Unless I see the nail marks in his hands and put my finger where the nails were, and put my hand into his side, I will not believe it." He needed the physical sensations of sight and touch to convince him.
Jesus applied this style with Thomas. Notice that He does not rebuke him or chastise him. Jesus gives him the opportunity to learn by touch. God has wired each of us differently. Not wrong - just different. Jesus knew this and applied different forms to teach different folk.
Spot the Kinesthetics today - and run along side of them to reach the goal of knowledge.
For Kingdom Education,
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Paul and the Interpersonal Style of Learning
Proverbs 22:6 (NIV) - "Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it."
So -- who were the Mathematical/Logical people you came in contact with? How are you seeking to reach them?
Another form of Multiple Intelligence is called the Interpersonal style. Their strength is in socialization and cooperation. They think by bouncing ideas off other people. They love leading, organizing, partying, and mentorships. They tend to become the politicians, CEO's, and counselors in the world.
Our person in Scripture that fits this mold is the Apostle Paul. He loved to train others. He had a heart for mentoring neophyte theologians. He sought to train young pastors. Consider his words in 2 Timothy 2: 1 - 2 - "You then, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable men who will also be qualified to teach others."
John 6: 5, 6 - "When Jesus looked up and saw a great crowd coming toward him, he said to Philip, "Where shall we buy bread for these people to eat?" He asked this only to test him, for he already had in mind what he was going to do." We see a picture here of Jesus applying this MI to the situation.
Spot those who work under this style and develop ways of reaching them.
For Kingdom Education,
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Nehemiah and the Mathematical Learning Style
Proverbs 22:6 (NIV) - "Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it."
Did you recognize any Linguistic learners yesterday? Did it make any difference in the way you taught them?
Today we will consider the Mathematical/Logical style of learning. Someone who is strong in this form of intelligence will display it in the area of numbers, reasoning, and problem solving. Where the Linguistic thinks in words, the M/L thinks by reasoning. This type of learner loves experiments, questions, and logical puzzles. Generally you will find someone with this MI going into the field as a scientist, an engineer,or mathematician.
Our example in Scripture is Nehemiah. (Some call him the shortest man in the Bible -- Knee high Miah). We find his engineering and logical ability to arrange things in the account of rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem. He had a plan and logically executed that plan so that the walls were restored in record time.
Jesus applied this style with Nicodemus. He took him step-by-step from where he was to where he needed to be. The discourse is one of strong logical application.
Watch for your students today who display this style of learning, and seek how you can reach them in your lessons.
For Kingdom Education,
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Jump Rope for Heart
Last week the Lower School participated in Jump Rope for Heart - to raise money for the American Heart Association. I told the students that if they raised $3000.00 I would "Go Green."
Well, as you can see from the pictures - they raised ----- $5300.00+. I am so proud of them. They are a great group of students.
Thanks to Lauren Adams who put this all together, and to Amber Vencion for the Green Dye Job. This definitely puts a new spin to the phrase --"Going Green."
For Kingdom Education,
Dr. Luke and Linguistic Style of Learning
Proverbs 22:6 (NIV) - "Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it."
We spoke of eight Learning styles or multiple intelligences yesterday. We can find them displayed in the Scriptures. We will start with the Linguistic style of learning - and our "Poster-child" will be Dr. Luke.
The Linguistic style has its strength in the area of Language Arts. This type of learner thinks in words. They love reading (sound like someone you know), writing, and telling stories. Typically a person with this style of learning will end up being a writer or a speaker of some sort.
In the Scriptures we find a prime example in Dr. Luke the writer/historian. Consider his own words in Luke 1: 1 - 4 - "Many have undertaken to draw up an account of the things that have been fulfilled among us, just as they were handed down to us by those who from the first were eyewitnesses and servants of the word. Therefore, since I myself have carefully investigated everything from the beginning, it seemed good also to me to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus, so that you may know the certainty of the things you have been taught."
Jesus applied this mode of teaching by telling many parables and stories.
You may have students that learn in this form. God has wired us each differently, apply their style to achieve their maximum response.
For Kingdom education,
Monday, March 23, 2009
Learning Styles
Proverbs 22:6 (NIV) - "Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it."
Multiple intelligences or learning styles on a major emphasis on the educational scene. At this time they declare nine different styles. They are - (1)Linguistic/verbal, (2) Mathematical/logical, (3) Spatial, (4) Musical, (5) Intrapersonal, (6) Interpersonal, (7) Kinesthetic, (8) Naturalistic, and (9) Existentialist.
Can these be used by Christian school teachers? Since all truth is God's truth, can we find these concepts in the Bible? Did Jesus use them in His teaching? Over the next couple of days we will look at a couple of these styles. Eventually, we will consider all nine of them. Tomorrow let's start with the Linguistic style of learning.
For Kingdom Education,
Friday, March 20, 2009
Today, let me digress into my thoughts about the change of this season.
Gen. 1:14 (NIV) - "And God said, 'Let there be lights in the expanse of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark seasons and days and years....'"
Today on most calendars marks the first day of Spring. It is the vernal equinox and lasts until the summer solstice. In spring, the axis of the Earth is tilted toward the Sun and the length of daylight rapidly increases for the our hemisphere. The hemisphere begins to warm significantly causing new plant growth to "spring forth," giving the season its name.
Impressed with my knowledge? I got it out of books. Really, for me, Spring is that time of year when things turn green, plants bloom, and I can look forward to summer and the beach. Wow. I am really deep when it comes to this. :-)
God has ordained the seasons. Seasons of the year, and seasons of life. We are moving out of the cold winter and into the warmer spring. I always look at this in a spiritual way - moving from the coldness of this present age into a resurrection with my Savior. (Don't take this too far - I don't equate Summer with going to Hell.)
Today, take a moment and contemplate the beauty of this season. Think about our Lord's resurrection, and the glorious future we have with Him.
For Kingdom Education,
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Teaching Like Jesus - Principle #3
Matt. 7: 28-29 (NIV) - "When Jesus had finished saying these things, the crowds were amazed at his teaching, because he taught as one who had authority, and not as their teachers of the law."
The final of the three principles gleaned is ----------
If they are teachable - they will learn!
And, you know what - people are teachable. We will need to discover what works with an individual, and then apply it. Classroom instruction is not a cookie-cutter approach to learning. There is no one way to teach. There is no magic bullet that will get students from point A to point B. It involves us being involved with each student so that we know what works with them, and what doesn't.
So, the three principles stated this week are:
(1) Truth is understood only through God's enabling.
(2) Our ultimate goal is to draw people into a personal relationship with God.
(3) If they are teachable - they will learn.
Go forth and teach, my friend, go forth and teach.
For Kingdom Education,
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Teaching Like Jesus - Principle #2
Matt. 7: 28-29 (NIV) - "When Jesus had finished saying these things, the crowds were amazed at his teaching, because he taught as one who had authority, and not as their teachers of the law."
Principle # 2 in teaching like Jesus is ----
Our ultimate Goal is to draw people into a personal relationship with God.
Let me quote from a statement I have that Thom Shultz has made. "[Jesus’] goal was to bring people into relationship or union with God. That made Jesus controversial than and now because the people of his time were looking for a kind of Messiah to relieve them of the political nasties that were going on there. But it’s not really what he was about. Even the physical healings that he did were a means to the ultimate goal of directing people back to a relationship with God.”
As we teach the minds of our young people, our goal should be to also reach their hearts. To take them beyond the intellectual issues of our class to the foundational need - their relationship with God. Teach English - live Christ - make connections. Teach Math - live Christ - Make connections.
Today - let your relationship with the Father open the door for others to join you.
For Kingdom Education,
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Teaching Like Jesus - Principle #1
Matthew 7:28-29 (NIV) - "When Jesus had finished saying these things, the crowds were amazed at his teaching, because he taught as one who had authority, and not as their teachers of the law."
Wouldn't you love for those who you instruct about God come away amazed and informed? I want us to consider three principles that can be gleaned from Jesus in His teaching methodology.
Principle #1: Truth is understood only through God's enabling. John 17:6a states - "I have revealed you to those whom you gave me...."
God calls us to instruct those around us with a Christian worldview. He calls us to teach them from His point of view. He calls us to teach. He, though, is ultimately responsible for who sees and who doesn't. When He enables one to see His Truth, they can't miss it.
We are called to be faithful to present His truth - He is faithful to reveal it to people. So, today, do your part and let Him work.
For Kingdom Education,
Thursday, March 12, 2009
God Has a Plan for - You
Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV) - "'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the LORD, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.'"
Over the last seven days we have mused over the truth of God and His plan. We considered His plan for man, marriage, sin, family, church, rulers, the future, and today - you.
No one is outside of God's plan. Everyone is a component of that plan. How we chose to respond to that plan may appear to be arbitrary, however, God who knows all things from the beginning knows what we will do.
In this verse God let's us know that if we will commit and follow His plan for our lives, we will prosper, have hope, and a future. If we don't - well we will have the opposite. The problem is - we try to dictate what prosperity is, what the hope should be, and how our future will look. Friend - we don't honestly get that choice. God knows what our particular prosperity will be, He knows what hope we have, and He knows our future.
Today - trust Him. Trust His plan. As one writer has said - "When we can't see His Hand, trust His Heart."
For Kingdom Education,
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
God Has a Plan for - The Future
Rev. 1: 19 (NIV) - "Write, therefore, what you have seen, what is now and what will take place later."
Verse 1 states - "The revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show his servants what must soon take place." John was on the isle of Patmos - exiled for his beliefs and teachings. An elderly man subjected to banishment. Yes, he could hold to the hope of God's knowing the present circumstances - God now shows him that He knows the future.
Write what you have seen. Tell about the Savior - the God-man. Write what is now. Tell about the turmoil and trouble of this present day and time. Write what will take place later. John - let Me show you the future. What tribulation and distress will come - but hold on - John -- We win!! The future for those who embrace and accept Jesus will possibly be troublesome, but the ending is glorious. God has a plan for the future - it is written out in His Word - and not even the demons of Hell can change it.
I, for one, am very glad I serve a God who knows the future, holds the future, and will see the future unfold for His Glory and Honor. Today, work towards placing your trust in the One who holds the future.
For Kingdom Education,
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
God Has a Plan for - Rulers
Romans 13: 1 (NIV) - "Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God." (Please read verse 2-7 also).
God has a plan and He is working His plan. And this includes government. Some believe that as Christians we should steer clear of politics. (This is what has gotten us into the mess we are in). Others look for government to save the world. (We have one Savior - Jesus Christ). However, God does place rulers in positions of authority to reward and punish nations for their adherence or rejection of His Word. Now, I am not equating any individual or activity in this statement, just reminding what Scripture tells us. And, God strongly warns us to submit and respond to those in authority because He is the One who placed them there. They are there to accomplish His plan.
We must pray for those in leadership positions because they are there because of God's plan. He is using them to forward His agenda for the ages. Today, seek to pray and not criticize those God has placed in authority over you. Let Him work. He will.
For Kingdom Education,
Monday, March 9, 2009
God Has a Plan for - Church
Matthew 28: 18-20 (NIV) - "Then Jesus came to them and said, 'All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.'"
God has a plan - and He is working His plan. From man to marriage, sin and salvation, family to church - He has a plan. He has revealed His plan in His Word. The verses above speak of His plan for the church. Because He (Jesus) has all authority, He gives the instructions and marching orders for the church.
Basically - Go and disciple. We too often as a 21st century church want to sit, soak, and sour when our commander-in-chief has told us to Go, grow, and glow! We are not to wait for the heathen to darken our doorways, we are to seek them out. The - we are to strive to develop them into disciples - followers of Jesus Christ. One of my mentors used to say that a church should be filled with those who are outside the faith - so we can bring them to the faith.
Today, ponder and seek to reach someone who is outside and bring them in.
For Kingdom Education,
Friday, March 6, 2009
God Has a Plan for - Family
Deut. 6: 6-9 (NIV) - "These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates."
We mentioned earlier this week God's plan for marriage. Part of that plan is the procreation of the race. Marriage is God's plan for children to be brought into this world. It is God's plan for Family.
Fathers and Mothers have the awesome task of raising children to become godly people in this world. He gives a method in the verses above. It is parents primary responsibility in the education, correction, and nurturing of these children. We as teachers can come alongside parents, but it is never the school, government, community, village, or anyone else that God has primarily tasked with raising children. It is parents.
Today, seek to encourage a parent (or soon to be parent) with their task of child-rearing. Be an asset to them - come alongside and lift them up in their responsibility.
For Kingdom Education,
Thursday, March 5, 2009
God Has a Plan for - Sin
Gen. 3:15 (NIV) - "And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel."
The Protoevangelium. $25 word that means the first proclamation of the gospel. In this 3rd chapter, Adam and Eve have sinned and separated themselves and mankind from God. But God declares in the midst of the penalty the plan that He has for their return. For our return. That plan is for Jesus to be the sacrifice that will bring us into right relationship with the Father. That plan that would not culminate for centuries at the Cross was there and in place.
God has a plan for the removal and forgiveness of your sins. He worked it through, and now it is there for you. Most reading this have already accepted the free gift of salvation offered by God in His wonderful plan of redemption. If you have - are you sharing it with others? It is part of His plan that we make others aware of this offer.
Today, ask Him to give you the opportunity to share this with at least one other person.
For Kingdom Education,
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
God Has a Plan for - Marriage
Gen. 2:24 (NIV) - "For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh."
My wife and I have just started a Sunday Morning Bible Study based on the movie Fireproof. It deals with strengthening your marriage. In preparing for this class, I have been reading authors dealing with the topic of marriage.
This is the foundational verse for God's Plan for marriage. As has been said, marriage is one man and one women for one lifetime. I like the short version of this verse one author spoke of -- leave, cleave and weave. We are to form a permanent bond based upon leaving our individual families, cleaving (or gluing) ourselves to each other, and then weaving our lives and personalities into one entity.
Today, Barna states that divorce is higher in the church than in the secular world. It ought not be so. Find ways to strengthen your marriage today - and help others to strengthen theirs also.
For Kingdom Education,
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
God Has a Plan for - Man
As teachers, we should start every lesson having a plan and seeking to follow it. Why plan? If we don't know where we are going - anywhere will be OK. We have a model in our Heavenly Father. He has a plan and is actively working that plan. We will contemplate God's plan and use it for an encouragement for us to plan our work - and to work our plan.
Gen. 1:28 (NIV) - "God blessed them and said to them, 'Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground.'"
I am musing over the truths of God's Word in the factor that He has a plan laid out. Now I am not going to get into the freewill/determinism debate - just some thoughts about His plan.
In Genesis 1 we have the account of the Creation of all things. From nothing (ex nihilio) to what we have today - God thought, spoke and it is. In the verse quoted above, God told Adam and Eve His plan for man. Some call this the technological and cultural mandate that we have as human beings. We are to learn about our world that He has given us, and in turn control it for good and use it wisely. We have often failed in this mandate. But, that doesn't negate His plan.
Starting today, make sure that you have a plan, a viable plan, and seek to use it in your classrooms and with your life.
For Kingdom Education,
Monday, March 2, 2009
Johnny the Bag Boy
I read the following in a devotion, and was very challenged by it. I hope that it challenges you also. There is a link to a video about this story ('
"The greatest among you will be your servant" (Matt 23:11).
Ken Blanchard, the author of the One Minute Manager, once shared a story about what can happen when individuals in a company model servant leadership, no matter where they are on the totem pole.
A business consultant was training more than 3000 employees of a mid-western grocery chain to approach their jobs with a goal of creating a memory for their customers. She stated that "this is what will distinguish your store from all others."
Johnny was a 19-year old bag boy that had down-syndrome. His first response to the consultant's suggestion was "I'm just a 'bag boy.'" Nevertheless, he went home and shared what the consultant said with his mother. They began to ponder the consultant's words about how he could create a memory for his customers. Johnny had a habit of collecting inspirational thoughts that he would often read. He decided he would begin printing these sayings and place one in each of the bags of his customers. When customers came through the line he would place the sayings in their bag and say, "I've included some of my favorite sayings in your bag in hopes it will encourage you today. Thanks for shopping with us."
After just a few weeks, an amazing thing began to happen. One day the store manager noticed that all the customers were lined up at only one cashier station when there were other stations open. He began to panic, thinking the other stations were broken. After further investigation he found this was not the case. Actually, customers wanted to come through Johnny's line in order to get his saying of the day.
One woman came up to the manager and said, "I used to come to the store only once a week, but now I come everyday!" Johnny's example spread to other departments in the store. The florist began giving a flower to each florist customer. The meat department put Snoopy stickers on each meat order with a special greeting. This one act by a bag boy changed the entire climate of the store.*
How can you create a memory for someone in your workplace today? Jesus was all about creating memories.
*Ken Blanchard, presentation made at 2004 His Presence in the Workplace conference, San Antonio, TX, 2005
For Kingdom Education,
Friday, February 27, 2009
Blessed by Giving - Praise
"If the world were a well-tuned instrument played in rhythm, I would not worship the instrument but him who made it and played it." Athenagoras
1 Peter 2:9 - "But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for His possession, so that you may proclaim the praises of the One who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light."
Today let us worship the Maker and Creator who has called us out of darkness and into His great Light. Today, let us move our eyes off of the things around us and unto the One who is. Rejoice with me in the greatness of God.
Today - give God the glory He deserves, the praise and worship that is His alone. Be blessed by giving.
For Kingdom Education,
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Blessed by Giving - Sharing
Today marks 17 out of 18 devotionals based on the concept of being blessed by giving. (I can hear it now, hurrah - only 1 more). I have spent this much time on this topic because in the Scriptures it is a vital topic - outranked by the Gospel itself. Jesus spoke often about our need for giving. Paul wrote about. Moses wrote about it. Today, Paul challenges the Corinthian believers to share by generously giving.
"For if the eagerness is there, it is acceptable according to what one has, not according to what he does not have. It is not that there may be relief for others and hardship for you, but it is a question of equality at the present time your surplus is [available] for their need, so that their abundance may also become [available] for your need, that there may be equality. As it has been written: The person who gathered much did not have too much, and the person who gathered little did not have too little." (2 Cor. 8: 12 - 15)
He reminds us that as we share with others in their need, others will share with us in our need. Today, seek to find ways to help others around you. Let us put into practice the challenges we have been receiving from God's Word this month.
For Kingdom Education,
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Blessed by Giving - Sincerely
2 Corinthians 8: 8-9 - "I am not saying this as a command. Rather, by means of the diligence of others, I am testing the genuineness of your love. For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ: although He was rich, for your sake He became poor, so that by His poverty you might become rich."
Sincerity. The word meaning in the original of sincerity is "without wax." A vase was considered genuine if it was sold "without wax." What this means is - when vases were cured and fired, often they would develop small cracks. A unscrupulous dealer would fill these cracks with wax to make it look whole and pure. However, when the vase was left in the sun or near heat, the wax would melt and the cracks become apparent. So - the best vases were - you got it - sincere.
Paul says he is testing the genuineness of the Corinthian Church's love for the Lord by their giving. Generous giving tells of how much we love our Lord - Jesus Christ. So - are you "without wax" in your generosity? Will the heat of the sun melt and reveal the real person?
Today, make plans (and then put them into practice) to be sincere in generous giving.
For Kingdom Education,
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Blessed by Giving - Spiritually
2 Corinthians 8:7 -"Now as you excel in everything—in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in all diligence, and in your love for us —excel also in this grace."
"Excel also in this grace." What grace was Paul speaking about? Giving. He equates giving generously with being a grace. Do we? Or, do we consider it a chore? How about a nasty little thing we have to do? Hey - hold on you say --
Yet, it is a spiritual act that we perform in worship to God. When we give generously we are honoring His name, giving Him first place, and extending His Kingdom. Giving is grace.
Today, seek ways to be full of grace to others - find ways that you can give generously.
For Kingdom Education,
Monday, February 23, 2009
Blessed by Giving - Systematically
2 Corinthians 8: 6 - "So we urged Titus that, just as he had begun, so he should also complete this grace to you...."
2 Corinthians 8 begins with Paul urging the Corinthian Church to complete the collection they had begun. God uses this to teach us to finish what we start in our generous giving. Paul urged Titus to be systematic in what he was doing.
It is important for us to systematic in all areas of our lives - including in the grace of giving. We must give in an orderly fashion of ourselves, our time, our talents, and our treasures. To do any less would not be honoring to God.
Today, if you have not developed a systematic plan for generous giving in all areas of your life - find some time and begin to chart out an organized plan of generous giving.
For Kingdom Education,
Friday, February 20, 2009
Blessed by Giving - Selflessly
2 Cor. 8:4 - "...they begged us insistently for the privilege of sharing in the ministry to the saints..."
OK quiz time. (Yeah, I am an educator).
When was the last time you begged to be allowed to give generously? (Jeopardy theme playing softly...) If you're waiting for an answer from me -- I asked you first.
These churches in Macedonia wanted to give so badly they begged Paul for the chance. Remember, they were going through adversity and poverty - yet they pleaded for the opportunity to give to others. That's the kind of church that God blesses. That's the kind of person God blesses.
To often today we pray and seek for ways for people to give to us. And God's plan is for us to give to others. Today, see how many times you can ask (plead, beg, conjole) others to let you give.
For Kingdom Education,
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Blessed by Giving - Cheerfully
2 Corinthians 9:7 - "Each person should do as he has decided in his heart—not out of regret or out of necessity, for God loves a cheerful giver."
Sometimes we need to think through our pattern of giving. Are we doing it and not wanting to? Are we grumbling about what we give? Paul challenges the Corinthian believers to do it cheerfully. The Greek word here is the same from which we get our word hilarious.
Paul wants us to see that we know that it is an act of obedience to give to God, but, it should be an act of obedience that we take part in with good feelings, excitement, cheerfulness. When you give - is it the minimum? Is it the least you can do? Is it with grave grumblings of giving gripes? (Say that three times quickly). How do you give?
If you are seeking to be blessed by God, you must give generously and with a cheerful heart and attitude.
Today - get hilarious with your giving. Don't give 'til it hurts - find ways to give 'til it blesses.
For Kingdom Education,
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Blessed by Giving - Sacrificially
We are blessed by giving generously when it is sacrificially given. Consider as Paul is challenging the church at Corinth to give - "We want you to know, brothers, about the grace of God granted to the churches of Macedonia: during a severe testing by affliction, their abundance of joy and their deep poverty overflowed into the wealth of their generosity. I testify that, on their own, according to their ability and beyond their ability..." (8:1-3).
God gave blessings to the churches of Macedonia because they gave - not out of abundance, but out of the trials and and poverty that they were experiencing. God will bless any church who gives sacrificially.
And, God will bless those of us who give generously of our time, talent, and treasures to further His Kingdom work. The gospels share the story of the widow who gave her all vs. the rich. Notice who was noticed by God. Notice who was given the commendation by God. Notice who God was concerned for. The rich people, right? Wrong.
God will bless those who give generously and sacrificially. Do you fit that description?
For Kingdom Education,
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Blessed by Giving - Extending God's Program
2 Corinthians 9:12 - "For the ministry of this service is not only supplying the needs of the saints, but is also overflowing in many acts of thanksgiving to God."
When we give generously, not only are we blessed, not only is God exalted, not only is His plan put into motion, but - we also see His Kingdom advanced. God can do anything without us, but in His economy He often does not work without us. That is why prayer is so important. That is why being evangelistic is important. That is why giving is so important. Our giving generously provides the means for the Kingdom to advance. Giving ourselves first, our time, our talents, our finances.
Paul is writing to the Corinthian believers and to their church as a whole. God's churches advance not only as the individuals give generously, but as the church gives generously we see the Kingdom advance. As church's give they can see the blessings that others receive and also the blessing they will receive in return.
Blessings come in direct proportion to the blessings given. The Kingdom advances in direct proportion to the generous giving of those seeking to see it advance.
Sooooo---- today let's see how far we can advance the Kingdom for the glory of God!
For Kingdom Education,
Friday, February 13, 2009
Blessed by Giving - Executing God's Plan
2 Corinthians 9:6 - 8 - "Remember this: the person who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and the person who sows generously will also reap generously. Each person should do as he has decided in his heart—not out of regret or out of necessity, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make every grace overflow to you, so that in every way, always having everything you need, you may excel in every good work."
God has a plan for our lives. He has a plan - He works His plan - and His plan will succeed.
When it comes to being blessed - His plan is that we give generously to others. As we bless others we reap the blessings. To often we attempt to hoard all that we have - and then feel miserable. Consider what happened to Midas.
Give little - get little. Give a lot - get a lot. God's plan. Plain and simple. So ---
What are you doing to follow His plan today? Muse over the thought of how much you are going to be blessed by how much you have blessed others.
For Kingdom Education,
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Blessed by Giving - Exalting God's Name
Proverbs 3:9 - "Honor the LORD with your possessions and with the first produce of your entire harvest..."
We are pondering the importance of giving generously. Generously of our time, talent, and treasures. We know that it is God's desire - and command that we do this. We have pondered that God will bless us personally, materially, and spiritually.
Let us stop to muse over the fact that when we as Christians give generously - we are exalting God. When we give generously, we are showing that we honor Him. He is first in our lives. He is able to provide for us. He is willing to meet our needs. He is all that we need. We are proclaiming to the world that we place our God in highest honor.
Today, look for ways to give generously as a way to show honor to our great and glorious God.
For Kingdom Education,
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Blessed by Giving - Spiritual Blessings
Malachi 3: 12 - ""Then all the nations will consider you fortunate, for you will be a delightful land," says the LORD of Hosts."
The nation of Israel received this promise - that as they gave generously, they would have their needs met, and this would include being a blessing to others.
As Christians, as we give generously, God will bless us Spiritually. Someone once told me that we were not to be dams holding in reserve the blessings God gives us - we are to be channels to take those blessing to others. Many will remember the old hymn - "Channels of Blessing." There is much truth in the words of that old hymn.
When we obey and give generously - God blesses us personally, materially, and spiritually. Seek to be a recipient of those blessings.
For Kingdom Education,
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Blessed by Giving - Material Blessings
Malachi 3: 11 - "I will rebuke the devourer for you, so that it will not ruin the produce of your ground, and your vine in your field will not be barren," says the LORD of Hosts."
God speaking through the prophet gives us a little insight to Kingdom Economics. He says that if we give generously (verse 10) then we will have material blessings. Notice some things here -
(1) The people were expected to give generously first. (2) The people were expected to work for these blessings. (3) The blessing was to make their work fruitful.
This is not a "pray it and claim it" promise. It is based upon our following God's directions, and on our doing our part. God was also warning that the lack of generosity could be seen in the "devourer" taking away what they have. Ever struggle to get ahead only to suddenly have something happen to diminish what you have? Saving money when a pipe bursts and ruins you living room. Getting ahead financially and suddenly major repairs are needed on your house or car. Or, major medical bills.
Sometimes these are the results of just plain living in a sinful world. However, sometimes maybe God has lifted His Hand of protection because we are not obeying and being generous.
Today, ponder what God is calling you to give - your time, your talent, your finances? Then to have the blessings do it.
For Kingdom Education,
Monday, February 9, 2009
Blessed by Giving - Personal Blessings
Philippians 4:19 - "And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus. "
We are talking about God's design and desire of our giving of ourselves. Over the week, I am planning to ponder the idea of being blessed personally, materially, and spiritually. And, no, I am not a prosperity preacher. So, don't look for that in these ideas.
Personal blessings. The above Scripture that we read states that God will provide everything we need. Now some have taken this as a guarantee that everything we ask for we get. Wrong. In fact, in context of the passage, Paul is commenting upon the Philippians generosity to him. He is telling them that as they are generous to others not to worry - God will meet their needs.
As we give to others, God will also meet our needs (we often need to learn the difference between needs and wants). This is true. A friend once told me that you can never out give God. And, in context of speaking to the church at Philippi - this is a truth for churches too. If they give generously to others, God will meet their needs. A stingy church is a starving church when it comes to God's blessings. A stingy person is a starving person when it comes to God's blessings.
Today, ponder the truth of never being able to out give God. And, after pondering - give generously.
For Kingdom Education,
Friday, February 6, 2009
Blessed by Giving - Experience God's Provision
Malachi 3: 11-12 states, "I will rebuke the devourer for you, so that it will not ruin the produce of your ground, and your vine in your field will not be barren," says the LORD of Hosts. "Then all the nations will consider you fortunate, for you will be a delightful land," says the LORD of Hosts."
When we give as God directs, we show that He is the prime Being in our lives, we gather in His promise, and we share in His provision for us. He wants to bless us. Now, I'm not going the "Prosperity Gospel" route. I believe that anything that cannot be preached in a devastated third world country is not part of the gospel. However, God does make provision for us. He does bless us. Next week we will look at three ways that God can and will bless us as we give as He directs. We will consider how He blesses personally, materially, and spiritually.
Get the best that God has planned for your life. How? By giving the way that He directs. Today, give Him your best, give him your all, and experience His best plan for you.
For Kingdom Education,
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Blessed by Giving - Embracing God's Promise
Well, what did you give God yesterday?
Malachi 3:10 - "Bring the full 10 percent into the storehouse so that there may be food in My house. Test Me in this way," says the LORD of Hosts. "See if I will not open the floodgates of heaven and pour out a blessing for you without measure."
Do you see the promise God makes? We give Him the FULL amount He asks for, and He will flood us with blessings. Do you know what is exciting? God loves to make promises to His people - and best of all - He keeps His promises. Do you want to collect on God's promises? Then give Him what is His. Don't hold out - do it to the max.
Today, give God your best, and give Him the max that you have. See if He won't fill up back up.
For Kingdom Education,
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Blessed by Giving - Expressing God's Preeminence
Join me in considering what being a steward is all about. When we give, we show that God holds first place in our lives. Because, as we give, we are giving to Him. However, what we give speaks of how we view Him.
A father and his daughter went to church one Sunday morning. She watched as he placed something in the offering plate. After the service, the father was complaining about everything that took place. His little girl looked up and said, "Well, what did you expect to get for a dime?"
Do we give God the first part of ourselves, our time, our money? Or, do we give Him whatever we have left over? Consider what Malachi wrote: ""When you present a blind [animal] for sacrifice, is it not wrong? And when you present a lame or sick [animal], is it not wrong? Bring it to your governor! Would he be pleased with you or show you favor?" asks the LORD of Hosts....'The deceiver is cursed who has an [acceptable] male in his flock and makes a vow but sacrifices a defective [animal] to the Lord. For I am a great King,' says the LORD of Hosts, 'and My name will be feared among the nations." (1:8,14).
What are you giving God today?
For Kingdom Education,
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Blessed by Giving - Stewards
Luke 16: 10-12 - "Whoever is faithful in very little is also faithful in much, and whoever is unrighteous in very little is also unrighteous in much. So if you have not been faithful with the unrighteous money, who will trust you with what is genuine? And if you have not been faithful with what belongs to someone else, who will give you what is your own?"
This month, I want us to be challenged to consider that God's plan to bless us is developed by our giving. Giving of ourselves, our time, our talents, and our finances. To often we come to God seeking to get - when His plan to bless us is tied to us giving. God has made each of us stewards of a part of His Kingdom. We are responsible to Him for what we do. Some of the material comes from information I have from Dr. David Jeremiah of Shadow Mountain Community Church in California.
The New International Webster's Pocket Dictionary - 2000 edition - defines a steward as: "1) A person entrusted with the affairs of others; 3) on shipboard, a person who waits on tables and takes care of passenger's rooms."
We seem to think of being a steward as being the one in charge. It's not. We are the servant of the One we represent. Stewardship is a priority of Scripture, a prerequisite for service, and a program for success. This month, let us contemplate what God calls us to do as stewards. Get ready as we seek to be Blessed by Giving.
For Kingdom Education,