Tuesday, February 25, 2014

What's Right about Worship #2

"God is seeking every believer to worship Him, because Jesus said, "The Father seeks worship." Worship is a two-way street that first gives praise to God, and second, strengthens believers as they give themselves in worship to God. When the church is right on worship, it is a transforming power to its members and the congregation as a whole."*

We have started a brief survey of 6 different styles of worship.  Today we will consider the first 3, and tomorrow we will finish the last 3.  The final study in this series on Worship will be on the Biblical basis of the difference in worship styles.

Worship is giving "worth-ship" to God.  It is focusing on Him and ascribing all glory and praise to Him. It is not seeking my needs and comfort, but His glory and relationship. The three styles of worship discussed today are Evangelistic, Bible-expositional, and Renewal.

The Evangelistic style of worship emphasizes evangelism as a primary part of their service. It is usually action oriented, a Pastor with the gift of evangelism, preaching is evangelistic in style, the ministry seeks lay-people involvement in outreach, and is platform oriented - the success of the platform determines the success of the ministry.

The Bible-expositional style of worship is noted for its use of printed notes, PowerPoint, and a verse-by-verse exposition of the Scriptures.  The Pastor's gift is teaching, and the congregation can be seen taking notes. It is education-based worship.  It is usually found in upper-middle class, white-collar, and college oriented areas. People worship God because of what they know or learn.

The final one today is called Renewal worship.  It is a worship time designed for feeling and flow. Raising of hands, clapping, and praise choruses can be seen here.  They tend to lay hands on each other for prayer, healing, etc. The emphasis is on personal renewal in fellowship with God. To one who worships in this fashion, the service must be stimulating, uplifting, and exhilarating. They have a good feeling when they leave and go home.

So, today we have considered three of the six types of biblical worship. Tomorrow, we will see the final three.

Today, consider your preference of worship style.  Do you like a meditative service? Hymns? Praise teams? Expository? Topical? Fellowship based? And then ask God to give you an open heart and mind for those who worship differently than you.

* Towns, Elmer L. (2009) What's Right with the Church: A manifesto of Hope. Regal/Ventura CA. pp. 78; 97

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