The Bible gives us the account of Mary and Martha - friends of Jesus in Bethany. In the account Mary set at Jesus' feet and Martha harried herself to prepare the hospitality. One was worshipping and the other serving.
We often find ourselves debating over whether a person should serve or worship - as if we could divorce the two things. They cannot be separated and still be of any value. If we worship without serving, or serve without worshipping - we are creating an ineffective belief system.
Some will pride themselves over their faithful service, they are there whenever the "doors are open." They attend to every committee and every call for a need in their church. They work and work and work..... Yet they feel deflated and "burnt out." Why? Because they are only seeing half of the picture. They are relying on their own power and ability.

We need to find the balance between worship and service. Today, muse over whether you are lop-sided in your life. Do you run around busy, busy, busy or do you cram, cram, cram more knowledge What changes do you need to make? How can you start making a change?
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