Thursday, May 21, 2020


TEXT:  Philippians 1:1-2 (CSB) – “Paul and Timothy, servants of Christ Jesus: To all the saints in Christ Jesus who are in Philippi, including the overseers and deacons. Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.”

So, yesterday we are challenged to find Joy in Adverse Circumstances by becoming a Bondslave. Today, Paul gives us a new challenge in the concept that we are Saints in Christ.

Notice, they are “at Philippi” – a local church that he is writing this letter to. A great reminder that if we are part of the Body of Christ, we have salvation and claim a true relationship with Christ, we need to be a part of a physical, local church also.

Notice who he says makes up the local church – first, there is the Episkopos a Greek word that means the overseer. We would call this a Bishop or Pastor. Paul acknowledged the Undershepherd of the local flock. Next, we see that there are Diakonos. The Greek word has been transliterated as deacons, the assistants to the Pastor and local Church. The Greek word carries the connotation to pursue and serve.

And, we also see that there are The Saints. That’s you and me. Do you feel like a saint? Be careful – pride goes before a fall (Proverbs 16:18).

Yet, that’s what God’s Word calls us. We need to understand what the meaning of being a saint is. The Greek word translated here is Hagios which means separated, consecrated, sacred, holy (Holy Spirit). So, yes, we are saints in the idea that we are separated from sin and consecrated to God – we are thus, sacred.

A little girl asked her mother about the Stained Glass Windows in their church. Her mother told her they were  “Saints.”  The little  girl asked, “Who are they?” Her mother replied, “Those who died in service to God.” The little girl’s eyes got wide and she asked,  “Which service, the morning or the evening?”

It is more like a little boy asking about the windows. His Mother hushed him and said they were saints. He thinks and thinks and finally says. “I know what a saint is – someone who lets the light in.”

We are Saints. Not a bunch of dead beats, but light-bearers. We should be letting in the light to the world. We should be showing Jesus to a world darkened with sin.  A world that is groping in darkness.

So, we are servants (slaves) of Christ – “of = belonging to” and we are saints in Christ – “in = because of”  (Not what we do, what he did). You see it is not how we feel – it is our relationship that establishes the truth.

So today, take time to consider our lives. Are we Bondslaves and Saints? Do we let the light in?
Tomorrow, as we finish this start to the Gospel of Joy in Adverse Circumstances, We will see that even at the start of his letter, Paul reminds them that they can have peace.

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