Monday, August 17, 2020

Proverbs for Living - 17

Proverbs 17:22 (CSB) - "A joyful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit dries up the bones."

we are aware that we can affect our health by diet, nutrition, exercise, exposure, and sleep. But are we aware that we can affect it by more than this? We can affect it by our attitude and spirit. A happy and cheerful spirit will improve your health, but a wounded and negative spirit can ruin it. So, as we muse over this verse, consider how is your attitude today? Do yourself a favor! Consider the wisdom here and choose to be cheerful in the Lord! Do it now!

The proverb’s simile, “like a medicine,” and synecdoche, “drieth the bones,” should not be perverted to ridicule antibiotics or explain the cause of leukemia. They are not to be taken to mean that we do not need the medicine and medical profession. They are figures of speech teaching the general health and value of a happy outlook and attitude toward life. There is a great lesson here, but understand that the proverb is not teaching a panacea for all sickness.

A merry heart or broken spirit is a choice we can make! They are not results of Fate, temperament, genetics, or health. And they are NOT the result of circumstances, for a cheerful person can choose to be happy in horrible difficulties, and a sad person can ruin a wonderful event. You can have a continual feast through life, if you have a joyful heart; but a person with a negative attitude can find something wrong with every day (Pr 15:15). Stop and ponder this truth.

Sin destroys a merry heart, for a child of God cannot be happy out of fellowship with His Father. So the simple first step to a merry heart and good health is to live a holy, blameless life happy in the Lord. Discontentment will ruin health, for all you can think about is what you do not have, even when you have much. If you allow envy, bitterness, lust, resentment, or anger in your life, you are begging for the judgment of God and serious health problems. These wicked thoughts will pursue you day and night; they will not let you even sleep in peace. If you do not forgive others, God will not forgive you, and you will dry up your health by such an evil, wicked disposition.

However, if we are joyful, loving, thankful, peaceful, forgiving, and full of praise, we will find the blessing of God and a therapeutic balm for our body. If we make the Lord the joy of our life, we will have a constant reason to be merry, regardless of circumstances. Our nights will be peaceful and pleasant, because our heart, soul, and mind are relaxed.

There is nothing more refreshing and healthful for us than to examine ourselves, confess our sins in private prayer, and then offer Him the sacrifices of praise and singing, either alone or in the assembly. So, step up and take our medicine today.

Prayer: Great Physician, I come to You to seek Your medicine, Your prescription, Your Divine Guidance to have a body controlled by Your great Power, Love, and Grace. May I walk in Spiritual Health today and every day henceforth. Amen.

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