Monday, October 6, 2008



John 3:17 tells us, "For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him."

As Christians, do we come across in the world as seeking to bring them to Jesus - or condemn them by Jesus? Yes, I fully understand that you can't get a person saved until you get them to see they are lost. But, are our methods reaching out to them in concern and love - or are they perceiving a "I'm better than you" attitude? God had such a concern for those who are separated from Him (you and me, too) that He sent Jesus into this world to reconcile us back to Himself. It is His Grace that has given me the position that I am in. It is His Grace that has forgiven me. It is His Grace that has made me a part of His Family. And, it is His Grace that makes Him want this for everyone.

Today - as people cross our paths - let us remember that the Father loves us, the Son died for us, and the Spirit lives in us so we might show forth His Grace to a lost and dying world. Think about it.

For Kingdom Education,

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