Friday, April 18, 2014

The Final Week of Jesus' Life - Friday through Saturday

We have been walking this week with Jesus through that last sacred Holy Week. From Palm Sunday - the Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem we come to Good Friday - the dark day that the creation murdered their Creator.

Many events took place from midnight on -
  1. Jesus teaches His disciples about fruit-bearing on the way to the Mount of Olives (John 15).
  2. Jesus offers His High Priestly Prayer (John 17).
    1. For Himself
    2. For His disciples
    3. For us
  3. Jesus prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane. (Matthew 26:40-46; Mark 14:32-36; and Luke 22:43-44)
    1. Intense strain, suffering, and Satanic stress
    2. Sweat of great drops of Blood
    3. Angels sent to strengthen his humanity for what is to take place. 
  4. Jesus was betrayed by Judas for thirty pieces of silver, the going rate for a broken or useless slave at that time. Judas came and kissed Him (26:47-49). 
  5. Jesus was arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane. 
    1. Notice Jesus’ place of prayer was also His place of captivity.
    2. Peter severs Malchus ear - Jesus restores it.
    3. Forsake by all his disciples.
  6. Jesus suffers through seven unfair and illegal trials.
  7. Peter denies Jesus three times.
  8. Beaten, scourged, mocked and ridiculed, and made sport of, Jesus is led to Calvary.
  9. Cruelly Crucified on the hill called Calvary (Golgatha, the place of the Skull).
  10. Taken down and placed in a borrowed tomb.
Muse today over the events of that Friday over 2000 years ago. God the Creator came and gave of Himself to pay my debt, to serve my sentence, to restore me to Him. "Have I taken the time to ponder the great love and plan of God that brings me back into a proper relationship with Him? Have I seriously thought about what it cost for my forgiveness?" God didn't look at me and say - OK, I'll forget what you have done. No, He had to take the judgment for my rebellion, my pride, my rejection of Him on Himself. The horrors of the physical suffering of Christ pale in comparison to the suffering of spirit that He went through on that Cross. He willingly vicariously gave His life for mine - that God will now see me as righteous, not because if who I am or what I do, but because of what He has done!!

What is your relationship with God like today? Honestly, join me in examining myself (yourself) to see how my relationship stands.

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