Wednesday, April 16, 2014

The Final Week of Jesus' Life - Wednesday

In our musings over the last week in the life of Christ, we come to Wednesday. We have already considered the events on the days from Saturday until Tuesday. Tuesday  was a busy day in the life of our Lord as He spent the entire day teaching - in the Temple and to His disciples.

Wednesday has traditionally been known as Silent Wednesday. The Scriptures do not seem to give us any indication of what Jesus did on this day. We can be assured that our Savior did not waste any time, knowing that His day of Crucifixion was very close. However, the Holy Spirit seems not to have led any of our gospel writers to include the activities.

I am confident that on this day Jesus spent time in private with the disciples, or maybe He spent time setting up the arrangements for the Upper Room meal - the Last Supper. We almost feel that what was taking place within Jesus this day was very secretive - maybe a special close time of communion with the Father as the culmination of His mission to Earth was coming to a climax. This has caused me to muse, "How do I spend time with God? As problems, crises, issues, troubles, and other events in my life become a part of my day, do I spend time with the Father, with Christ in personal, private communion?"

Finally, while all of this is going on with Jesus, Judas is making arrangements with the Sanhedrin to betray Him. Some even call this day Spy Wednesday. One last thought, "What in my life is like Judas, making bargains with the enemy to betray my Master, my Savior, my Lord?"

These are important thoughts to muse over in this special week that we remember the vicarious sacrifice of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Join me today at looking at my (your) life and seek to prepare our hearts for this special season.

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