Sunday, October 4, 2020


2 Timothy 4:8 – “Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing.”


The third of the crowns we see we can receive is the crown of righteousness.


It is available for those who love the appearing of Christ, who anxiously are waiting and looking forward to the day when He will return for His saints. This crown is given to those who have lived a good and righteous life for God while living down here on earth. If you are a believer you have been made righteous before God the Father as a result of Jesus dying on the cross for all of our sins. This means that the righteousness of Jesus has now been imputed to you. It also refers to us living a good and righteous life for God the Father with what time we have left down here. There are Christians who are righteous before God the Father as a result of being saved, called Justification, through the blood of Jesus Christ; but they are not living righteous lives in their actions, words, and behaviors, called Sanctification. There are some people that may be saved in God’s eyes, but still continue to do evil works that the unsaved would do. We all have our flaws, weaknesses, and certain temptations that we may struggle with. It is not perfection but the direction that God is looking for. God just wants each one of us to choose to do the right thing when faced with certain temptations or choices to do something bad. When it is all said and done, these Christians will probably be receiving some of the greatest rewards that God can hand out once they enter into heaven. To live a righteous life for God will really be worth your while as you will definitely be given this crown by God Himself once you enter into heaven.


Today, take a good look at your life. Are you living a lifestyle that others can see Jesus in you? Do you seek to live as a mirror of Christ? Have you traded the ways of the world for the ways of God?

Today, seek to start on the path of righteousness with Christ.


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