Tuesday, October 13, 2020

The Gospel of the Kingdom - Matthew - The Review


Text: Matthew 1:17 – “So all the generations from Abraham to David are fourteen generations, from David until the captivity in Babylon are fourteen generations, and from the captivity in Babylon until the Christ are fourteen generations.”

So, we have viewed the Preview and the Overview of Jesus Genealogy's last session. We will conclude this study today with the Review. This is found in verse 17 and prepares us to move forward into this great Redemptive Biography.

Each phase of the threefold genealogical account encompasses 14 generations. This was a great memorization aid for those to remember what Matthew starts with. It also coincides with three important eras in Israel’s history.

  • ·      David’s reign
  • ·      The Babylonian captivity, and
  • ·      The advent of the Messiah.

 Remember also, Matthew writes in themes and topically being an accountant. So, the first book presented in the New Testament that breaks the 400 years of silence gives us the genealogical importance of Jesus.

 He is the promised King and Messiah.

 He is from two vital Israelite men

  • ·      David known as Israel’s royal father (1:1a)
  • ·      Abraham known as Israel’s racial father (1:1b)

We see that Matthew is making a point that Jesus is not for the Jew only, but for all the world. He is going to establish that He is the promised King, and has established His kingdom.

Take time today, to review what we have studied so far. Ponder the importance of what was included in this account. Prepare yourself as we move tomorrow to study the Revelation of the Messiah.




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