Focus upon God (REVERENCE), defer to His will (RESPONSE), and now we can come to our REQUESTS.
"Give us today our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors." Matthew 6: 11, 12 (HCSB)
Notice that Jesus gives two requests - one is physical, and the other is spiritual. God wants us to trust Him for our physical needs. We become so centered on our personal needs that we often do not succeed in fulfilling God's mission for us. We should trust God, He will not let us down. Matthew 6 later talks more on this subject - Matthew 6: 33 (HCSB) states: "But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be provided for you."
The second area of requests is about our spiritual side - forgiveness. We need to daily remember that even though we have eternal life, it doesn't mean that our sins are not important. As we remember who we are sinning against, we become more attuned to keeping a clear conscience with Him. And, we are to forgive those who have committed sins against us - "For if you forgive people their wrongdoing, your heavenly Father will forgive you as well. But if you don't forgive people, your Father will not forgive your wrongdoing." Matthew 6: 14,15 (HCSB).
Today, focus upon God, defer to His will, and seek Him to provide all you need in all areas of your life.
For Kingdom Education,
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
National Day of Prayer Points - 2
"But when you pray, go into your private room, shut your door, and pray to your Father who is in secret." Matthew 6: 6 (HCSB)
Yesterday, Jesus taught us that the primary purpose and focus of prayer is to see God - that is REVERENCE. The next point in His prayer tells us about our RESPONSE - "Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven." Matthew 6: 10 (HCSB).
When we focus upon God, then all of our prayer time will be devoted to what He wants. We know that all of heaven exists and consists of doing what God wills. However, here on earth in this present time, not all are following God. We need to first focus upon God, and then prepare ourselves to do His Will. "Jesus, what I want is....., however, what you want is what I want."
Often, and I speak from many personal experiences, what we pray for is not answered the way we want it - nevertheless, upon looking back (as they say, hindsight is always 20/20) we see that what God did is really the best. When my Dad was in the hospital, I prayed for his healing. He died. I asked God why He didn't answer my request. He told me He did - my Dad's health is the best that it ever was, and will be that way forever.
This week as you pray and focus upon God, also turn everything over to His will.
For Kingdom Education,
"But when you pray, go into your private room, shut your door, and pray to your Father who is in secret." Matthew 6: 6 (HCSB)
Yesterday, Jesus taught us that the primary purpose and focus of prayer is to see God - that is REVERENCE. The next point in His prayer tells us about our RESPONSE - "Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven." Matthew 6: 10 (HCSB).
When we focus upon God, then all of our prayer time will be devoted to what He wants. We know that all of heaven exists and consists of doing what God wills. However, here on earth in this present time, not all are following God. We need to first focus upon God, and then prepare ourselves to do His Will. "Jesus, what I want is....., however, what you want is what I want."
Often, and I speak from many personal experiences, what we pray for is not answered the way we want it - nevertheless, upon looking back (as they say, hindsight is always 20/20) we see that what God did is really the best. When my Dad was in the hospital, I prayed for his healing. He died. I asked God why He didn't answer my request. He told me He did - my Dad's health is the best that it ever was, and will be that way forever.
This week as you pray and focus upon God, also turn everything over to His will.
For Kingdom Education,
Monday, April 28, 2008
National Day of Prayer Points
Thursday this week is The National Day of Prayer. Recently I read a sermon on The Lord's Prayer, and I would like to consider the 5 main points that were made in that sermon.
Matthew 6:9 (HCSB) - "Our Father in heaven, Your name be honored as holy."
The first concept to consider in prayer is REVERENCE. Jesus in teaching his disciples how to pray made it clear that the primary purpose of prayer is for us to focus on God. Too often we rush into a time of prayer with God and are entirely focused upon what we want. Jesus taught us to see God. Think about the awesome Creator of the Universe who invites us to talk with Him.
Holy means to be set apart, separated. This is exactly what God is. He is beyond anything that is. Yet, He invites us to talk with Him. To communicate. To seek Him. 2 Chronicles 7:14 tells us to "pray and seek my face...." We need to remember that when we come to a time of prayer - it is not me-focused, it is God-focused. As they say, it's not about me, it's all about God.
This week, focus you prayers on the awesome God of Creation. The One in heaven who loves and listens to us - especially when we seek Him.
For Kingdom Education,
Thursday this week is The National Day of Prayer. Recently I read a sermon on The Lord's Prayer, and I would like to consider the 5 main points that were made in that sermon.
Matthew 6:9 (HCSB) - "Our Father in heaven, Your name be honored as holy."
The first concept to consider in prayer is REVERENCE. Jesus in teaching his disciples how to pray made it clear that the primary purpose of prayer is for us to focus on God. Too often we rush into a time of prayer with God and are entirely focused upon what we want. Jesus taught us to see God. Think about the awesome Creator of the Universe who invites us to talk with Him.
Holy means to be set apart, separated. This is exactly what God is. He is beyond anything that is. Yet, He invites us to talk with Him. To communicate. To seek Him. 2 Chronicles 7:14 tells us to "pray and seek my face...." We need to remember that when we come to a time of prayer - it is not me-focused, it is God-focused. As they say, it's not about me, it's all about God.
This week, focus you prayers on the awesome God of Creation. The One in heaven who loves and listens to us - especially when we seek Him.
For Kingdom Education,
Friday, April 25, 2008
Correct Attitude to Others - Part 17
"Do not be conquered by evil, but conquer evil with good." Romans 12: 21 (HCSB)
The picture here is one of a person that is conquered by a bad nature. They have lost the battle with their bad nature and the victory is won by a base mode of thinking and acting. The command is to be victorious over the bad nature with a good, pleasant, agreeable, joyful, happy,upright, and honourable nature.
Interestingly in the Greek passage, the words are developed in such a way to imply that if you do nothing, the bad nature will be victorious. It takes an effort to have a good nature. So, those who are displaying a bad nature just aren't trying. They are letting "nature take it's course." And, that course is evil. Work hard at being an example of the good nature.
Over the preceding days, we have observed in Romans 12 that the correct attitude toward God is complete devotion, toward ourselves is humility, and toward others is love. Paul sums it up in this verse by telling us that to have these attitudes, it takes work. The choice is ours. Do we want to show the world a nature that reflects God - or just mirrors the world itself? What do you want? What will you work for?
Today - begin, if you haven't already, working hard to squash the bad nature and to develop the good nature.
For Kingdom Education,
"Do not be conquered by evil, but conquer evil with good." Romans 12: 21 (HCSB)
The picture here is one of a person that is conquered by a bad nature. They have lost the battle with their bad nature and the victory is won by a base mode of thinking and acting. The command is to be victorious over the bad nature with a good, pleasant, agreeable, joyful, happy,upright, and honourable nature.
Interestingly in the Greek passage, the words are developed in such a way to imply that if you do nothing, the bad nature will be victorious. It takes an effort to have a good nature. So, those who are displaying a bad nature just aren't trying. They are letting "nature take it's course." And, that course is evil. Work hard at being an example of the good nature.
Over the preceding days, we have observed in Romans 12 that the correct attitude toward God is complete devotion, toward ourselves is humility, and toward others is love. Paul sums it up in this verse by telling us that to have these attitudes, it takes work. The choice is ours. Do we want to show the world a nature that reflects God - or just mirrors the world itself? What do you want? What will you work for?
Today - begin, if you haven't already, working hard to squash the bad nature and to develop the good nature.
For Kingdom Education,
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Correct Attitude to Others - Part 16
"If possible, on your part, live at peace with everyone. Friends, do not avenge yourselves; instead, leave room for His wrath. For it is written: Vengeance belongs to Me; I will repay, says the Lord. But
If your enemy is hungry, feed him.
If he is thirsty, give him something to drink.
For in so doing you will be heaping fiery coals on his head." Romans 12: 18-20 (HCSB)
Live at peace with everyone. I don't know about you, but I find this hard. I take comfort in the phrase "If possible..."
However, that phrase does not let me off the hook (like I wish it would). The passage says - If possible live at peace with everyone - giving us the idea that at times it is not possible. And, that is correct. There are people who will not let us live in peace with them. No way, no how.
The catch is the part of the sentence that says, "on your part...." The living peacefully is not predicated on the other person, it is set on you. We are not to seek revenge. We are to seek to bless, rejoice with, weep with, agree with, be honorable, and to seek to live at peace. Not the other person, but me. The onus lies on me. I can't control others, but I can hold myself accountable. So, if I am not living at peace, it is my responsibility to seek peace. I am responsible for peace in "my" world.
Seek peace today.
For Kingdom Education,
"If possible, on your part, live at peace with everyone. Friends, do not avenge yourselves; instead, leave room for His wrath. For it is written: Vengeance belongs to Me; I will repay, says the Lord. But
If your enemy is hungry, feed him.
If he is thirsty, give him something to drink.
For in so doing you will be heaping fiery coals on his head." Romans 12: 18-20 (HCSB)
Live at peace with everyone. I don't know about you, but I find this hard. I take comfort in the phrase "If possible..."
However, that phrase does not let me off the hook (like I wish it would). The passage says - If possible live at peace with everyone - giving us the idea that at times it is not possible. And, that is correct. There are people who will not let us live in peace with them. No way, no how.
The catch is the part of the sentence that says, "on your part...." The living peacefully is not predicated on the other person, it is set on you. We are not to seek revenge. We are to seek to bless, rejoice with, weep with, agree with, be honorable, and to seek to live at peace. Not the other person, but me. The onus lies on me. I can't control others, but I can hold myself accountable. So, if I am not living at peace, it is my responsibility to seek peace. I am responsible for peace in "my" world.
Seek peace today.
For Kingdom Education,
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Correct Attitude to Others - Part 15
"Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Try to do what is honorable in everyone's eyes." Romans 12:17 (HCSB)
Honorable - beautiful by reason of purity of heart and life, and hence praiseworthy -it is morally good and noble. Don't seek to settle the accounts. No matter what someone has done to you, don't ever "give it back." God teaches in His Word that we are to 'turn the other cheek" and not take upon ourselves the position of judge, jury, and executioner. We are to just let God handle it.
I hear you say - that's not my nature. You are right. Man's nature (the sin nature) says to get them before they get us. To do unto others before they can do it to us. However, God's nature in us says to let Him handle it. To be pure. To be morally good. To be morally noble.
Today, seek as many ways as you can to be honorable in everyone's eyes. Have a pure heart that overflows into your workplace and to your students and co-workers. Today be honorable.
For Kingdom Education,
"Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Try to do what is honorable in everyone's eyes." Romans 12:17 (HCSB)
Honorable - beautiful by reason of purity of heart and life, and hence praiseworthy -it is morally good and noble. Don't seek to settle the accounts. No matter what someone has done to you, don't ever "give it back." God teaches in His Word that we are to 'turn the other cheek" and not take upon ourselves the position of judge, jury, and executioner. We are to just let God handle it.
I hear you say - that's not my nature. You are right. Man's nature (the sin nature) says to get them before they get us. To do unto others before they can do it to us. However, God's nature in us says to let Him handle it. To be pure. To be morally good. To be morally noble.
Today, seek as many ways as you can to be honorable in everyone's eyes. Have a pure heart that overflows into your workplace and to your students and co-workers. Today be honorable.
For Kingdom Education,
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Correct Attitude to Others - Part 14
"Be in agreement with one another. Do not be proud; instead, associate with the humble. Do not be wise in your own estimation." Romans 12: 16 (HCSB)
I really like the King James translation here - "Be of the same mind...." That's exactly what the Greek phrase is saying. As fellow Christians, we are to be in agreement. We are to cherish the same viewpoint, be harmonious in our thoughts. How is this accomplished?
Paul gives three things - don't put yourself on a pedestal, seek to be with the humble, don't think that you have all the answers. We are to have the mind of Christ, we are to follow a Christian Worldview that is established by God's Word, not man's ideas.
Today, take some time to look at yourself - where are you. Lifted up and full of yourself - or seeking to join in the mindset of Christ? Take a true inventory - and then seek to make it right.
For Kingdom Education,
"Be in agreement with one another. Do not be proud; instead, associate with the humble. Do not be wise in your own estimation." Romans 12: 16 (HCSB)
I really like the King James translation here - "Be of the same mind...." That's exactly what the Greek phrase is saying. As fellow Christians, we are to be in agreement. We are to cherish the same viewpoint, be harmonious in our thoughts. How is this accomplished?
Paul gives three things - don't put yourself on a pedestal, seek to be with the humble, don't think that you have all the answers. We are to have the mind of Christ, we are to follow a Christian Worldview that is established by God's Word, not man's ideas.
Today, take some time to look at yourself - where are you. Lifted up and full of yourself - or seeking to join in the mindset of Christ? Take a true inventory - and then seek to make it right.
For Kingdom Education,
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Correct Attitude to Others - Part 13
"...weep with those who weep." Romans 12: 15b
We bless those who harass us, we rejoice in abundance with those who are rejoicing, and God says that we should weep with those who suffer great loss. The old saying is "Laugh and the world laughs with you, cry and you cry alone" is to true. But God challenges us to have full empathy with those around us.
The word for weep here carries the connotation of mourning and lamenting. The idea of one who is in deep pain and anguish because of a death.
When we come upon people in deep distress and anguish, we often feel at a loss for words. That is totally appropriate. God tells us often in His Word that coming beside a person during their time of duress is all we need to do. We don't need to say the "magic words" to make it all better - all we need to do is to cry with them.
As God places people in your pathway that are under duress - don't seek words to change their situation - just "cry with them."
For Kingdom Education,
"...weep with those who weep." Romans 12: 15b
We bless those who harass us, we rejoice in abundance with those who are rejoicing, and God says that we should weep with those who suffer great loss. The old saying is "Laugh and the world laughs with you, cry and you cry alone" is to true. But God challenges us to have full empathy with those around us.
The word for weep here carries the connotation of mourning and lamenting. The idea of one who is in deep pain and anguish because of a death.
When we come upon people in deep distress and anguish, we often feel at a loss for words. That is totally appropriate. God tells us often in His Word that coming beside a person during their time of duress is all we need to do. We don't need to say the "magic words" to make it all better - all we need to do is to cry with them.
As God places people in your pathway that are under duress - don't seek words to change their situation - just "cry with them."
For Kingdom Education,
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Correct Attitude to Others - Part 12
"Rejoice with those who rejoice;" Romans 12: 15a (HCSB)
Yesterday's verse was a command. The word "bless" was in the imperative form - we are commanded to bless others. Today, we see one way to fulfill this command.
We are to rejoice with those who are rejoicing. The concept of this word is in a superlative form - rejoice exceedingly. When someone is happy, glad, excited in a positive frame of mind - God calls us to accompany them in this feeling. And, to do it in an exceeding manner. You know, don't just laugh with them, give a full-out, knee-slapping belly laugh (where appropriate).
To often in our world, when someone has something good happen to them, they start to rejoice over it, and along come the "party-poopers." The ones who love to rain on other people's parades. Have you ever been deflated by one of these? Have you ever been the deflator?
Today - seek out people who deserve to be encouraged - and do it. Help lift them up. It will make you feel good.
For Kingdom Education,
"Rejoice with those who rejoice;" Romans 12: 15a (HCSB)
Yesterday's verse was a command. The word "bless" was in the imperative form - we are commanded to bless others. Today, we see one way to fulfill this command.
We are to rejoice with those who are rejoicing. The concept of this word is in a superlative form - rejoice exceedingly. When someone is happy, glad, excited in a positive frame of mind - God calls us to accompany them in this feeling. And, to do it in an exceeding manner. You know, don't just laugh with them, give a full-out, knee-slapping belly laugh (where appropriate).
To often in our world, when someone has something good happen to them, they start to rejoice over it, and along come the "party-poopers." The ones who love to rain on other people's parades. Have you ever been deflated by one of these? Have you ever been the deflator?
Today - seek out people who deserve to be encouraged - and do it. Help lift them up. It will make you feel good.
For Kingdom Education,
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Correct Attitude to Others - Part 11
"Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse." Romans 12: 14 (HCSB)
Do you ever fell that some people purposely go out of their way to harass and torment you. Everyone knows somebody like this. God instructs us in the proper attitude toward them. He says we are to praise them and seek their good, and never seek to speak evil on them. This is a real challenge for our attitude.
An Old Testament account along this basis is where David is fleeing for his life from Jerusalem. His throne has been usurped, and he and his followers are seeking refuge. While they are fleeing, a man named Shimei curses him and mocks him. One of David's men wants to go over and kill Shimei - but David forbids him. David understood that Shimei was doing this because God wanted it. (2 Samuel 16: 5ff).
In the long run, God restored David, and eventually Shimei was dealt with. God evens all things out.
Today, when you are confronted with those who would torment and harass you (stop thinking of your students), send up short prayers of praise and seeking their good. God will reward you.
For Kingdom Education,
"Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse." Romans 12: 14 (HCSB)
Do you ever fell that some people purposely go out of their way to harass and torment you. Everyone knows somebody like this. God instructs us in the proper attitude toward them. He says we are to praise them and seek their good, and never seek to speak evil on them. This is a real challenge for our attitude.
An Old Testament account along this basis is where David is fleeing for his life from Jerusalem. His throne has been usurped, and he and his followers are seeking refuge. While they are fleeing, a man named Shimei curses him and mocks him. One of David's men wants to go over and kill Shimei - but David forbids him. David understood that Shimei was doing this because God wanted it. (2 Samuel 16: 5ff).
In the long run, God restored David, and eventually Shimei was dealt with. God evens all things out.
Today, when you are confronted with those who would torment and harass you (stop thinking of your students), send up short prayers of praise and seeking their good. God will reward you.
For Kingdom Education,
Monday, April 14, 2008
Correct Attitude to Others - Part 10
(Today I am embarking on a 3 day Retreat with the Middle School Students from MCS. I look forward to the time to invest in sharing Christ and myself with them. Pray for them as we travel and learn more about God and His creation.)
"Share with the saints in their needs; pursue hospitality." Romans 12: 13 (HCSB)
When I was growing up, one summer the youth of our church put on a three day revival for youth. We called it Koinonia. This was from the Greek word that means to come into communion or fellowship with, join one's self to an associate, make one's self a sharer or partner. The idea is to share in fellowship. Paul states that we are to share with other believers (if you have received Christ you are already a saint) and help them with their needs. When we are aware that a fellow believer and co-worker has a need, it is our duty to help them.
He also challenges us to pursue hospitality. The word used here in the Greek means to love strangers. So, between the two phrases, all mankind is included. We are to willingly share with fellow believers, and to run to love strangers.
Today, as you associate with people around you, seek to fulfill this challenge from God.
For Kingdom Education,
(Today I am embarking on a 3 day Retreat with the Middle School Students from MCS. I look forward to the time to invest in sharing Christ and myself with them. Pray for them as we travel and learn more about God and His creation.)
"Share with the saints in their needs; pursue hospitality." Romans 12: 13 (HCSB)
When I was growing up, one summer the youth of our church put on a three day revival for youth. We called it Koinonia. This was from the Greek word that means to come into communion or fellowship with, join one's self to an associate, make one's self a sharer or partner. The idea is to share in fellowship. Paul states that we are to share with other believers (if you have received Christ you are already a saint) and help them with their needs. When we are aware that a fellow believer and co-worker has a need, it is our duty to help them.
He also challenges us to pursue hospitality. The word used here in the Greek means to love strangers. So, between the two phrases, all mankind is included. We are to willingly share with fellow believers, and to run to love strangers.
Today, as you associate with people around you, seek to fulfill this challenge from God.
For Kingdom Education,
Friday, April 11, 2008
Correct Attitude to Others - Part 9
“Rejoice in hope; be patient in affliction; be persistent in prayer.” Romans 12: 12 (HCSB)
Rejoice, patient and persistent when we are dealing with others. We are to meet them with hopeful hearts, be patient with their sharp edges, and this is best accomplished when we are persistent in prayer. The word is very rich in meaning that we are to persevere, to stick to it, to continue, to give unwavering attention to – whatever it is we are doing. In this passage – it is prayer. Since we are talking about having a Correct Attitude to Others, I would like to submit that we must be in constant prayer for others. A mentor of mine always said, “You can’t be mad at someone when you are constantly praying for them.”
Today, every person that you come into contact with, send up a short prayer to God on his or her behalf. A good principle that I have been taught is to pray to God about a person before you talk to that person about God. When you see people today, meet them with hope in your heart, patience in your actions, and a prayer to God on their behalf. It might surprise you how much better your day goes.
For Kingdom Education,
“Rejoice in hope; be patient in affliction; be persistent in prayer.” Romans 12: 12 (HCSB)
Rejoice, patient and persistent when we are dealing with others. We are to meet them with hopeful hearts, be patient with their sharp edges, and this is best accomplished when we are persistent in prayer. The word is very rich in meaning that we are to persevere, to stick to it, to continue, to give unwavering attention to – whatever it is we are doing. In this passage – it is prayer. Since we are talking about having a Correct Attitude to Others, I would like to submit that we must be in constant prayer for others. A mentor of mine always said, “You can’t be mad at someone when you are constantly praying for them.”
Today, every person that you come into contact with, send up a short prayer to God on his or her behalf. A good principle that I have been taught is to pray to God about a person before you talk to that person about God. When you see people today, meet them with hope in your heart, patience in your actions, and a prayer to God on their behalf. It might surprise you how much better your day goes.
For Kingdom Education,
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Correct Attitude to Others - Part 8
“Rejoice in hope; be patient in affliction; be persistent in prayer.” Romans 12: 12 (HCSB)
Did you meet everyone with a heart expecting the best? If you didn’t, you might not be ready for today’s challenge. Patient in affliction.
Did you ever have any problems? Do you ever seem to be enduring when you want to be excelling? Could it be others are causing you pain? Well, God speaks to that in this section of the verse. He tells us to have patience.
The word means to endure, to remain, to not flee. I don’t know about you, but when I get around people who are a pain – I want out of there. But, God tells us that if we want to have the Correct Attitude to Others of love – we gotta hang in there, baby.
Now, we all know that we never cause anyone else grief – they should always want to be around us --------- right! We want people to excuse our times of being the irritant, but we don’t want to do the same for others. Now, that’s not love. If we can learn to meet each other with an expectant heart full of hope, we can also learn to put up with the irritating edges that we all have.
Today, I will seek to be patient with your rough edges – and hope that you will be patient with mine. In fact, mine are probably worse than yours are anyway. We are all a part of the same family, and as a friend of mine would often say – “Ya gotta love me.”
For Kingdom Education,
“Rejoice in hope; be patient in affliction; be persistent in prayer.” Romans 12: 12 (HCSB)
Did you meet everyone with a heart expecting the best? If you didn’t, you might not be ready for today’s challenge. Patient in affliction.
Did you ever have any problems? Do you ever seem to be enduring when you want to be excelling? Could it be others are causing you pain? Well, God speaks to that in this section of the verse. He tells us to have patience.
The word means to endure, to remain, to not flee. I don’t know about you, but when I get around people who are a pain – I want out of there. But, God tells us that if we want to have the Correct Attitude to Others of love – we gotta hang in there, baby.
Now, we all know that we never cause anyone else grief – they should always want to be around us --------- right! We want people to excuse our times of being the irritant, but we don’t want to do the same for others. Now, that’s not love. If we can learn to meet each other with an expectant heart full of hope, we can also learn to put up with the irritating edges that we all have.
Today, I will seek to be patient with your rough edges – and hope that you will be patient with mine. In fact, mine are probably worse than yours are anyway. We are all a part of the same family, and as a friend of mine would often say – “Ya gotta love me.”
For Kingdom Education,
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Correct Attitude to Others -Part 7
“Rejoice in hope; be patient in affliction; be persistent in prayer.” Romans 12: 12 (HCSB)
This verse contains three injunctions for us to follow in our Correct Attitudes to Others. Rejoice, patience, and persistence. Moreover, each word pertains to a different aspect of our dealings with others. We need to interact differently with the different situations.
First, when there is hope in our dealings with others we need to rejoice. The word used here is often used as a greeting when meeting some one. Therefore, when I thought on this, I thought how that when I greet people, it should be with a heart full of hope. When I see them, I should have a heart that is expecting the best – not the worst.
Today, every person you see – greet them with a heart of hope – a heart that sees the good and expects the best from each one. And we may be surprised to find that we receive good from each one that we meet.
For Kingdom Education,
“Rejoice in hope; be patient in affliction; be persistent in prayer.” Romans 12: 12 (HCSB)
This verse contains three injunctions for us to follow in our Correct Attitudes to Others. Rejoice, patience, and persistence. Moreover, each word pertains to a different aspect of our dealings with others. We need to interact differently with the different situations.
First, when there is hope in our dealings with others we need to rejoice. The word used here is often used as a greeting when meeting some one. Therefore, when I thought on this, I thought how that when I greet people, it should be with a heart full of hope. When I see them, I should have a heart that is expecting the best – not the worst.
Today, every person you see – greet them with a heart of hope – a heart that sees the good and expects the best from each one. And we may be surprised to find that we receive good from each one that we meet.
For Kingdom Education,
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Correct Attitude To Others - Part 6
“Do not lack diligence; be fervent in spirit; serve the Lord.” Romans 12: 11 (HCSB)
“Don’t ever rust out – burn out for the Lord,” was the advice that an older Christian saint gave me at Ridgecrest back in 1970. His point was that God has given us a challenge and a part in building His kingdom – and we should be diligent in doing what God has given us. This verse in Romans 12 speaks to this concept.
The word fervent in the original means to boil like water – to be hot – to have a great deal of zeal. We are to boil in our spirit seeking to serve (obey) God. In other words – burn up for God. An old preacher once told a younger preacher that if he wanted to draw a crowd for Jesus, all he had to do was set himself on fire and they would come to watch him burn. Now, he was speaking metaphorically – but it is true.
Today – set yourself on fire for God – and see how many will come to see what it is all about. Let’s not rust out – let’s burn out for God!
For Kingdom Education,
“Do not lack diligence; be fervent in spirit; serve the Lord.” Romans 12: 11 (HCSB)
“Don’t ever rust out – burn out for the Lord,” was the advice that an older Christian saint gave me at Ridgecrest back in 1970. His point was that God has given us a challenge and a part in building His kingdom – and we should be diligent in doing what God has given us. This verse in Romans 12 speaks to this concept.
The word fervent in the original means to boil like water – to be hot – to have a great deal of zeal. We are to boil in our spirit seeking to serve (obey) God. In other words – burn up for God. An old preacher once told a younger preacher that if he wanted to draw a crowd for Jesus, all he had to do was set himself on fire and they would come to watch him burn. Now, he was speaking metaphorically – but it is true.
Today – set yourself on fire for God – and see how many will come to see what it is all about. Let’s not rust out – let’s burn out for God!
For Kingdom Education,
Monday, April 7, 2008
The End (or Beginning) of A Great Man
Today marks the 2nd anniversary of my Dad's death. They say that time heals all wounds - they just don't specify how long it takes.
From the 1st of April, 2006 to the 7th, my Dad dealt with his dementia, heart attack, and surgeries. He was strong to the moment that God called him home. He was my mentor, guide, friend, confidant, instructor, leader, and role-model. If I could be just 1/2 of what he was - I would be considered a great man.
I set with him for the entire week of surgeries. Often we reversed roles - I needed to be the adult-he the child. Yet, I found him to model for me the way to go through a period of adversity. Thursday evening, we visited with him in the Cardiac Care Unit, he talked and we shared laughter and concerns. The last words he said to my Mom were "I love you" before she left. I told him that I loved him before I finally left that evening.
The next morning on the way to the hospital, they called and informed me that he had coded. I walked into his room to see his body - knowing his spirit was with His Lord. I knew, that I wanted to live a life like his - successful before God. For those who knew him, they still say they still miss him. Those who knew him still talk of his testimony and walk. Those of you who didn't know him, you missed a great opportunity to see a Christian.
This year, the Associate Pastor at my Mom's church had a baby boy. They named him Thomas Marshall Rose. What more fitting remembrance of a man who walked with God could there be?
For Kingdom Education,
Today marks the 2nd anniversary of my Dad's death. They say that time heals all wounds - they just don't specify how long it takes.
From the 1st of April, 2006 to the 7th, my Dad dealt with his dementia, heart attack, and surgeries. He was strong to the moment that God called him home. He was my mentor, guide, friend, confidant, instructor, leader, and role-model. If I could be just 1/2 of what he was - I would be considered a great man.
I set with him for the entire week of surgeries. Often we reversed roles - I needed to be the adult-he the child. Yet, I found him to model for me the way to go through a period of adversity. Thursday evening, we visited with him in the Cardiac Care Unit, he talked and we shared laughter and concerns. The last words he said to my Mom were "I love you" before she left. I told him that I loved him before I finally left that evening.
The next morning on the way to the hospital, they called and informed me that he had coded. I walked into his room to see his body - knowing his spirit was with His Lord. I knew, that I wanted to live a life like his - successful before God. For those who knew him, they still say they still miss him. Those who knew him still talk of his testimony and walk. Those of you who didn't know him, you missed a great opportunity to see a Christian.
This year, the Associate Pastor at my Mom's church had a baby boy. They named him Thomas Marshall Rose. What more fitting remembrance of a man who walked with God could there be?
For Kingdom Education,
Correct Attitude To Others - Part 5
“Show family affection to one another with brotherly love. Outdo one another in showing honor.” Romans 12: 10 (HCSB)
I like the Holman translation of this verse – particularly this last phrase – “Outdo one another in showing honor.” What a challenge. Our natural tendency is to see how much honor we can gather up. God, through the Apostle calls us to see if we can compete in outdoing each other by giving the honor away. Most game shows on TV are designed around how many points I can amass – this challenge is to see how many points we can give to others.
The concept in the Greek is that we are to mutually be trying to be the first in giving others the entire honor that is due. In this chapter, we have learned that the correct attitude toward God is one of complete devotion, the correct attitude toward ourselves is one of humility, and we are learning the correct attitude towards others is love. If I in my humility really love others, then obeying God to give them the honor is easy.
Today, see how often you can give honor away. Pick out others and pile it on – and if others do the same to you – pass it on to someone else. I think this is a game that could leave you feeling a deep joy by the end of the day.
Ready – set – GO!
For Kingdom Education,
“Show family affection to one another with brotherly love. Outdo one another in showing honor.” Romans 12: 10 (HCSB)
I like the Holman translation of this verse – particularly this last phrase – “Outdo one another in showing honor.” What a challenge. Our natural tendency is to see how much honor we can gather up. God, through the Apostle calls us to see if we can compete in outdoing each other by giving the honor away. Most game shows on TV are designed around how many points I can amass – this challenge is to see how many points we can give to others.
The concept in the Greek is that we are to mutually be trying to be the first in giving others the entire honor that is due. In this chapter, we have learned that the correct attitude toward God is one of complete devotion, the correct attitude toward ourselves is one of humility, and we are learning the correct attitude towards others is love. If I in my humility really love others, then obeying God to give them the honor is easy.
Today, see how often you can give honor away. Pick out others and pile it on – and if others do the same to you – pass it on to someone else. I think this is a game that could leave you feeling a deep joy by the end of the day.
Ready – set – GO!
For Kingdom Education,
Friday, April 4, 2008
Correct Attitude to Others - Part 4
“Show family affection to one another with brotherly love. Outdo one another in showing honor.” Romans 12: 10 (HCSB)
When I was growing up, I had one sister. We would fight like cats and dogs over things, but if someone else tried to start a fight – we had each other’s backs.
Brotherly love. Philadelphia (Greek).
What we as fellow believers should have toward each other. OK. We might disagree with each other at times. We might have some real knock-down, drag-out fights over issues with each other. And, that can be alright, as long as we continue to have brotherly love in the process. However, when those outside (some call them pagans) begin to pick a fight with one of our brothers/sisters – we should be right there to have their back.
But, too often we stand by and watch the world beat up our family. We stand there and are silent when someone attacks the family. If we are going to show each other that we have this family love – we need to stand and help each other.
Today – see how you can lift up the spirits and show a love for those brothers and sisters around you. Let the world see something different in us. As the old pop song went – “We are family….”
For Kingdom Education,
“Show family affection to one another with brotherly love. Outdo one another in showing honor.” Romans 12: 10 (HCSB)
When I was growing up, I had one sister. We would fight like cats and dogs over things, but if someone else tried to start a fight – we had each other’s backs.
Brotherly love. Philadelphia (Greek).
What we as fellow believers should have toward each other. OK. We might disagree with each other at times. We might have some real knock-down, drag-out fights over issues with each other. And, that can be alright, as long as we continue to have brotherly love in the process. However, when those outside (some call them pagans) begin to pick a fight with one of our brothers/sisters – we should be right there to have their back.
But, too often we stand by and watch the world beat up our family. We stand there and are silent when someone attacks the family. If we are going to show each other that we have this family love – we need to stand and help each other.
Today – see how you can lift up the spirits and show a love for those brothers and sisters around you. Let the world see something different in us. As the old pop song went – “We are family….”
For Kingdom Education,
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Correct Attitude to Others - Part 3
“Show family affection to one another with brotherly love. Outdo one another in showing honor.” Romans 12: 10 (HCSB)
Philostorgos. Family affection. The love that is between a parent and a child.
God says that we are to view each other the way a parent looks at their child – or the child looks at their parent. We are to have the correct attitude toward others as if we are a part of the same loving family. And, as believers we are. The word picture here is that it is to be mutual. I need to love you as if you are my child or parent. You need to love me the same way. Easy? Sure. As completing Calculus in 3 easy lessons.
If it was natural to man to be this way – God wouldn’t need to tell us to do this. It takes work on our part to love each other as family members. Today – see each person that you come in contact with as a family member. Then remember what a mentor of mine used to say – “I’m family – you gotta love me.”
For Kingdom Education,
“Show family affection to one another with brotherly love. Outdo one another in showing honor.” Romans 12: 10 (HCSB)
Philostorgos. Family affection. The love that is between a parent and a child.
God says that we are to view each other the way a parent looks at their child – or the child looks at their parent. We are to have the correct attitude toward others as if we are a part of the same loving family. And, as believers we are. The word picture here is that it is to be mutual. I need to love you as if you are my child or parent. You need to love me the same way. Easy? Sure. As completing Calculus in 3 easy lessons.
If it was natural to man to be this way – God wouldn’t need to tell us to do this. It takes work on our part to love each other as family members. Today – see each person that you come in contact with as a family member. Then remember what a mentor of mine used to say – “I’m family – you gotta love me.”
For Kingdom Education,
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
April Memories
April for me is one of many and various memories. Both good and not so good. I believe that April is a month that God chooses to work on me.
46 years ago in April, He wooed me and I received Jesus Christ as my personal Savior. I can still visualize that Sunday morning, where I was, what was happening, and who God used to lead me to Him. And, I can honestly say that I have never regretted the decision to accept the free gift of salvation that God offered me.
19 years ago I was ordained as a minister of the Gospel. In 1980, I was licensed and recognized by my association of churches as a minister, and after assuming the Pastorate at Trinity in Rockville, they ordained me to the full measure of Minister in April of 1989.
Two years ago, it was April when my father suddenly passed away. Two weeks later, my Mom's oldest sister Dot died, and two weeks later my Uncle Gary died. I performed three funerals for close family in a six-week period. God spoke many things to my heart during this time.
So, each April I listen to hear what lessons God wants to teach me. How is He going to grow me. How is going to impact my life at this time? I hope that you will take time to listen and seek out God's voice this April.
For Kingdom Education,
April for me is one of many and various memories. Both good and not so good. I believe that April is a month that God chooses to work on me.
46 years ago in April, He wooed me and I received Jesus Christ as my personal Savior. I can still visualize that Sunday morning, where I was, what was happening, and who God used to lead me to Him. And, I can honestly say that I have never regretted the decision to accept the free gift of salvation that God offered me.
19 years ago I was ordained as a minister of the Gospel. In 1980, I was licensed and recognized by my association of churches as a minister, and after assuming the Pastorate at Trinity in Rockville, they ordained me to the full measure of Minister in April of 1989.
Two years ago, it was April when my father suddenly passed away. Two weeks later, my Mom's oldest sister Dot died, and two weeks later my Uncle Gary died. I performed three funerals for close family in a six-week period. God spoke many things to my heart during this time.
So, each April I listen to hear what lessons God wants to teach me. How is He going to grow me. How is going to impact my life at this time? I hope that you will take time to listen and seek out God's voice this April.
For Kingdom Education,
Correct Attitude to Others - Part 2
“Love must be without hypocrisy. Detest evil; cling to what is good.” Romans 12: 9 (HCSB)
How did you do with the idea of “flawless” love? Paul goes on to challenge us to find evil horrible.
He challenges us to see the real nature of evil – it is diseased, wicked, full of hardship. And when we see this nature – to have a horror at the very thought of it. As the Holman translation says – detest it. Find it horrible. Find it beyond what you can stomach. Do we do this? Or, do we sip it slowly and savor the taste?
God then speaks through Paul and tells us to join oneself to that which is excellent, distinguished, upright, honorable . The word used in the Greek carries the idea of being glued to it. I always picture the old Superglue commercial where the guy glues his helmet to the steel beam and hangs from it. He puts his full trust in that bond. God wants us to become so attached to that which is excellent that we would be ripped apart if we tried to separate from it.
Today – see if you can glue yourself to that which is good – and stay away from that which is wicked.
For Kingdom Education,
“Love must be without hypocrisy. Detest evil; cling to what is good.” Romans 12: 9 (HCSB)
How did you do with the idea of “flawless” love? Paul goes on to challenge us to find evil horrible.
He challenges us to see the real nature of evil – it is diseased, wicked, full of hardship. And when we see this nature – to have a horror at the very thought of it. As the Holman translation says – detest it. Find it horrible. Find it beyond what you can stomach. Do we do this? Or, do we sip it slowly and savor the taste?
God then speaks through Paul and tells us to join oneself to that which is excellent, distinguished, upright, honorable . The word used in the Greek carries the idea of being glued to it. I always picture the old Superglue commercial where the guy glues his helmet to the steel beam and hangs from it. He puts his full trust in that bond. God wants us to become so attached to that which is excellent that we would be ripped apart if we tried to separate from it.
Today – see if you can glue yourself to that which is good – and stay away from that which is wicked.
For Kingdom Education,
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
The Start of a Rough Time
Today is April Fool's Day. A day of practical jokes and enjoyment - but for me, it brings a flood of memories.
Two years ago on this day, I received a frantic call from my mother in the hospital. It had been hours since my Dad had left home to come visit her - and he had not appeared. We quickly rushed to Frederick, and began a week of events that I will never forget.
My Dad was suffering from dementia - and had lost his way. For a frantic 24 hours we searched for him. He had virtually disappeared from the face of the earth. When we lose something, we can be frustrated. When we lose an important person, we become paniced.
All night long, I thought about how important this person was to me. I spent hours reflecting back on the many memories of my Dad. To be honest, I think he was the greatest Dad a person could ever wish for. And, I wondered when was the last time that I told him how important he was.
He was found the next day, but later that week he would pass away. I will reflect on that in the coming days. I want to encourage you today - in the midst of frivolity - let those important to you know that fact. Don't be a fool today - don't wait until you can't share with others what they mean to you.
For Kingdom Education,
Today is April Fool's Day. A day of practical jokes and enjoyment - but for me, it brings a flood of memories.
Two years ago on this day, I received a frantic call from my mother in the hospital. It had been hours since my Dad had left home to come visit her - and he had not appeared. We quickly rushed to Frederick, and began a week of events that I will never forget.
My Dad was suffering from dementia - and had lost his way. For a frantic 24 hours we searched for him. He had virtually disappeared from the face of the earth. When we lose something, we can be frustrated. When we lose an important person, we become paniced.
All night long, I thought about how important this person was to me. I spent hours reflecting back on the many memories of my Dad. To be honest, I think he was the greatest Dad a person could ever wish for. And, I wondered when was the last time that I told him how important he was.
He was found the next day, but later that week he would pass away. I will reflect on that in the coming days. I want to encourage you today - in the midst of frivolity - let those important to you know that fact. Don't be a fool today - don't wait until you can't share with others what they mean to you.
For Kingdom Education,
Correct Attitude to Others - Part 1
We have studied Romans 12 so far and discovered the correct attitude toward God – complete devotion, the correct attitude toward ourselves – humility, and now let us muse over the correct attitude toward others –love.
“Love must be without hypocrisy. Detest evil; cling to what is good.” Romans 12: 9 (HCSB)
Poems are written about it. Songs are sung about it. Everyone wants to receive it. God is love. God gives love. God commands that we love one another. Paul starts this final section of Romans 12 with the word the word love. This section dealing with Christian ethics, with the correct attitudes that we should have toward others is boiled down to one word – love. He tarts by reminding us that love should be unfeigned, sincere. Without any hypocrisy.
The word we use sincere – comes from a Latin phrase that means “without wax.” When the potter would fire a pot, sometimes small cracks would develop. The potter would fill these with wax, and the buyer could not tell that they were flawed – until the hot sun or fire would melt the wax, and the pot would be useless. Our love should withstand the heat. We should be without flaw in our love toward others.
Today – see how many ways that you can give “flawless” love to those around you.
For Kingdom Education,
We have studied Romans 12 so far and discovered the correct attitude toward God – complete devotion, the correct attitude toward ourselves – humility, and now let us muse over the correct attitude toward others –love.
“Love must be without hypocrisy. Detest evil; cling to what is good.” Romans 12: 9 (HCSB)
Poems are written about it. Songs are sung about it. Everyone wants to receive it. God is love. God gives love. God commands that we love one another. Paul starts this final section of Romans 12 with the word the word love. This section dealing with Christian ethics, with the correct attitudes that we should have toward others is boiled down to one word – love. He tarts by reminding us that love should be unfeigned, sincere. Without any hypocrisy.
The word we use sincere – comes from a Latin phrase that means “without wax.” When the potter would fire a pot, sometimes small cracks would develop. The potter would fill these with wax, and the buyer could not tell that they were flawed – until the hot sun or fire would melt the wax, and the pot would be useless. Our love should withstand the heat. We should be without flaw in our love toward others.
Today – see how many ways that you can give “flawless” love to those around you.
For Kingdom Education,
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