Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The Role We Play


We have considered that style is delivering the subject to the students, it our responsibility to make the class exciting, and that we are responsible for our style. This week we will consider a few more basic points.

1 Corinthians 9: 19, 22 - "For although I am free from all people, I have made myself a slave to all, in order to win more people....To the weak I became weak, in order to win the weak. I have become all things to all people, so that I may by all means save some." Paul speaks about "playing different roles" in his work of ministry. We also have roles we play.

First, to be a teacher, we need to understand that it is a role that we fulfill. I have the roles of husband, son, father, grandfather, friend, minister, administrator, and a host of others. Each require a different way of behaving - or acting out that role. I am not the same with my Mother as I am with my grandchildren. I am different as an administrator and as a friend.

When we step into the classroom, we are "playing the role" of a teacher. We need to see that we set the tone for the class - and as we play out our role as a teacher well, it encourages the student to play out their role as a learner.

Today, pray, "Lord help me fill my role as teacher." and then see Him work it out in your life.

For Kingdom Education,
From WTB Teaching with Style (c) 1994.

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