Monday, February 25, 2019

R & R

February 25

Daily Bible Reading: Mark 6:1 – 32

Verse of the Day: Mark 6:31 – “And he saith unto them, Come ye yourselves apart into a desert place, and rest a while. For there were many coming and going, and they had no leisure so much as to eat.”

R & R. Rest and relaxation. Renewal and restoration. However you want to say it, it is not a luxury, although we often consider it as such. Taking some time to be alone and rest is not a selfish thing. It is being Christlike.

Taking a day off each week, rewarding yourself with a relaxing, refreshing vacation is not being sinful or selfish. No, it is a spiritual thing to do. God designed us to take one day in seven to rest (the Sabbath). Focusing upon God during this time can recharge not only our physical batteries, but also our spiritual ones.

When have you taken a day to rest lately? When have you spent time focusing on God and refreshing yourself in Him? Take Christ’s admonition to heart – “Come aside and rest a while.”

Prayer: Jesus, You are my R & R. Amen.

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