Wednesday, April 3, 2019

The One Solution

April 3

Daily Bible Reading: Luke 9:1 – 36

Verse of the Day: Luke 9:13 – “But he said unto them, Give ye them to eat. And they said, We have no more than five loaves and two fishes; except we should go and buy food for all this people.”

All four writers include this feeding of the people in their accounts. When God tells us something four times, it means we need to take deep notice of it. In John (6:6) we are told He told them what we have in our verse above to test them.

They understood the situation, they looked at the possibility (the boy’s lunch) and they saw nothing but impossibilities. They tried to account for all possible solutions, but they missed the most obvious one. It was the obvious One. They came with a problem, their solutions would not solve the problem, they gave all the negative responses, and missed that they were talking to the One who would be able to solve the problem. How often do we do that in our lives today?

Prayer: Jesus, here is my problem, I trust You to provide the solution. Amen.

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