Monday, April 1, 2019

Open my eyes

April 1

Daily Bible Reading: Luke 8:1 – 21

Verse of the Day: Luke 8:11 – “Now the parable is this: The seed is the word of God.”

In our reading today we muse over the Parable of the Sower. This is very appropriate for this season of the year. Farmers and gardeners everywhere are preparing the soil for the planting of flowers and vegetables.

Jesus uses visual images that His listeners were very familiar with. Some has suggested that maybe there was a farmer nearby actually sowing seed as He spoke this parable. His disciples asked Him to explain the parable’s meaning to them. 

Often in our reading of God’s Word, we seek the meaning of a passage, coming to God in prayer and comparing the passage with other parts of the Bible helps us to glean the meaning that God has in the section of Scripture. Spend some time today re-reading this passage to fully understand the message of Jesus to us today.

Prayer: Father, open my eyes that I may see the wonder and beauty of Your Word to me. Give me an open mind and heart to receive it.

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