Thursday, April 9, 2020


[This series of Devotions are in the format of Historical Fiction. The main facts are accurate, but the Diary is fictional.]

Text: Luke 22:47-48 (CSB) – While he was still speaking, suddenly a mob came, and one of the Twelve named Judas was leading them. He came near Jesus to kiss him, but Jesus said to him, “Judas, are you betraying the Son of Man with a kiss?”

Dear Diary: This has been a horrible day! The tension that we have been feeling has erupted tonight. The disciples were telling us about the Passover meal that Jesus had with them, and how that he had changed some of the elements of it – something about his body being given and his shed blood – when all of a sudden a mob of people suddenly descended upon us. There were Temple Guards and Soldiers. There were people shouting. Torches flaring, people milling around and shoving. I saw a glint of a sword and the High Priest’s servant fell to the ground holding his ear – blood spraying. I saw the Rabbi pick up his ear and put it back on him – he healed him.

We ran. What else was there for us to do? Flee! We scattered and then slowly came back to our camp after they had all left. Rumors were flying. I heard some of the disciples who had the Passover with the Rabbi talk about him washing their feet. Others told about his agonizing prayers in the Garden of Gethsemane. There was talk about how Judas came and kissed him with a friendly greeting and then all Sheol broke lose.

Tonight the Rabbi was arrested. Surely now he will display the power of the Messiah. He will free himself and restore Israel to her rightful place.

ARRESTED! No, that can’t be true. We have placed all our faith and hope in this man. I am sure that this is the very beginning of his rise to overthrow the captivity we suffer. I believe that the Rabbi is the Messiah and will set us free from this Roman bondage. It is prophesied by our Scriptures. It has to be. It has to be. It has to be.

No sleep tonight.

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