Thursday, April 2, 2020


TEXT: Matthew 6:21 (CSB) –  “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

We said yesterday that Jesus gives us four tests to apply to our Treasures in the Sermon on the Mount. The first asks the question, “How long will it last?”, or the Durability Test. Today, consider the second test that asks the question, “Where are you investing your time and money?” We can call this the Heart Test.

As we consider this test, and this question, to put it plainly, Jesus is saying that your heart follows your money.

However, that’s not the way most of us think. We tend to think our money follows our heart -- if our heart is right, we will spend our money wisely. If we have the right motives and the right view, then we will always use our money in the right way.

That’s not the way it works because your heart always follows your treasure. Whatever you invest your time and money in will become very important to you.

Too many of us spend all that we have on the things of this world and then we wonder why we have trouble concentrating on the things of God. Our problem is that we’ve invested everything down here and hardly anything up there!

In other words, our money has kept our heart tied to the earth.

We will never be able to get your heart focused on heaven as long as your attention is on material things.

Now, I’m not suggesting that you have to sell your things to be a fully committed follower of Christ. What I am saying is this. Your heart will always follow your money. Your heart will be wrapped up in what you treasure. Possessions can very easily become the center of our life.

As Jesus so clearly states here, “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be.”

Today, stop and take an accounting on where you are investing. Is it on Earth, or are you investing in Heaven? Wherever we invest, that is ultimately where our hearts will be.

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