Sunday, April 19, 2020


Text: Matthew 7:1-2 (CSB) - “Do not judge, so that you won’t be judged. For you will be judged by the same standard with which you judge others, and you will be measured by the same measure you use.”

We are continuing our study of the Sermon on the Mount in the Book of Matthew. Now we are looking at the topic of the Kingdom and Jesus’ Exhortations. An exhortation is an utterance, discourse, or address conveying urgent advice or recommendation. It is a speech or written passage intended to persuade, inspire, or encourage.

Jesus is in this passage is giving us 5 responsibilities that we have and is seeking to persuade and encourage us to live in this fashion. Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount continually brings us back to our motives over our actions. We must understand that in the Kingdom, God looks at the heart, not the outward designs. He looks at the motives more than the actions.,

So, let us start to look at these five responsibilities. Over the next five days, we will ponder on one of each of these five responsibilities given by the Master.

The first of these is our Responsibility to the SAVED around us. Jesus instructs that we are not to harshly judge other believers. He is the Judge and no other. We can too quickly jump to the conclusions of what we see. We are also, usually too harsh on others, while being too reserved on our own actions. We look at others with a magnifying glass and ourselves with a telescope (and that from the wrong end).

Does that mean that we ignore sin other people just because they are believers? Of course not. Other Scriptures teach that we are to rebuke and correct others. But, we cannot pass judgment on them. We can seek to correct their actions. We are not to condemn the person. We can be fruit inspectors, but not heart inspectors. Even Psychology tells us that we should seek to draw attention to the action – not the person. We are to say, “I don’t like it when you pester me.” That is different than saying “You are a nuisance.” The actions are wrong – however, in a believer, they are still a Child of the King.

How we judge others will be how others judge us. If we are critical of people – people will be critical of us. Today, consider ways that you can inspect fruit in fellow believers, and not judge the ones doing these things. How can you lovingly correct without harshly passing judgment. If we in the church learn to do this, we will build His Kingdom and attract others to want to be a part of the King’s family.

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