Saturday, April 11, 2020


[This series of Devotions are in the format of Historical Fiction. The main facts are accurate, but the Diary is fictional.]

Text: Luke 23:55-56 (CSB) – The women who had come with him from Galilee followed along and observed the tomb and how his body was placed. Then they returned and prepared spices and perfumes. And they rested on the Sabbath according to the commandment.

Dear Diary: Today was the Sabbath. According to our Scriptures, we are to rest and worship God. Neither has come easy today. Rest? The fear and anxiety over what is going to happen next have kept us on edge. Worship? We tried, but how can one praise and worship God when we feel so abandoned by Him. His Scriptures prophesied the coming Messiah. The Rabbi looked to be that One. Yet, today he lies beaten, bruised, tortured, and mutilated by the Cross. He is in the grave. The women are making plans to go to the tomb as soon as the Sabbath ends to properly prepare and anoint his body. The one who was going to deliver us from the bondage of Rome is now held by the bondage of death.

We huddle, we cry, we try to show a strength that none of us feel. While he was with us, we had a feeling of hope – now it appears hopeless. While he was with us, we had a feeling of a future – now we fear the next day.

They jeered as he hung on the Cross – that he saved others but he could not save himself. From that viewpoint, how could he save us?

I know that this will be another sleepless, restless night – not only for me but for all who put their trust in this Rabbi.

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