Saturday, July 4, 2020


TEXT: Romans 13:1-7 (CSB) – “ Let everyone submit to the governing authorities, since there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are instituted by God. So then, the one who resists the authority is opposing God’s command, and those who oppose it will bring judgment on themselves. For rulers are not a terror to good conduct, but to bad. Do you want to be unafraid of the one in authority? Do what is good, and you will have its approval. For it is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, because it does not carry the sword for no reason. For it is God’s servant, an avenger that brings wrath on the one who does wrong. Therefore, you must submit, not only because of wrath but also because of your conscience And for this reason you pay taxes, since the authorities are God’s servants, continually attending to these tasks. Pay your obligations to everyone: taxes to those you owe taxes, tolls to those you owe tolls, respect to those you owe respect, and honor to those you owe honor.”


There are a growing number of Christians who think that believers should not be involved in government and politics. They fall back on the phrase we hear so much today – “The separation of church and state.”


In case you don’t know, that phrase never appears in the Constitution, Declaration of Independence, or Bill of Rights. (However, it is found in Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto!)  It was taken in the U.S. from a letter the principal framer of the Constitution and Third President Thomas Jefferson wrote to the Danbury Baptist Association assuring them that he would keep the Government out of the Church (NOT the Church out of the Government).  God does in His Word give us some words of our duties as part of the nation we live in.


First, Paul reminds us here that we are to participate in paying for government. In the verses above (6&7) he says – “Pay your obligations to everyone: taxes (this would be our income tax) to those you owe taxes, tolls (the idea of customs or our sales tax) to those you owe tolls, respect to those you owe respect, and honor to those you owe honor.” And, remember that the government he is speaking about here is the Roman government who was persecuting the early church.


We also need to pray for our government. In1 Timothy 2: 1 – 2 Paul says, “Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence.”  There’s plenty to pray for!  Pray for our government as it reminds us in Proverbs 21: 11 – “The king’s heart is in the hand of the Lord, Like the rivers of water; He turns it wherever He wishes.”


We also need to praise our government – in the verses above Paul said to give honor to whom it is due. Despite all our problems, the USA is still the greatest nation on earth.  We need a revival of good old-fashioned patriotism! And we should honor our leaders and all that are in authority such as police officers, our boss (good or bad…v. 1), our parents, for God placed them in authority over us, and our spiritual leaders.


It is inconceivable that God would ordain government such as He has, and then tell His people to stay out of it! So, we need to participate in our government. It is our Christian duty to get informed, and vote! Shame on the Christian who pledge their allegiance to a political party, instead of to principles…the Biblical principles upon which this nation was founded! If God is fully removed from America, then God will fully remove America.


Finally, we need to persuade our government. But too many say, “How can I really make a difference?” Let me help you understand something –


We are a republic.


That means that, for the most part, public policy is shaped by public opinion. And there’s only one way to affect public opinion. It’s not billboards, radio, or TV.


It’s to get the Word of God into the hearts of people. As one ole preacher has said, we need to win ‘em, wet ‘em, and wean ‘em for the glory of God!


So, today I said that we need to:

·      Pay for government

·      Pray for government

·      Praise our government

·      Participate in our government

·      And Persuade our government


We do not put our trust in the White House or the State House but in the Church House because we are the only ones with the real hope for the future.


God Bless America! But, He will only continue to do this when His people get right with Him and each other. Ponder these thoughts today as you celebrate.



How the American Flag Became a Threat | Time 






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