Sunday, June 30, 2019

Peaceful times

June 30

Daily Bible Reading: Acts 9:23 – 43

Verse of the Day: Acts 9:31a – “So the church throughout all Judaea and Galilee and Samaria had peace…”

For a brief period of time, Rome under the rule of Caligula was immersed in the concept of emperor Worship. Because of this, the nation of Rome was heavily persecuting the Jewish nation. Since Rome was creating so much tension in the nation of the Jews, they did not have the time or inclination to continue persecuting the church. However, at the end of the reign of Caligula, this all changed. 

Sometimes in our lives we find ourselves in a tranquil period. However, if we are doing what God has called us to do, we can be assured that trouble will find us. One has said that we are either in trouble, just out of trouble, or the phone is about to ring.

Trust God that He has everything under control, whether it is peaceful or in turmoil.

Prayer: Father, help me to continue to trust and follow all the time. Peaceful times can make me lax, call me to do your will. Amen.

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