Saturday, June 1, 2019

Yet they didn't believe -

June 1

Daily Bible Reading: John 12:20 – 50

Verse of the Day: John 12:37 – “But though he had done so many signs before them, yet they believed not on him:”

I have heard many people say that if they had been alive when Jesus walked the earth and watched all the miracles, they would have no problem believing in Him and having a bold witness. Yet, this verse in today’s reading tells us that those who did see the many things He did still did not believe in Him.

We must be careful in that we don’t try to excuse our lack of being a witness for Jesus on the lack of visible evidence about Christ. These people had it, yet they lacked belief. They may have witnessed the miracles; they may have even received a miracle, yet they did not put their faith in Him. 

We can spend all of our time examining the evidence; the Bible accounts, accounts from friends and others, and still lack the grace that He so freely offers. Faith in faith accomplishes nothing. Faith in Christ alone will see us through.

Prayer: Jesus, I believe, help my lack of faith. I seek Your grace and mercy today. Fill me. Use me. 

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