Sunday, January 19, 2020


"Blessed are the humble  (meek), for they will inherit the earth." Matthew 5:5 (CSB)

Remember that rewards are God’s encouragement to us. So, what is His reward for our developing meekness?

We receive the earth.

Who would want it, the earth that is? I don’t think there are many takers reading this blog. It is sin-filled, broken down, falling apart, and filled with corrupt people. Are there any takers?

So what is "the earth" to inherit?

It represents the promise of God. It is the promise of love, peace, and joy that’s only found in obedience to the Lord and His word. It is the place of God’s promise.

To “Inherit the Earth” means that they will have a GREAT INFLUENCE on others in their world and that they will be able to ENJOY and EXPERIENCE the things of this earthly life to the fullest. Their days won’t be filled with Griping and Complaining -- they’ll simply be a joy to be around.

What’s the secret to this joy?

Very simply, they have PEACE.

They know who they are, they know where they’re going, they know whose they are and they know that there is nothing else to prove.

Do you have this peace? Maybe, we need to work on our meekness as Christ instructs.

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