Monday, February 24, 2020


"Then he began to teach them, saying:" Matthew 5:2 (CSB)

Let me share a paraphrase of the Beatitudes that we just studied – sorry, but I don’t remember where I got this from. I hope that it blesses you as it does me.

“To be well off, rich, better than others are those who are totally unworthy and must depend completely upon God.  They have a privileged citizenship in the Kingdom of Heaven.

To be well off, rich, better than others are those who recognize their need and then present it to God.  They have the Holy Spirit encouraging and strengthening them.

To be well off, rich, better than others are those who trust God and have strength under control.  They shall will have a great influence on others in their world and that they will be able to enjoy and experience the things of this earthly life to the fullest.

To be well off, rich, better than others are those who have a strong passionate desire for intimacy with God.  They will have a long-lasting total fulfillment.

To be well off, rich, better than others are those who are patient with the peculiar, forgiving of the fallen, helpful to the hurting and good to those who hurt us. For they will receive compassion in return.

To be well off, rich, better than others are those who are strive to make their actions match their hearts, and their hearts match their actions.  They will possess and enjoy God to His fullest.

To be well off, rich, better than others are those who KNOW inward peace, BRING spiritual peace, and PURSUE social peace. They are called God’s children.

To be well off, rich, better than others are those who are harassed by the world. They have a privileged citizenship in the Kingdom of Heaven.”

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