Monday, May 13, 2019

Distance is no object

May 13

Daily Bible Reading: John 4:31 – 54

Verse of the Day: John 4:54 – “This is again the second sign that Jesus did, having come out of Judaea into Galilee.”

The account of the healing of the Nobleman’s son. In our verse today, we see that this is the second of seven signs (miracles) that Jesus did. This does not mean that this is the second miracle He performed, it is the second one that John records. Earlier (May 9) we saw where these signs that John chooses are to show forth His deity and power. The first one recorded showed His power over nature. Today we see that Jesus had power over distance (and disease). Jesus did not even go to where the boy was, He spoke and the lad was healed. Jesus is not physically beside us today, but just as this sign reveals, distance is no obstacle to the God-man. So, no matter what I am facing today, Jesus is able to achieve His purpose in our lives.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I often fear that because You are not right here physically with me that the struggles I face are insurmountable. But, distance is never a problem to You. Amen.

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