Monday, May 27, 2019

Eternally Secure

May 27

Daily Bible Reading: John 10:22 – 42

Verse of the Day: John 10:28 – “and I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, and no one shall snatch them out of my hand.”

Some times people wonder where the idea of Eternal Security comes from. Here is one place where we understand that it comes from Jesus Himself. This is a marvelous and wonderful promise from the One who cannot lie. The word eternal used here means without end. The life that Jesus gives us at the moment of salvation never ends. He promises that we will never be destroyed. And, that there is nothing that can snatch us out of His hand, His protection and provision.

I don’t know about you, but I find this promise one that gives me confidence to live my life in wonder and praise to God. I can trust it. I can find encouragement when I fail. I can look forward to a forever with the One who loves me so much.

Prayer: God, thank You for the great promises in Your Word. I can trust You to keep them, and I will praise You forever. Amen.

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