Thursday, May 16, 2019


May 16

Daily Bible Reading: John 6:1 – 21

Verse of the Day: John 6:9 – “There is a lad here, who hath five barley loaves, and two fishes: but what are these among so many?”

Have you ever heard the statement that little is much when it is the hands of the Master? This account of the feeding of the five thousand gives us a physical picture of the ability of Jesus to meet our needs.

Five thousand men (besides the women and children) needed to be fed. The disciples were totally at wit’s end trying to figure out how to feed them. Andrew brings forward a young lad with five barley loaves and two small fish. Doesn’t sound like it would feed the disciples, let alone the rest. Yet, in the hands of the Master, the disciples, the men, the women, the children were all fed (I am sure to their satisfaction), and there were twelve wicker baskets full left over. With Jesus, what little I have is more than enough.

Prayer: Jesus, I come with what I have. Often it seems meager and insufficient. Yet as I trust You with it, You can make it supply more than what I could ever need. Amen.

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