Sunday, March 17, 2019

When God is in the equation

March 17

Daily Bible Reading: Mark 16

Verse of the Day: Mark 16:4 – “and looking up, they see that the stone is rolled back: for it was exceeding great.”

Very early on Sunday morning, the women had prepared and were on their way to the Tomb to anoint the body and finish the burial proceedings. They discussed about how they would get the stone rolled back from the entrance. It was huge and heavy. As they come into view of the Tomb they see it. The Stone is rolled away and the entrance is standing open. They will shortly find out that He is not there, not among the dead but with the living. He had arose.

When God is involved anything can happen. He guided the stone from the sling of David between the eyes of Goliath. He leveled the walls of Jericho. He divided the Red Sea into two massive walls of water.

When we believe that the situation is impossible, don’t count God out. He changes things.

Prayer: Thank You God! Amen.

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