Sunday, July 14, 2019

How is Your Tentmaking?

July 14

Daily Bible Reading: Acts 18

Verse of the Day: Acts 18:3 – “and because he was of the same trade, he abode with them, and they wrought; for by their trade they were tentmakers.”

Tentmakers. When Paul went to Corinth we find that he connected with Aquila and Priscilla who had come here because the Jews were sent out from Rome by the Emperor. Aquila and Paul both made their living by tentmaking. 

All young Jewish lads, even the Rabbinical students were required to learn a trade to support themselves. Paul often supported himself entirely from the trade he had learned. Even today, many groups refer to bi-vocational ministers as tentmakers. 

All of God’s people, believers, are called to be “tentmakers” in the sense that we 24/7 are called to be a witness for Jesus in our lives. How is your trade going?

Prayer: Jesus, may I serve You wherever I am called to work. All I do with my hands, mind, and heart are ministries for You each day. 

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