Monday, December 17, 2018

Promise and Provision

December 17

Daily Bible Reading: Obadiah

Verse of the Day: Obadiah 1:21 – “And saviours shall come up on mount Zion to judge the mount of Esau; and the kingdom shall be the Lord's.”

This is the shortest book in the Old Testament – only 21 verse in length. Written in 840 BC, it carries one of the strongest messages of judgment upon a nation. The nation of Edom. Yet, the last verse is a blessed reminder to Israel that they will find restoration in their land. The prophet is reminding the people of the faithfulness of God to keep His promises, and that His justice will ultimately prevail.

This short book, in this Christmas season gives us an encouraging reminder that God will ultimately prevail. If you are facing discouragement, disappointment, or dilemma be assured that God is just and will provide the ultimate release from these struggles.

Prayer: Most Holy and gracious God, thank you for this promise and provision for the struggles that are faced, even in this time of celebration. Amen.

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