Friday, November 8, 2019

A Course in Obedience

November 8

Daily Bible Reading: Hebrews 5

Verse of the Day: Hebrews 5:8 – “ though he was a Son, yet learned obedience by the things which he suffered;”

The wisest of God’s saints on this Earth are those who have been educated in the School of Suffering. They have learned through the endurance of pain the deep lessons that God has prescribed in their course of study. 

Jesus was familiar with suffering (Isaiah 53:3). And many of His followers have been through this set of lessons. He experienced everything that person goes through here on Earth. H understands how hard it is for a person to completely obey God, He knows about the attractions of temptations. Yet, through all that He encountered He persisted in leading an obedient life, and led a sinless life. He did all this to be the perfect sacrifice to die in my place, to take my sin, to exchange my sinfulness for His sinlessness. 

Prayer: Father, I am thankful that Christ was able to do what I couldn’t. I am grateful that He suffered, and that He successfully stayed the course for my salvation. Amen.

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