Sunday, November 3, 2019

What a great forgiveness!

November 3

Daily Bible Reading: Philemon

Verse of the Day: Philemon 10 – 11 – “ I beseech thee for my child, whom I have begotten in my bonds, Onesimus, who once was unprofitable to thee, but now is profitable to thee and to me:”

This very short, personal letter from Paul to Philemon is a plea for a Christian love on behalf of Philemon in relation to the cultural institution of his day, slavery. It is a letter that displays true concepts of forgiveness. Philemon had every right according to the culture of his day to put Onesimus to death for running away.

It speaks to us today personally. Consider that every one of us were once fugitives from God. Our guilt was great and the penalty would be severe. Grace opened up the door of appeal to us. Jesus is our mediator (like Paul) before the Father. He paid our debt (as Paul offers for Onesimus) to provide the forgiveness needed. Have you received Jesus’ provision?

Prayer: Jesus, I thank You for providing the payment for my debt. I am grateful for Your provision that I can be restored to the Father in full, adopted into His family forever. Amen.

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